What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 30: There are always people who want to harm me

More than 20 million heavy figures, pressed in the dull dark mirror palace, quietly follow the mirror to turn, when the mirror faces him, every living body in the front mirror and every one in the back mirror The corpses are all showing fangs to him, as if telling him that you will be the next...

   Chen Qian stood there quietly, but still did not move.

   Did you lose?

   "No, seven steps...seven..." He suddenly raised his wrist.

   He tentatively entered seven numbers on the watch!


   Suddenly, there was a sound of the collapse of a building across the wall. In the black and red misty dead door behind him, a bright light shot out, and it quickly connected with the bright light of the Shengmen!

   The whole mirror palace is as bright as day, and the mirror is shattered one by one!

   "It turns out, seven steps, here." Chen Qian lowered his head and smiled.

   In his watch, the seven pole-eater claws in the box were replaced with these seven numbers.

   In an instant, the scene changed...

The withered trees re-bloomed under sufficient light. The green tree buds stubbornly drilled out of the trunk and gradually unfolded into a large patch of verdant green. The air was filled with the fragrance of fresh roses. The bird’s nest appeared, and the newly hatched bird opened its wet eyes, chirped and greeted this new world...Every life in the scene seemed to roar—you must remember that this is what The jungle is what it is!

   And Chen Qian, standing in this very rare spiritual cage world, in the spring when the grass grows and the warriors fly.

   The whole journey, without moving one step.



The advantage of the    Wenjie solution compared to the Wujie solution is that a 24K pure white like Xiaoying can easily pass the test as long as he masters the method.

   Unfortunately, the box may not appear anytime and anywhere.

  Because this pass code is the total number of people who passed through the gate as of yesterday, minus the total number of people who died as of yesterday.

   Only when the result obtained by subtracting the two is exactly seven digits, can it be entered into the watch as the pass code to replace the seven polar-chewing beast claws in the box.

   "The world of the spirit cage is different every day." Chen Qian also remembered the advertisement for the promotion of the spirit cage game at that time.

   Sure enough, the strategy of this world is difficult to do.

  Because there are so many players, the behavior of each player will have some impact on the world without knowing it.

   For example, for the solution of this seven-step level, Chen Qian certainly can't directly report the number "2640453" to his sister and tell her that this is the pass code.

  The pass code changes every day according to the number of players who trigger the level, the number of people who pass through the gates of life and death!

   When Xiaoyan hits this level, she still has to identify the number reflected on the mirror by the dead door and the number reflected on the mirror by the dead door, and do the subtraction by herself to get the final pass code.

   Of course, maybe she has her own solution.

   The level copy in the spirit cage, the experience gained from different solutions is completely different. Chen Qian was shocked when he saw the white light on his body jump twice.

   One level, one monster did not fight, even one step did not move!

   Jump directly from level 7 to level 9 66%!

   Normally, passing this level is half-level to first-level experience...

   Oh, no, normally, he shouldn't come to this kind of ghost place to check in at his level.

   He wiped the non-existent sweat on his head again.

   is so close, he has passed level 10.

  Considering the degree of danger in the ecologically dense areas, Chen Qian put a little bit more on sensitivity and perception.

   "If there is no mission on the way to the mission, it will be interesting to go directly back home." Chen Qian smiled.

   When the time came, on the way back, Miss Yuzi asked while driving, why did she get down the mountain so quickly?

   He said, halfway through, the task ran away by himself.

   Hmm, I really feel like I want to try it a little bit, what's the matter?

   "It can't be this way, even if you don't punch in, you still have bones to dig." Chen Qian quickly suppressed this idea, after all, he is not alone anymore.

   He still has to get the backpack materials for his little ancestor.

   Speaking of materials, there were seven random materials in his backpack in an instant. Although they were all whiteboards, they were definitely the most material he got in a random level.

  What is the whiteboard afraid of? Why do you look down on Dao Ye?

   "...yo, there are ingredients." Chen Qian unexpectedly saw the same ingredient in these seven random materials of ordinary quality, and it was a seasoning.

  The ingredients in the spirit cage are much more difficult to deal with than the equipment materials.

  Especially the production of various seasonings, the odds are so low that it makes people want to die. The dustman's toolbox is born with a set, which is also interesting.

   Even if it is low-grade ingredients, many people are rushing to grab it.

   Because the sensory simulation of the game cabin is optimized, the same dish of potato shreds will be much better in the game than in reality.

"Let’s see... the reward is the old world seasoning, called [Solanaceae dried red fruit]. The attribute is... Chinese medicine? It has the functions of warming the middle and dispelling cold, reducing the energy and reducing food, and treating abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea... …Rheumatism? Chilblains?"

   Chen Qian's face was covered with question marks.

