What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 336: Victory always comes so suddenly

The passers-by hunting group led by Lin Yu and Baiyi Shengxue led the way.

Soon, halfway through the schedule.

In fact, the passerby hunting group has been defaulted to be the first server of the Asian server, and the one that can directly appear, and the battle between the KK wilderness hunting group and the Rulong hunting group, after half of the schedule, all-round To unfold.

On the black pyramid map, the KK waste hunting team slowly showed the stamina of the old waste hunting team, quickly became familiar with the map, adjusted the application of skills, and caught up...

On other maps, Rulong and them have always played victories and defeats.

"This is no suspense." The players of Asian servers suddenly felt that this year's audition was actually particularly meaningless.

In the past, when the race was halfway through, seven to eight hunting groups were still not sure who was the first and who was the second.

Because the audition is not considered the previous results.

There is no such thing as normal times, the decision who can qualify is actually just the final round of battle.

As long as it is a team with little difference in strength, it is possible that the counterattack will be successful if the final round of the audition is a little better.

But this is definitely not the case this year.

There is a big gap in strength.

The first wilderness hunting group might have said it early, from fourth to third, and the second and third Rulong and KK are at least three minutes away.

Unless there is a team deliberately hiding its strength, it is really impossible to see the possibility of turning over the dark horse.

But who else can hide strength?

Eat your life?

"The Russian server has decided one or two places this morning. It's a bit surprised." The Asian server players who had no guesses about this server all turned their eyes to the other servers.

"Who? Or Dynasty?"


"Depend on……"

Because some of the wilderness hunting groups that were not directly invited by the Russian server belong to the first-line level, and the others are different from them, their strength may be similar to the passerby hunting group after the break-in is completed, and better than the current passerby hunting group. Desolate groups are even stronger.

All kinds of conspiracy theories arose all at once.

Why DC gave the first place in the direct qualifying team to Dy, a weaker hunter group, and went to play the second place with the Asian server.

There are still stern words.

Even the handshake photos of the heads of the two wild hunting groups who didn’t know how many years ago were turned out to make pictures...

Although the graphic is completely irrelevant, some people really believe it.

Chen Qian and the others were preparing for the final round of the audition for a while, and they were speechless when they heard the news.

"Is Dynasty very weak?" He Lin turned to Jiumu for a long time and asked.

"...No," Nuki replied.

"Uh, even if it is weak, Dy is not down to the point where he needs DC to get a place..." Chen Qian said.

Xiaozhen was puzzled: "Why? A stronger hunting team won the half of the spot and competed with the Asian server for the second chance. Isn't it a more scientific configuration?"

Chen Qian and Jiu Mu both glanced at her.

"For example, if there is no passer-by hunting team, the KK hunting team suddenly said, give us the first place, and they will fight for the second place with the Russian server. What do you think?" Dongmen City asked.

"...Let them die as far away as possible! Are we unable to beat them? Need them to let them?!" Xiao Yan had a strong sense of substitution, and was already angry.

"So." Chen Qian spread his hands.

But no matter how the Russian server's first and second team was ranked, the situation facing the Asian server's second team has already been determined-they will compete with a world-class wilderness hunting group for a spot.

It's a dying rhythm.

Regardless of whether it is KK or Rulong who won the second place in the Asian server, in fact, they don't have the qualifications to compete for that place.

Therefore, the atmosphere of the entire Asian service is not good.

"We will finish the audition first." Chen Qian encouraged everyone.

He had just finished speaking this sentence, and Wen Tianyu suddenly stood up.

Jiumu raised his head: "What's the matter?"

"It's okay." Wen Tianyu hesitated for three seconds, but replied decisively, "The faucet for maintenance in the resident hall is not turned off."

Xiaozhen breathed a sigh of relief.

Others looked at him with a unified expression "I believe in you to have a ghost."

But no one asked more questions.

Because, now, there are only forty-five minutes before the final round of the sea election.


"I knew it!"

Wen Tianyu returned to Rulong's resident and went to the resident hall for the first time. Of course, he didn't turn off the faucet.

Several people waited anxiously in front of the central controller of the hall, and when they saw Wen Tianyu coming, they hurried up, but they couldn't make their voices too high, so as not to cause a commotion.

"When did it start?" Wen Tianyu asked.

"About fifteen minutes ago, all the administrators in the resident lobby were notified that some functions were malfunctioning and restarted after an hour."

"If the resident hall restarts, what will be the result?"

"For half an hour to an hour, the training ground is closed, and the inherent characteristics of the equipment produced by the Dragon players from the station are invalid."

"..." Wen Tianyu said in his heart again "I knew it".

He knew that the KK Wilderness Hunting Group was not so easy to give up.

For the fair competition of Asian servers, Rulong has shown a generosity and responsibility that does not lose to the first-line large group. When the KK hunting group tried to use props against their Dao Ye, they only got rid of each other. A few unimportant NPCs serve as warnings.

