What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 32: 2 old Dogecoins, flying into the flowers

   "You follow, I am at will." Chen Qian shook his fingers, and even if he waved his hand, he was already sprinting and dashing towards the southeast.

   Sensitive at 9 o'clock!

   This is the same feeling as flying.

   For most players at full level, the agility is only increased to 10 points, and will not continue to increase.

   "You...you are at will." Life is like tea and I don't expect that I can be taken care of or something.

   Chen Qian's ear, the wind was whistling.

   The warning sound on the Osiris watch did not stop until he heard the roar of the polar beast within a range of tens of meters...

   But when he looked back, his life was like tea.

   He hangs more bark than Chen Qian, and moving is more troublesome than Chen Qian, but he just keeps up.

   Besides, it's pretty easy.

Perhaps when he was in the Weeping Leaf Forest before, he had to remember the path Chen Qian walked, and he had to be careful not to be discovered by Chen Qian. Now he only needs to hide from the polar beast instead of Chen Qian, just like unlocking on the spot. .

   "Not bad," Chen Qian asked, "Can you hurry up?"

   9 points agility, if you don't care about the consumption of mobility, you can sprint and double jump all the way.

   The two polar-chewing beasts are in the direction of his travel, and they are already inevitable. If they can use speed to pass through, they will pass through.

   is about to enter the field of vision...

   "What if I say no? What will happen?" Life is like a tea and asked this question cautiously.

   "It's not going to be great. Can you please, I'm very happy." Chen Qian replied.

   "..." The social animal-level reaction that life is like tea understood the logic in seconds, "If I can, then our two brothers, of course, escaped together. If I can't, at least...you can escape faster than me."

   "So?" Chen Qian smiled.

   "I'd better be able to." Life is like a tea answer.

   Life is like a tea talk just after the sound, the first thing that appeared in front of them was a 18-level pole-eater with a tail twice as long as the body and a flame dragging the back third of the tail!

   The center of the disaster looked like a huge mouse from a distance, about two meters high, gray, with a pair of prominent bright red rodents.

   The two people who also didn't wear the main weapon turned around at the same time and changed directions!

   Chen Qian took a look at life like tea.

   Life is like tea and glanced at him.

   Both eyes revealed the surprise of "Oh, I didn't die"...

   Especially Chen Qian.

   Reasonable, unusable tools, what do you keep it for?

   But life like tea can follow him through the Weeping Leaf Forest, which shows that this person is not that easy to die...

   Chen Qian thought so, and saw the second Polar Devourer, a 21st-level [Alpha], also appeared in front of them.

   The positions of the two Polar Devourers have been determined.


   In the state where he was already sprinting, one jump after another double jump, he landed on the nearest tree.

   immediately hold his breath and isolate the five senses!

   Neither can I see, nor breathe, nor mood swings-in the eyes of the pan-genetic polar eater, it's like disappearing on the spot.

   Then, he took out the trash he had picked up on the road just now from his backpack, and threw it towards the right front of [The Worship].

   That is a stone.

   咚, 咚, 咚...

   The first drop of the stone was on the brown leaves of a tree right in front of the disaster center, but it bounced immediately and landed on the leaves of a tree farther away, and then the third...

   The evil center stopped there, seeming a little puzzled.

   Immediately afterwards, Chen Qian threw a second stone towards a position slightly farther than before...

   "Understood." On the team channel of the headset, there was no scream of life like tea under the claws of [Alpha], but his calm voice.

   Chen Qian turned his head and took a look.

   This person has already learned how to appear on a tree next door... and has not abandoned his bark coat with brown leaves.

Under the feet of life like tea, is another polar-eater [Alpha], with only two main feet, but with a pair of meaty wings, sharp mouth and barbs, and the body is too bulky. It looks like it has two feet. At three thousand kilograms, even the flapping pair of meat wings can't fly, and the moving speed is not too fast.

   "Lin Hai Diao? Self-herd, you really dare to play..." Life is like tea while talking about Chen Qian, but he also found out the stones collected along the road.

   towards the left front of the Alpha underneath and threw it over.

   once, twice, three times...

   He jumped six times in a row.

"Not bad," Chen Qian said, "If it weren't in an ecologically dense area, I wouldn't dare to play like this. The leaves that have not been transformed by Mana's ecology are not strong enough to hold the stones and cannot fly. Instead, they are directly positioned. Exposed."

   "That's that, of course you are all right..." Life is like tea agrees.

  Forest sea drifting is to use the extremely high hardness of the leaves affected by Mana's ecology in an ecologically dense area to create an effect like drifting on the water.

