When He Lin returned to Rulong's station, Rulong's team had not yet finished recruiting new recruits.

The players of the Life Devouring Wilderness Hunting Group ate their food and drank theirs. There are really a lot of people who want to stay. Unfortunately, there are many people in the ring. They add up to one or two hundred, but all of them are Haven't survived a round.

   Rulong’s recruiting is also quite extensive.

   set up the ring directly next to the bonfire, and there was more than one, eight in a row.

Any player who wants to join Rulong to participate in the recruitment of new Asian servers can be invited. The rules are also very simple. The preliminary qualifications of the Rulong team players.

   Those who are qualified will be taken to the training ground by life like tea.

   Of course, twenty small rounds must be played by different players. Repeated players only count as one small round to avoid scoring.

   The ring is very lively, but in fact, there are not many players who have won 30 rounds in a row without falling. In this kind of wheel battle, the difficulty is not as low as imagined.

   So far six players have appeared in the morning.

   However, there should be a few more at the peak of the evening.

Chen Qian didn’t pay attention to the ring at the beginning. He had already returned to the vines in Anna’s hut and began to study the soup. When he saw He Lin came back, he turned his head and said, "You can use the speed of homecoming. Does the arrow describe it?"

   "Hmm." He Lin's mouth twitched...you can choose to shut up if you don't use words.

   What kind of homecoming is like an arrow, as if he was originally a dragon, but he just went to the Life-Eater and Wilderness Hunter for a round, and then he couldn't wait to come back.

   And Chen Qian also pointed to the ring and said to him: "Look, they fight to death and life for a place, and I specially reserved a place for you."

   "Thank you." He Lin glanced at him speechlessly.

Anyway, Chen Qian’s half-joking tone was exactly the same as forgetting that he was the one who had just made a fuss. Even if he reminded him, he might be beaten back. After all, he was not the same as Chen Qian and the others. Someone is good at ridiculing people, so if this wave of laning loses stably, it is better not to provoke.

   Chen Qian saw that he didn't respond, but was a little disappointed: "Avoid war, this man...requiring."

   No matter what he said, he didn't reply.

After PB22 kicked him out of the Life Devouring Wilderness Hunting Group, he can only go to Wen Tianyu first, hang up the badge of Rulong, and talk about it. It happens that Wen Tianyu is training with life like tea, trajectory, and Dongmen City. In the field, he played against the screened players on the ring, and he sullenly raised his hand to join.

   The few players who came out of the ring were all excited at once.

   Together, this is a real team of great gods!

   There is no such person in the roster announced by the Rulong Hunting Group before!

   So, the assessment is upgraded...

   And Chen Qian also got the action from Dongmen City at the same time, nodded, and continued to study the pot of fungus soup in front of him.

   "He looks a little sullen, reluctant?" Shui Yuzi appeared next to him with his cheeks on his cheeks, not knowing when.

   "Oh, He Lin Great God seems to be a very awkward person, don't worry about him." Chen Qian glanced at Shui Yuzi, "Why are you online?"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "It's not someone's sister told me that you are under a lot of pressure recently, so let me go online to accompany you more." Shui Yuzi still sits with his cheeks supported Beside him, watch him make soup.

   Although she didn't understand, why Xiaozhen asked her to go online to accompany this great god.

   However, Shui Yuzi really didn't see Chen Qian's performance of being a little stressed, but instead made others stressed, right? Such as lining.

   But the water grapefruit does not matter so much.

   She didn't do the task either, she didn't go to collect the material, so she found a place to sit down, and it seemed that Chen Qian's cooking mushrooms was also good.

It’s just that the mushrooms thrown into the pot by Chen Qian are a bit chilling. After all, the bright coat is not very friendly at first sight. The red is red, the purple is purple, and the green is green. There is no simple and unpretentious look. They looked like they were edible, Chen Qian cleaned them up, and after throwing them into the soup pot, what he got was not fungus soup at all.

   The whole is a pot of art student's pen washing water.

   Of course, Shui Yuzi is not the kind of person who will interrupt him.

   Keep watching...

   Soon, the colorful mushrooms mixed up under the warming of the hot water, and what rose from the vines of Anna's cottage was a twisted, psychedelic light gray mist...

   "Huh? It smells so good..." Chen Qian sniffed.

   It smells so good...

   really smells good.

   Shui Yuzu rubbed his eyes, it was not only delicious, but also beautiful.

   was originally a boring water grapefruit on the sidelines, and he sat upright.

