What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 313: Boss1 thinks, the player suffers

The No. 2 Boss of the Black Pyramid, Bogu the Thinker, is an old man who is described as haggard and pale in color.

And this old man who seems likely to die at any time is the most difficult boss in the black pyramid. He has no fixed skills at all. The initial 20% of his health is very easy to fight because he hardly fights back. At this stage, he only has one skill called [Eternal Thinking]. At the beginning, in the black pyramid, when Chen Qian and the others didn't know the principle of this skill, they were going crazy.

The skill of eternal thinking has doubled the amount of blood lost by the boss by 1.5-2 times and stored it. Once the blood volume drops by 50%, the person will change the health bar, and replace it with this one, which is long enough to be pierced. Skyrim's health bar, and when Chen Qian and the others hit this health bar, people's own health bar was still slowly recovering. When you finish hitting this health bar, people's own health bar will be full.

With just one skill, Chen Qian and the others were stuck for almost a week.

Because it is in an endless loop.

Just listen to Rin Yu just finished this paragraph, and then said: "At that time, we were stuck with this skill card for a long time, but from the skill name, it can be seen that this is a way to make the gray-skinned old man in the pyramid and the pyramid live forever. The skill of... it is called eternal thinking. As long as the thinking is still running, life will rotate. Therefore, in the early battle with this Boss, all attacks must be damage to the weakness of his brain. Only this kind of damage will not The energy is stored, and another blood bar is added."

"Of course, it is impossible to completely damage every hit with weakness. Therefore, even if another health bar is added, it is not terrible. As long as the health bar is not long, we will quickly destroy it, and its own health. If you don’t have much reply, you can continue the fight."

"But what really should be paid attention to is not the eternal life-sustaining skills at the beginning, but the ‘thinking’ of this Boss."

"When the Boss is in thinking, all attacks will become ineffective, including damage skills and control skills. This thinking is long and short, ranging from three to five minutes in length, and as short as one or two seconds. After thinking, he will inevitably select randomly. A player, "talk" to him, and then the player's life quality will continue to decline until the boss ends the conversation, or physically separated from that player...for example, some terrain skills."

"At present, there is no good way to think about the Boss. When he enters the thinking, all the output combos will be broken."

"It's also difficult for people who were caught by him to talk to get rescued by terrain skills every time."

Lin Yu stopped here for a while and glanced at Chen Qian.

But it seems that he has nothing to add?

If there is no supplement, there is no supplement... Lin Yu continued to say: "Even if I lead the team with the two people in white clothes, there is no guarantee that there will be no deaths in the second boss, and even if they are not dead, the output efficiency is extremely high. Low, there is almost no fighting rhythm at all, it is completely following the boss."

Locus and Xiao Yan looked at each other...

Well, the Black Pyramid only ran through the map, not at all.

"In that case, this Boss is not strong. Like the No. 1 Boss, it is also time-consuming." Dongmen City said.

"No, it also has an [inspiration] skill." Baiyi Shengxue continued Lin Yu's words, and said to East Gate City, "This skill is the most ruthless...because it is a delayed burst skill."

"..." Dongmen City glanced at He Lin.

"Yes, no matter how much health you have, the explosion will explode, and the damage will be high and low. When it is high, half of the blood can be knocked out. When it is low, it is not even as good as the bone tool thrown out by the second boss. The ordinary attack... but it is difficult to do. You only know that you have been hit by this skill, but when it broke out and how high the damage was, there is no hint at all."

"Time is not fixed?" Life is like tea asked.

"Well, it's not fixed. It's the same as his thinking time. It can be long or short. If it happens to be full of blood when it breaks out, it's okay, but who can be full of blood when the whole game is full?" Rin Yu said helplessly, "We There were almost no dead people in the first Boss, but in this Boss, six player heroes died."

Life is like a tea nod.

Rin Yu and the others weren't considered to be more in-depth fights, and it was estimated that there was a danger, and they immediately withdrew and restarted.

You know, Sirius lost more than twenty god-level characters.

Of course, Heyi also reflected in the first time, why Dongmen City should look at him-this kind of sudden blood loss by a player who is not in the battle plan at all, puts considerable pressure on the healing profession.

Who can be saved and who can't be saved, whether the amount of healing will overflow, whether to retain just the right skills... is a big problem.

The judgment to be made within a second is not only on the player who lost blood, but also on the player who is compared with that player, and perhaps more important.

"Fortunately, this is the Rulong training ground." He Lin only replied with the look of Dongmen City.

Lin Yu and the others over there also hummed, because if it were in a real hero copy, who to save or not to save, the decision might be whether a partner needs to start all over again.