   High-end diving skills in ecological dense areas.

The two polar eater beasts are both pan-genetic phagocytic beasts. The first thing to track is the intelligent life, but when the breathing and emotions of the intelligent life are suddenly not noticed, they will be affected by clearer and more pronounced sounds or lights. attract.

   At this time, the sound information they received was between the leaves, farther and farther away.

   So, after a moment of confusion, the two Extreme Devourers chased one to the left and the other to the right.

   "It's done." Chen Qian and life are like tea jumping from the tree.

   "We have arrived." Life is like tea, pointing forward.


   At the end of the jungle, there is an entrance made of blue stones.

   At the door, there is a pair of statues with obvious characteristics of polar eater.

   At the current entrance, there are already two teams waiting.

Looking at their equipment, one is a full-level squad, and the other is a squad of about 30th level. It may also be like life as tea. From where I found out that Bhiqiu Mountain has refreshed a new instance, and formed a team to take a look. .

   After all, a new copy means a new first kill or something...

   The full-level team is a passerby team.

   Two people glanced at Chen Qian and they did not say anything.

   It's the tier 20 or 30 team, all five people are from the same wilderness hunting group.

The name of the    Wilderness Hunting Group is "Life Devouring Wilderness Hunting Group".

   "Here is another one?" In the squad of the Life Devouring Wilderness Hunting Group, someone turned his head and saw Chen Qian and the others.

   "No, two trumpets." Another person next to him replied.

   "Hey, I heard that [Altered Crystal Skeleton] can be found in this bone mound. Even the trumpet will come to join in the fun?" The man gave Chen Qian and the others silently.

   A girl in the team said: "Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers...".

  Their captain also saw Chen Qian, but he took a glance and passed by: "Leave them alone, we will enter again when the Great God He Lin is resurrected."

   Chen Qian stood not far away.

Listening to the people of the Life-Eater Hunter Group, the entrance of the seventh instance of the Weeping Leaf Forest should be here, and what they said is the "Alternative Crystal Skeleton", which is generally only produced in ecologically dense areas. The rare material is softer than the animal bones that have just been dissected, and has a more or less transparent color in the middle, which can be plain or bright. It is very suitable for pressing into a variety of off-hand shields.

   Therefore, the bone mound that Daoye said was probably the place where [Altered Crystal Skeleton] appeared.

   Then there is no problem, it's all right.

   Chen Qian walked to the tomb, and soon received a system prompt: "Clue card: Shan Zhong, completed."

   He completed a clue card, directly from level 9 66% to level 11 8%.

   The check-in task is like this. There is no difficulty in designing it. Under the level limit of 1-10, how to get to the check-in location is the whole difficulty.

   Chen Qian uses experience to arrive in this way, of course, there is no problem.

   Of course, this is not the point.

  The point is that he actually got an extra free point!

  The free attribute points in the spirit cage are 1 per level, and there are only 49 in total. Therefore, if you want to obtain additional free attribute points, you must find various clue cards that may have attribute points.

   This is generally something that will be done only after the full level.

   However, Chen Qian was still in the trumpet period and got an extra point here.

   He himself is a little surprised~www.readwn.com~ Now he has 3 free attribute points.

   "Can you break a 10?" Chen Qian took a deep breath.

   When the basic stat in the spirit cage is between 1 and 10 points, it will cost 1 point of free point for each promotion, but at 11-15 points, it will cost 2 points of free point for each promotion.

   Chen Qian is now at level 11.

   His current perception is 9. After obtaining these 3 free attribute points, he first used one attribute point to increase his perception to 10, and then used the remaining two to increase his perception to 11.

   The basic attribute broke ten, which means that this attribute has undergone a qualitative change.

   With his current perception at 11, at this level, there is no more open door kill in any dungeon, and he can be killed. Any trap in the map will be directly noticed by him.

  More importantly, he can easily dig up rare materials that others can't see.

   "Metamorphosis Crystal Skeleton...really?"

   He has already felt broken ten.

   A few skeletons, haven’t they been able to grab them?

"Oh, at my speed, when I finish collecting the crystal skeleton and return, Lord Dao's blueprint hasn't been changed." Chen Qian put gold on his face, regardless of who he was - even talking to himself. Can also be posted without mistakes.

   said, he entered the new copy.

   "You have entered a new scene: End of the Night Cemetery." The white light flashed, and the system sound in the headset came.

   The name of the new copy, is it called Broye Cemetery?

   "Hey, didn't you say that we don't go to the main entrance..." The life in the same team with him was like tea, and then it was passed in, staring at this new scene with him in a daze.

   Broken Night Cemetery...

so big.

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