Training is for the purpose of checking for omissions and improving oneself. There is a fault tolerance rate, and there is also room for adjustment and necessity.

But in actual combat, there are not so many empty heads, only one point, with the goal of defeating the other party, do all they can to fight with all kinds of extremes!

They heard it right, and Chen Qian meant exactly that when they faced Nighthawks, they would have such an effect.

And this time is set for next Thursday.

Ten days before the start of the Winter Sea Election!

"Of course, before the battle with Nighthawks, I won't let you play freely anymore, I will be each of you one-on-one sparring." Chen Qian said weakly.

"Well, you're going to start picking bones in an egg." Life is like a tea to help him translate.

"You're right to say that." Chen Qian smiled.

In the previous half a month, they practiced for a week, followed by one first team, another week, and then another first team. Most of the problems have been resolved quickly, so Chen Qian’s one-on-one There is only one purpose, to find out the problems that they do not think are problems, and to solve them as quickly as possible.

Seeing that everyone had no objection, Chen Qian nodded: "Start with the trajectory, a total of ten days, one day for the trajectory, one day for Uncle Cha, one day for the dark track and mango, Dongmen and Hehe. Two days each, the crazy brother and the white paper each for half a day, and give Xiaozhen one day in the middle weekend. After finishing the work, I will pick up the Nighthawk on Thursday."

One-to-one individual tutoring, everyone's time is still different.

There is a problem in East Gate City: "Why do I spend two days with me?"

"Important." Without waiting for Chen Qian to ridicule, He Lin blocked him up.

If you only listen to Chen Qian’s arrangement, it is really a bit incomprehensible. If it is arranged according to strength, of course, the interlining and the blank paper should only be obtained for a long time, and they can even be ignored, because they directly drag the Sirius or Nighthawk, there is no problem at all, but Chen Qian only gave a blank paper for half a day, but gave him two days together.

The strength of East Gate City is similar to the track, and the position is not as important as the track, but Chen Qian only gave the track a little, and gave him two days.

Chen Qian did not raise any objections to He Lin's answer.

So disbanded.

In fact, it is not only the time arrangement, even the order arrangement, Chen Qian has also been considered, the subjectivity of the trajectory is worse, the ability to find problems is very strong, but in fact the speed of solving problems is relatively slow, and he is arranged in the first place. One is to avoid some problems that he didn't want to understand. He wastes time thinking about it...

And Dongmen City and Heyi arranged more time because their chosen profession was more complicated, and Chen Qian himself needed more time to figure out each of their skills and habits.

So, it's really not because they are important...

"I'm really good." Chen Qian sighed quietly.


At eleven o'clock in the evening, a corner coffee shop.

Wen Tianyu drank half of the lemonade in the glass in one breath, and looked at the girl in front of him without a word.

The girl was very petite, with a round face, not too pretty, but she looked very small, and she couldn't tell that she was already a little girl's mother. She lowered her head and stirred the sugar in the cup and said: "...I'm sorry, I haven't played games, so I don't understand Jiumu's work, but I know that he is a serious and responsible person for his work, so he doesn't want to return to you. There must be other reasons for this world. For example, he felt that things he couldn't do began to appear in that world, and there were things he could not do well that would cause trouble to his partners."

"So, my sister-in-law meant that we were thinking in the wrong direction?" Wen Tianyu asked.

"Well, you were wrong." The girl nodded and said with certainty, "Everything you judge him is based on his strong foundation, right."


"He seems to be really strong, he can do everything well, whether in the family or at work, he hopes that he can be the support of others, but ah..." The girl said that, low He smiled, "This kind of thinking is naive, isn't it?"

"Naive...?" Wen Tianyu was the first to hear someone comment on Jiumu like this.

"Yeah, he has such high requirements for himself, so high, he has been competing with himself, and always feels that he has not reached his own standard, but this standard was originally imagined by him. Just like me and him... …Well, don’t tell anyone about this. I am related to him, which prevents us from being together publicly. He always feels that he has not done enough to me, but in fact I already think he is very good. It’s just that if you don’t let him toss something out, he will feel uneasy...he really isn’t that strong."