In the past, it was okay when there was no recovery in battle, but now in the Lingyuan era, with the ability to recover in battle, it is actually responsible.

Heroic death is not an ordinary death, this kind of death will be deleted.


Fortunately, they are like a dragon training ground.


After Lin Yu finished speaking, Chen Qian did not "correct".

So, just start the fight.

It can be said that the first 20% is not difficult to fight. Xiaozhen almost kneeled as soon as he rushed up. Chen Qian immediately reminded him separately: "The basic attack power between the first boss and the second boss of the black pyramid is very different. Why are you playing so hard? I don't want you to output much."

Chen Qian was present with a treasure weapon and didn't use his hands. Now he is trying to make Xiaoying's treasure weapon also paddle. Lin Yu can't see it anymore: "The Emperor Yong hit you, don't listen to your brother, you die. No more."

Lin Yu was basically mobilizing at the scene. He said that Xiao Zhen could not die, so she would definitely not die.

Chen Qian looked at Xiao Yan, the fight was quite difficult, but in a short time, he got used to it a little bit...

Even, there is the meaning of slowly keeping up with the rhythm of the large army.

"It's okay," Chen Qian muttered.

Except for Xiaoyue, the others had some slight movement distortions during the first hit, and they all adjusted quickly.

At that time, when the Black Pyramid opened up wasteland, Sirius was very lucky, because on the way from the first boss to the second boss, they encountered hiding, which was a smooth transition.

If there is no hidden Boss, the sudden increase in the basic attacks between the No. 1 Boss and the No. 2 Boss will definitely cause them to die two more.

At the beginning of 20% of the health, just as Lin Yu and the others explained, try to attack the weakness of the head. The boss did not store an extra health bar for how long, and after the boss began to think, the rhythm had to slow down. , But there are a few top-level controllers on the scene, and those who were caught talking in front of the Boss were quickly separated.

They just waited for the boss to think, think, think...

Chen Qian thought there would be some skill changes, just like the first Boss, but who would have thought that the second Boss was completely absent, just like they played before the Lingyuan Era, so they just played a little slower, probably It took more than forty minutes to kill half of his health.

Everything is going smooth.

Because the Boss’s thinking is his own, and the conversation is a single attack. The entire battle has a slow pace. When the Boss drops 50% of his health, their team’s health is actually full.

Before the Lingyuan era, who faced the No. 2 Boss in such a situation?

But Chen Qian just feels a little uneasy...

Sure enough, after the Boss dropped 50% of his health, the Boss’s ultimate [inspiration] began to explode. The brains of three consecutive players exploded, and the health dropped by a lot. There are high and low.

But fortunately, the milk repairs here are also top-notch milk repairs, and they quickly brought back their health.

Bang! Bang!

Brain explosion is still happening.

Various positions, one after another.

"Nai Xiu pay attention to the skill cooling." Lin Yu watched as the attacks of the exporters were already stacked. It was only a matter of time before the boss was killed, but he still reminded them.

"Well, there is still mobility." Chen Qian, who has not said a word, added a sentence.

In fact, ~www.readwn.com~ Normally, his supplement is quite unnecessary, because while paying attention to skills, these top players will also pay attention to mobility.

But after three minutes, He Lin called out: "Try not to use repetitive skills."

"Huh?" The others took a look, and they all noticed the mobility problem one after another, "No... how could this happen?"

"After I put a skill, and then put the same skill, the action power will be doubled. And this is still a multiple stack." Another player said to He Lin, "You too?"

"Well, I'm afraid...we are all." He Lin glanced at Chen Qian.

Chen Qian seemed to be the first to say that they should pay attention to action.

Heying knows Chen Qian enough and knows that he will not suddenly add a nonsense at this time, so he pays extra attention to his ability to act.

Then, as expected, he was the first to discover the problem.

Following the No. 1 Boss, the No. 2 Boss has also been upgraded in the Lingyuan era. Moreover, now not only the player can stack damage to the boss, but the Boss can also stack things on the player. Everyone is the same. The longer the time is. The longer the player, the more useless the player.

"But, how does Qianshen know to pay attention to action?"

Ten minutes later, their wave immediately disappeared.

Chen Qian touched his chin: "Oh, I just suddenly got a little ‘inspiration’. I thought of a ‘giant of thought, dwarf of action’, and I casually reminded me to pay attention to action."

"... Qianshen is awesome." The players of the passer-by hunting group are all stupid.

"Uh, how do I feel that he has been pitted on the value of mobility before?" Baiyi Shengxue said to Lin Yu.

"It's not important." Lin Yu smiled and shook his head, "Rulong training ground is really easy to use."

"That is." Behind him, it was Xiao Zhen nodding triumphantly.

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