   Solanaceae dried red fruits?

  What Chinese medicine? He looked at the picture of this item, isn't it a chili?

"I don't understand at all. So... let's try to make a plate of fried pepper skewers flying rabbit for Dao Ye first. Oh no, it takes 30 levels for aerial beasts." Chen Qian thought for a moment, "change the mouse. They all have buck teeth and are almost the same as Yazi."

   There seemed to be a distant sneeze in his head.

   After receiving the clearance rewards, he continued to walk into the depths of the woods.

   Compared with when he was outside the Weeping Leaf Forest, his steps should be lighter, holding his breath, almost to the point of shielding his five senses.

   But at the same time, he will also collect useless props in the scene, such as stones, branches, and discarded beverage cans.

   Regardless of the weight problem, all of them will be thrown into the backpack first.

   About ten minutes...

   Chen Qian just swaggered out of the range of the Weeping Leaf Forest!

   did not step on any more levels.


   Just when he touched the edge of the weeping leaf forest, he stopped suddenly.

   At this time, Tianyan did not have any high-risk warning.

   There are no signs of concern in the dark forest.

   But he quietly retracted the compass into his backpack, turned his head and smiled and said, "You are a bit powerful, brother."

   In the dark forest, only a whimper of wind responded to him...

The surroundings were already very quiet. After he said this, it seemed to be quieter. The entire scene including Chen Qian seemed to have been pressed by the pause button, but this was definitely a non-static picture, and everyone would feel that, It's not uncommon for a ghost to jump out in the next second.

   After waiting for a while, there were still no ghosts appearing on their own initiative.

   Then, the ID on Chen Qian's head turned red.

The    slaughter mode is the highest PVP mode of any game. It can attack players in any mode, regardless of humans and animals, all enemies.

   Immediately afterwards, he took out the [Afterglow], moving in one direction, he was about to pull the trigger.

"Don't, I came out, I really came out. The massacre is closed. I have no ill will..." A figure emerged from the direction he was pointing. Under the dark light, one was wrapped in green. The uncle in the leaves smeared the paint on his face indiscriminately.

Uncle   's ID is, life is like tea.

   "You can stay behind me for fifteen minutes and haven't died. You are the first one." Although Chen Qian did not form a real battle, he did not turn off the massacre mode.

   "Then speak well, ah, let's put down the gun first. The last days are already so difficult, how bad is it to fight and kill? Young people can't be so grumpy, who really learned from..."

   The life is like tea, this ID style, let alone a person of thirty-five and sixty-six, and he is covered with a thick layer of leaves, only two eyes are exposed, and he looks at him with a smirk.

   Chen Qian also showed a harmless smile and said: "When I left Jingmuyuan, I watched a one minute and twenty-seven second movie. Maybe, I learned from the young lady in the movie, right?"

   Life is like tea, eyes glowing green: "Oh? Jingmuyuan still plays small movies? What movie?"

   "The chainsaw massacre..." Chen Qian summed up the one-on-two PK of Shui Yuzu.

   "Huh?" Life as tea's face was covered with "This seems a bit different from what I thought."

   Chen Qian stared at him without blinking: "So ~www.readwn.com~ You followed me with a wretched look for fifteen minutes. What do you want to do to me in the grove?"

   Life is like a tea, but he didn’t answer his question: “No, you’re a bit powerful, brother. I’ve turned on the ‘refraction’... but you just pointed the gun at my nose like a plug-in?”

   Refraction is a universal skill in the spirit cage world, and also the most basic stealth-like body skill. It can only be visually invisible, and cannot completely evade the polar eater, let alone the radar.

   But the advantage is that, compared to those invisible invisibility with more than 10 skill points, refraction only needs 3 skill points to learn.

   According to reason, the light conditions in the depths of Bhikkhu Mountain, coupled with the skill of refraction, coupled with the physical disguise of life like tea, have no reason to be discovered!

   "I'm asking." Chen Qian smiled, did not answer his question, but squeezed his finger on the trigger again.

"Good, good." Life is like tea. The French military salute will be in place right away. After all, it still matters. "I saw you on the road suspiciously walking into the jungle of no one, and you were walking deep. You must have grasped the important clues that I and other ordinary people have not grasped. Look, what is this place? This is an ecologically dense area! If you are caught by the polar beast, I will be able to see the uneven road, and draw a knife to help. Right?"

   Chen Qian looked at him up and down: "So, where's the knife?"

   "..." Life is like tea, bowing his head and looking at himself.


  He doesn't have a knife.

   is also a person who doesn’t have the main weapon in his hand

   "Well, without weapons, it can even show that I have no malice against you, right?" Life is like tea again.

   "You can also come back..." Chen Qian had a black line.

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