When she sees through this layer of mist, she seems to be able to see things that she can’t normally see. The mushrooms in the pot seem to have become the cutest little mushrooms in the world, beautiful and delicious, and the one next to the pot Chen Qian, looks very tall and handsome too?

   Chen Qian also subconsciously looked at the water grapefruit.

   The gentle and beautiful water grapefruit, how does it look as lovely as the little mushrooms in the pot today? Moreover, the scent seems to be emanating from her direction. What is going on when you want to take a bite?

   In his pot, the mist is still rising and spreading...

   After a while, the dragon-like players under the vines all responded.

   "What's the smell? So fragrant?"

   "It seems that Qianshen is making new soup again, right? Creamy mushroom soup?"

   "Uh, when you say that, it seems to be a bit creamy...Speaking of which, brother, you look good today."

   "I am also about to say...you look good in this state. Do you want to go to the training ground for a one-on-one match?"

   "Come and come."

   Gulu Gulu...

   Chen Qian's broth is still boiling, and the mist spreads more and more.

  And the players in the Dragon Station, from the vines in Anna's hut to the station hall, to the ring, and to the gate of the training ground, all seemed to be excited one by one.


In the training copy of    Rulong Training Ground, He Lin took the trajectory and they were fighting against the players in the next ring, and Wen Tianyu was on the side, so naturally there was no idleness.

   He was discussing an important matter with the leader of the "passerby hunting group", Lin Yu.

   The joint training of the black pyramid.

According to the agreement before the Lingyuan era, the training ground of the Dragon Hunting Group is open to lighthouse quicksand and dark fire. Now the two hunting groups have merged, and all the alliances have been transferred together. Therefore, they You can use the training ground like a dragon to enter the black pyramid.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   But just using the training ground to avoid the death of heroes, it does not satisfy Rin Yu and the others.

   Rin Yu proposed joint training.

"You also know that no matter how many people a copy is before it is developed into a game map, once it becomes a racing map, there will be at most ten people on the court," Lin Yu communicated with him. " But now, you are short of people and we lack experience. We must first enter the Black Pyramid map with 30 people full, and then slowly reduce the number of people."

   "We can do this process separately." Wen Tianyu replied with a smile, "You enter your thirty people, and we, enter our own thirty people."

"But you don't have thirty people who can play the Black Pyramid, do you?" Lin Yu repeated his conditions, "I just want Chen Qian to lead the team. You 15 people, we 15 people, are all happy, okay? ?"

   "Just tell me, I hope Qianshen can take you to the Black Pyramid."

   "It's not a trip, but it can be reduced to ten people." Lin Yu emphasized, "It's a joint training, don't you understand Tianyu?"

"Well, I really want to say that I don't understand." Wen Tianyu smiled, "Of course there is no problem with joint training. I believe Qianshen will not mind bringing you more than a dozen people, but you said we can't get 30 people. , I don’t agree with this point. Our recruitment results today are pretty good."

   "...That's right, I'll take a look." Lin Yu laughed, "Then the joint training is scheduled first?"

"You don't directly make an appointment with Qianshen~www.readwn.com~ and you come to make an appointment with me, don't you just want me to chop first and then play a wave?" Wen Tianyu thought for a moment, did not block them here, and replied, "Yes. , There is no problem with an appointment for joint training, and I understand your needs. However, I also want to ask Qianshen's needs and get back to you before tomorrow morning."

   Rin Yu is not in a hurry.

  Chen Qian is a person with a relatively simple brain circuit, and it is very tiring to communicate with him, let Wen Tianyu talk about it.

   And now he wants to see how Rulong’s recruiting team is going.

   "Hmm..." It was not the first time that Lin Yu stepped into Rulong's residence.

   But why do you feel a different atmosphere?

   There are eight arenas lined up with fierce battles. They are obviously a group of players who have not yet been shortlisted, but they fought fiercely one by one, as if they had met the enemy who killed his father and seized his wife ten years ago.

  Beside the bonfire, in the resident hall...

   Everyone seems to be talking, so it seems that Rulong is particularly lively today.

   "Where is Chen Qian?" Lin Yu asked when he caught a player.

   "Ah, Rin God is good. Rin God looks so energetic today... Qianshen is making fungus soup, go and taste it." A player pointed Rin Yu a direction.

   Bacteria soup?

   More than an hour ago, Chen Qian was already bragging to him that he was going to make an unprecedented pot of fungus soup?

   are all boiled out, right?

   Rinyu walked towards the vines in Anna's cottage...

   After a while, he seemed to hear Chen Qian and the voice of a girl?

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