"Killing this life is like tea."

Chen Qian gave an order, and everyone moved towards the clay monster.

Only a life with a perspective and a bewildered face was left like tea, refreshed on a map he had never been to before, and the only thought in his heart was "Why it's me again?"

Life is like tea. The last time death was kicked out of the plot, it was refreshed in the Weeping Leaf Forest.

But this time it was refreshed in a cafe.

The world of the spirit cage is very large, and there are some mission-free maps, which may not be reached by many players during the entire game. Life is like a tea system now being kicked out of such a map.

There are no signs of players around.

Therefore, there is no possibility of catching another player to help Chen Qian and the others.

Looking at the net on the watch, life is like a tea. He can only choose to find a way to return to the camp of the hunting group, and then catch someone in the camp.

"It's just that this cafe is very peculiar..." When Life Like Tea was about to find a place to die, he turned his head back, "This area is not small."

It stands to reason that life is like a tea and told Chen Qian decisively, so that they will be less likely to fight. His instinct and sense of responsibility tell him that this place is not easy.

This cafe map is very clean. There are basement, first floor, second floor and roof area. The overall decoration is very retro. The walls and curtains are clean. Life is like tea. Now standing in the lobby, there is a bar counter and a side of the bar counter. The side is a channel...

Life is like tea. I went up and down several times. I took photos of every place, every stairway, and corner. After that, I recorded a circle with the angle of view. The capture net on the watch has disappeared for a long time. After that, he nodded in satisfaction, looking for a way to leave the cafe.

But the outside of the cafe is just a road, and when you reach the end of the road, you will automatically be sent back to the safe area.

"A copy?" Life Rucha understood that it was a copy, but he didn't find the entrance to the copy.

No task, no blame.

What is the significance of this copy?

Life is like tea. After thinking for a moment, he said to himself: "Or, I should ask, what is the meaning of this map?"

In fact, there is only one possibility.

That is, this map is still under design and not yet completed.

Life is like tea and looked at the date again: "It's September."

Well, new maps will be added to the Winter Race every year. The new maps will be developed between September and October, and will be officially released on November 1st each year.

Life is like tea, and he didn't expect that he died from the easter egg card and was randomly kicked into a no-man's land by the system. It was an unfinished new map!

However, if you change individuals, when you are kicked to an unknown map, your attention may be urged by the net on your watch. Hurry up to catch individuals and help Chen Qian and the others. Only life is like tea in this situation. Next, be able to make correct judgments, choose what, and give up.

Life is like tea soon returned to the camp of the hunting group, and sent a message to Chen Qian: "Hurry up. I have something to say."


Chen Qian also wanted to play faster, but this boss seemed immortal.

At first Chen Qian thought it could become the shape of the target he killed, but later discovered that it did not kill the white paper, but it could also become the white paper shape, using the same skills as her, and having the same shape as her. Attack habits.

Actually, think about it, when this Boss appeared, she changed according to the image of Bai Yuekui, she couldn't kill Bai Yuekui, right?

And every time the Boss changes its blood volume, it will be full.

Chen Qian and the others are actually very fast. Each of them has a very high attack power, especially Chen Qian’s Afterglow of the King. Every skill hits this Boss is a huge kill, even if you can’t see the health bar, look. Boss frequently falls into an endangered state, and her injury reaction knows that the output is not low.

I can't bear that people can be full of blood by changing a hand to do it!

And when the Boss keeps squeezing into them, there is a big problem... It's okay when you become a life like tea, but when you become someone else, it often causes everyone's goals to be confused for an instant.

For example, two blank sheets of paper appeared in the field of vision. Although one with a mask and the other without a mask can clearly distinguish who the boss is, there is at least a two-second delay.

In this confusion, it is not Chen Qian that Dongmen City admires.

He really complimented him.

Just when the two white papers were facing him with their backs in almost the same posture, he did not hesitate to hit the treatment on the correct white paper, and then the white paper turned around in the next second.

A shot blasted the Boss away.

If this kind of thing happens once or twice, it doesn't matter, but Boss is constantly changing, and He Lin is always robbing skills.

From start to finish, 0 turnovers.

However, their war of attrition will not last long.

Their attack on the boss is high, and the damage done by the boss to them is also high. This is a game where everyone is clearly hurting each other, but only the boss can resurrect with a pinch.

"So, how do you fight this?" The people present were not in a hurry, Xiao Yan looked anxious.

The endurance pressure of the set is very heavy, to the extent that Xiaozhen is tired from Chen Qian's perspective...