The KK wilderness hunting group did cease afterwards.

Both sides have dual-heart potions, and it doesn't make sense to have the ability to grab them.

Moreover, the current war is indeed not the time when Yafu himself is fighting on the server.

In the subsequent sea elections, there was nothing wrong with each other. Everyone thought that KK and Rulong were shaking hands for the time being, and hostile matters would be considered after the race was over.

But Wen Tianyu has always known that they must have a fallback.

KK’s biggest advantage against Rulong at present is that, except for a team of players, the overall power such as the dragon is much higher. Therefore, they can use a large number of players to go to the black pyramid, even at the cost of deleting the number... because, black The pyramid has a double heart potion, which may trigger other special drops.

And now the result should really be found by them.

"I think it's some kind of Lingyuan interference device. Our resident hall has undergone Lingyuan transformation as a whole, so it is particularly affected. It will not restart sooner or later, but it will restart in the final round of the sea election. It must be theirs. Yes." Zhan Wushang said to Wen Tianyu.

"So, what do you think the uncle has?" Wen Tianyu frowned and asked in a low voice as the time was approaching the opening of the sea election.

"We need to find out the device, take it down, and throw it back to the KK waste hunting group's resident." Zhan Wushang said.

"Here is another signal amplifier." Dao Ye emerged from behind Zhan Wuwu.

Chen Qian and the others have now made the final preparations for the refresh point of the audition. Wen Tianyu did not ask him and Jiumu's opinions, and directly nodded: "Within forty minutes, it must be done."

They don't know how these devices were brought in, who did it, let alone how many interfering devices there are.

But they have to restore the resident hall to normal within forty minutes and absolutely cannot restart.

Chen Qian and his equipment are all produced in Rulong Station, and they belong to a team that relies on equipment power to make up for a certain personal strength. Once the inherent characteristics of the equipment are invalidated by the restart of the resident hall, they will definitely not be able to win this final round. select.


Chen Qian didn't know what happened in the station, but he certainly knew that it was not a trivial matter.

But he knew Wen Tianyu would definitely solve it.

Because of this, they can't be distracted. If they lose the audition, then, at this moment, Wen Tianyu, Zhan Wusha, Daoye and others, the efforts made by them will be meaningless.

The first map of the final round of the audition.

This year's new map.

The border of the moon.

Everyone on this map is on the same starting line.

No amount of veteran teams have played this map in previous games, and they all started from scratch two months ago...

However, this map was also released once last week, and the KK Wilderness Hunter led by fifteen seconds.

The power of the KK hunting group is not only reflected in the black pyramid.

Today is the final round of the game. East Gate City, trajectory, and life are like tea on the first map. Continuous mistakes, although all small mistakes that only affect a few seconds, make the atmosphere very tense.

And Rulong can only catch up with these fifteen seconds when it is in the best state, with the fewest mistakes, and the highest output efficiency.

"Damn, this Rin Yu is crazy!" Rulong was originally in a nervous state, but less than two minutes after he drove out No. 2 Boss, he saw the completion message popped up on the watch.

Today's passerby hunting group, the first map was completed so quickly, and it is conservatively estimated that it can lead them by one and a half minutes.

They completely let go today.

"Lin Yu is about to show his strength." Both Jiumu and Chen Qian understood that they wanted more than just a top ranking.

Starting today, the passers-by hunting group will compete for the number of direct invitations for next year's winter racing.

They want to express that they are not at the same level as the second-tier team of Asian servers.

It is the best proof that the final round of the sea election can open a gap of more than one minute.

"Regardless of them, continue." Chen Qian steadily tracked them.

This ten-person map was stumbling, and everyone was actually prepared for the clearance news of the KK Wilderness Hunter and played on the watch.

However, surprisingly, the life value of No. 2 Boss was depressed all the way, but the news was not seen all the way.





Rulong Hunting Group got the second place with the same results as last week on this map~www.readwn.com~.

After they finished the fight, they saw that the KK Wilderness Hunting Group still had about 20% of their health.

Twenty or thirty seconds less.

Without saying anything, Chen Qian immediately entered the perspective of the KK Wilderness Hunting Group, and then glanced at each other with Jiu Mu: "Why are some of their key skills red?"

"Forget to repair the equipment before entering the arena." Kuma is also inexplicable about this scene. It is reasonable to say that the amplification skills on the opponent's weapons are all skills that must be released in one breath during the racing sprint. The skills are in an unusable state.

So, at the last point of life, they played for a full minute.

As soon as the KK Wilderness Hunting Group came out, a few people stared directly at their side with fiery eyes.

Although Chen Qian didn't talk to them, when he saw the look in his eyes, and then thought of Wen Tianyu's hurried departure, he immediately understood.

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