"...Uh, this toss about something, does it mean retiring?" Wen Tianyu originally came here today to find out the situation. Before the start of the race, he had a last try to see if he had a chance to pull Jiumu onto the thief ship, but he didn't expect it. The Nine Emperor Gods, who ruled Sirius for a long time, turned out to be such a person in the heart of the girl in front of him...

"Then I don’t know. I don’t know his job well. Self-tornage must be one of the reasons. Alas, you have to know that someone like him who is good at competition has very complicated ideas and thinks a lot. There must be more than one reason for retiring...but you can’t help it, right, what you can do is to try your best to find every reason, and then solve every doubt he has, I believe, He must be able to return to the world where he has fought for his entire youth," the girl said clearly, and then smiled, "Of course, this matter is very difficult and requires a lot of patience... Anyway, I It can't be done."

Wen Tianyu put down the cup.

Half a cup of lemonade reflected a clear light under the light.

"But, Mr. Wen, since you have the ability to find me, I believe you can do it with this patience, right?" The girl looked at Wen Tianyu with a mischievous look.

"...I will try." Wen Tianyu nodded and asked, "But if I really let him return to the battlefield, wouldn't you object to it at all?"

"Some people were born with their own BGM. So, he shouldn't be in front of the TV, he should be on the TV." The girl stirred the sugar cubes for a long time, but did not move the coffee, frowning and muttering, "Well , Will be fat."

"..." No, didn't you put this candy in yourself? Even put two packs... Wen Tianyu couldn't help laughing out loud. Well, it turns out that there are really such clever and stupid girls in this world.


"Where did Wentianyu go? I haven't seen other people's shadows for a few days."

Chen Qian was in one-on-one sparring, but there was another important issue that had not been resolved.

It was said that it was an appointment for training with the Nighthawk Hunting Group on Thursday, but in fact...Where did he go to make an appointment? He didn't even have a phone number for Silence. If this matter is not fixed before Thursday, then the plan can only be a plan. That's it.

You can talk about friendship with Lin Yu and the others for joint training-after all, they are people who have been teammates of the Wolves together for countless times.

Co-training with Qiu Bailu can be used to intimidate and lure-after all, Qiu Bailu can be in the position, which is equivalent to the position given by Chen Qian.

But Silence has no friendship with him, and he has no handle in his hands...

The only person in the whole Rulong who had friendship with Silence was Wentianyu. As a result, Wentianyu played for him and disappeared, not going online for several days!

"I didn't give the bonus to you, really..." Chen Qian couldn't wait any longer, and after practicing with Xiao Zhen on Sunday just a phone call to Wen Tianyu Passed.

Who knows, as soon as Wen Tianyu answered the phone, Chen Qian heard a familiar voice.

Nine woods.

"Why did you go here?" Chen Qian suddenly realized what he had already given up, and Wen Tianyu continued to push it patiently.

"Well, I'll talk to you later, what do you say first?" Wen Tianyu's relaxed and smiling voice came on the phone.

Therefore, Chen Qian told Wen Tianyu the whole training plan, expressing that they needed to pick up the Nighthawks for the final practical practice ten days before the start of the game.

Wen Tianyu laughed after listening, "Does it need to be so early?"

"Early?" Chen Qian saw that it was already the weekend, and the training scheduled for Thursday was not too early.

"It's okay, I see, after I get Jiumu, I will deal with this matter. From 12 noon to 2 am on Thursday, okay?" Wen Tianyu directly set the time for him.

"Well, no problem." Of course Chen Qian has no objection. It would be good for Nighthawks to come at such an important time before the start of the game. They can't ask them to come according to the time of the dragon, right?

Wen Tianyu quickly hung up the phone.

And Chen Qian has only one other sentence in his mind-"After I get Jiu Mu, I will deal with this matter."


After getting the nine woods.

"What did the KK Wilderness Hunting Group think? People like Wentianyu, if you don't want it, don't do it?" Chen Qian touched his nose and gave KK Ada and the others a wax.

But is it possible?

Jiumu is too principled, so I can't understand what Chen Qian thought of. Jiumu said that when he retires, he can still be brought back after his retirement?

"Uh... Brother Tianyu is going to kidnap his wife and children, right?" Chen Qian had the only way he could think of.

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