Chen Qian also glanced at the lining and said, "Oh. I forgot about you, you got out of the fight."

"?" Although He Lin was surprised that he was not completely dead after he got out of the battle? But within a second, he rolled into the corner and waited to leave the battle.

Then, he saw Chen Qian's muzzle spraying a bullet, which fell on the body of East Gate City, which turned out to be a recovery skill.

Chen Qian smiled: "I have collected a lot of ammunition."

The Boss has dragged the battle for a long time, so just drag it.

The longer the delay, the more skills were released on the field. Chen Qian compressed their skills into special ammunition. As long as he did not leave the battle, he could always use it in this battle.

Just when He Lin thought that Chen Qian had let him out of the war as a chance to recover, but he heard Chen Qian say again: "Okay, you all get out of the war."

"All out of the war?!" Dongmen City watched Chen Qian's hand two Extreme Devouring Beasts summoned—there were two. The manipulator could only summon one Extreme Devouring Beast, and he summoned two. .

Dongmen City and Baizhi were also out of war.

Moreover, Chen Qian had absolutely no intention of letting them rejoin the battle.

Then, they saw Chen Qian's figure move...

He turned out to be that clay monster.

"Uh, he can even steal the clay beast's skills...?" Dongmen City rubbed his eyes.

"Don't speak ill of your back." Chen Qian took the time to return to him.

Dongmen City shut up immediately.

And soon they knew why Chen Qian did this!

Because that clay beast, it seems that it hasn’t changed its life like tea for a long time, it may be that the number of times it has turned into life like tea has been used up, and after they got out of war in Dongmen City, it has changed to Dongmen City several times, but no longer It has changed, and the blank paper and interlining have been changed several times, and they are all used up slowly... In other words, the memory of this clay beast is limited!

In the end, it can only become Chen Qian.

If you can't squeeze it around, it can't restore its blood volume.

And Chen Qian's attack was not at all polite...

Although the teammates were either dead or out of the battle, they were still alive-living in Chen Qian's bullets.

During the whole process, the special ammunition compressed by him, blasting out the skills of the remote teammates one by one, the clay monster was completely stunned.

"I'll go, this can also be played? Now this clay monster is a **** of modesty, this **** of modesty is a clay monster..." Dongmen Cheng hammered his forehead and watched the dazzling skills flying across the screen, he had already watched But here it comes.

But he couldn't come over, but Chen Qian made it clear!

Seeing that the arms and skin of the clay monster's body fell off little by little and turned into clay, it was known that the Boss was about to fight.

But, just when the clay monster was already limp on the ground...

A cold voice appeared behind them.

"Leave the rest to me."

The Roadwalker team arrived.

East Gate City immediately understood that this Boss, the system was not designed to kill them. As long as they can survive for a while, the Landwalker team will find here and take away this bizarre Polar Devourer.

He Lin also looked at Chen Qian suspiciously.

Therefore, such a Boss who didn't let them kill was really almost killed by Chen Qian.

"The timing of you grabbing heads is perfect." Chen Qian laughed, but still picked up the pool of clay monsters and threw them to the landwalker team.

Bai Yuekui stood on the spot with her hands in her arms, coldly watching the clay monster thrown by Chen Qian, falling on her feet, Xia Dou behind her said "Yeah", and then knelt down curiously and took the little thumb of her right hand. , Poked the puddle of slime.

Bai Yuekui didn't even move, but gave Chen Qian a deep look, then threw a necklace to him, and then glanced at his teammate.

The Roadwalker team took the puddle of ooze and left.

Chen Qian was stunned for a moment~www.readwn.com~ glanced at the necklace that he caught easily...

Uh, this color looks familiar.

Sure enough, before he thought too much, his garbled box had a reaction.

"Brother, Ernst needs help." But now is not the time for him to check the garbled box, Xiao Zhen's voice came from his perspective, "The calyx beast has also changed."

Chen Qian patted his head: "Isn't he a twenty-seven-foot man? Can't you get a calyx beast?"

East Gate City said: "According to the plot, the calyx beast will eventually be handed over to Captain Mark. After Captain Mark finishes his presence, he will be led away by the Spiritual State of the Landwalker team..."

"Oh, then we are here to stare at Captain Mark and their actions, Ehrenster find a chance to withdraw." Chen Qian nodded, "With such a big boss, there will be no more pits... the plot is pulled back. After that, just let it develop on its own."

"OK, we wait for the egg card to be completed!" Dongmencheng smiled.

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