What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 339: Malice in winter

The Cage Winter is an independent event and the most important game of the year.

Because other events are hosted by a third party, and the third party raises funds, there will be a lot of participating games. However, independent events are directly held by the government, and they are only for the game developed by themselves, usually once a year or even twice. Once every year to four years.

The Lingcage game was held every two years at the beginning. Later, with the increase in the number of players and the increase of the team, it became once a year. The full name is the Lingcage Ace Wilderness Hunting Team World Tournament, because it has always been held in winter. , So it is referred to as the Winter Games.

Chen Qian, Jiumu, Rin Yu, and Baiyi Shengxue, but before the Winter Games, took everyone from the two teams except Xiao Ying to find a place where the mountains were covered by heavy snow, and they shut them up boringly.

An entire two-story glass curtain wall is densely packed with skill icons and notes drawn with marker pens, and these icons have never been seen by Asian server players.

On these icons, there are also various complicated lines of red and blue.

Outside the window, there is a large snow scene with no footprints. In the distance are snow-capped mountains and light blue lakes. The snow has fallen for one night, but the lake is not frozen. There is a little sun at noon, and the breeze can bring a starting point. The child's inconspicuous golden waves.

It can be said that there are two extremely inconsistent views on the glass and outside the glass.

Acknowledgement, admiration, or argument is repeated in this space.

And behind them, there are several large screens, on which are the real-time situation in each game cabin.

A completely closed training atmosphere.

"Ten maps, out of seven, we can all beat them in absolute value." Lin Yu came to a conclusion.

"..." Jiumu and Chen Qian glanced at each other.

There are only three of them like a dragon.

The absolute value of those hunting groups with different skills on each map is calculated by them together. Therefore, there will be no discrepancies in the judgment of this point, and there can only be two hunting groups. The strength gap between.

Lin Yu and the others quickly went into training, while Chen Qian and Jiu Mu were still staring at the curtain wall.

After a lot of calculations for a long time, the cooperation of skills, and the analysis of the opponent’s habits, the final absolute value is based on the opponent’s optimal performance. It is impossible for the opponent to actually get the absolute value in the actual battle. , So it’s okay to be able to overwhelm three maps in absolute value.

However, the passerby hunting group has seven...

To say that the absolute value can be overpowered refers to the normal performance, which means that one's own mistakes are counted, rather than the comparison between the absolute values.

Therefore, in other words, the passerby hunting group can basically pull more than 90% of the win in the foreign service.

"I think that this year's Sirius may not be their opponent." Jiumu said.

"Well... Rulong has shortcomings." Chen Qian replied.

"There is always a problem for Xiaozhen, who can't participate in the training all the way."

"Sigh." Chen Qian stroked his forehead.

However, if it weren't for Xiaozhen, he wouldn't be tossing about it at all, would he?

Forcibly supporting the emperor ascended the throne, but it is not an easy task.

"You must have a way, think about it slowly." Jiumu patted him and entered the game cabin.

"I..." Chen Qian pointed to his nose with an anxious expression.

No... Why would he have a solution?


Rulong arrived on the eve of the World Series, and there were only 13 people in total. Among them, the best equipped was Xiaozhen. Even Chen Qian’s equipment couldn’t be compared to her—no way, Dao Ye just liked her, Lingcang. The behavior of NPCs in the world is not so controllable.

On the battlefield, there are Xiaoyue and no Xiaoyue, the entire equipment power rating is different, Xiaoyue also worked very hard, from a little white who has never been in the game, to now can keep up with Chen Qian’s progress, the cost There is very little time, and it is not too much to say that it is a genius.

But no matter how talented you are, you need to train with your teammates.

And Xiaozhen can only get time every weekend. It doesn't matter in normal times, it won't work before the game.

Chen Qian looked at the snow outside the window in a daze.

If Dao Ye is still...

Then he must have put forward a request for a temporary transfer of equipment attributes, and then watched Master Dao blow his beard and stared, and then swearly drew him a blueprint.

However, Lord Dao is gone.

Chen Qian stared at the drawings, but couldn't concentrate.

Concentration is actually a very tiring thing. People who can focus on one thing without feeling tired are people with extraordinary talents. Master Dao is one of them. When he draws, he even forms around him. With a force field, the Extreme Devouring Beast can't get close, but unfortunately there is no more.

"That's right, we can't immediately consider relying on equipment every time we encounter trouble." Chen Qian thought this way, thinking that Dao Ye's departure might be regarded as a "historical inevitability" if he wanted to give a biography of Rulong Li?

If there is Lord Dao, their dependence on equipment will continue to increase, much higher than other waste hunting groups.

Chen Qian thought about it all night.

Then, after playing against everyone in Rulong alone, he came up with two lineups.

One set is a lineup with Xiaozhen, with a low fault tolerance rate and a high upper limit as its advantages. This lineup can focus on strong enemies that they can't beat at all, and use a high turnover rate to fight for higher results.

The other is a lineup that does not have Xiaozhen. It is based on a balanced style of play. The turnovers are within a controllable range and the results are relatively stable. This lineup is used to play equal to or lower than their level. The hunting group.

Of course, which set of lineup to use depends entirely on Chen Qian and Jiumu to judge on the spot.

Starting today, Rulong has embarked on a new journey.

A journey that no longer depends on equipment.

Chen Qian touched his nose.

Well, it's easier and more convenient to rely on equipment.


This year’s World Series was on a small island in the southern hemisphere. So, within one day, Chen Qian and the others experienced the feeling from down jackets to short sleeves. There were signs of a cold in the trajectory and Dongmen City. Fortunately, the Jiumu experience Rich, carry medicine with him, it is considered that there is no problem before the game.

The opening day was a cloudy day and there was no ceremony, so I broadcasted the scene, checked the list of participants, arranged rooms, and so on.

The others are online.

What global audiences look forward to most is the game cabin release after the on-site verification.

A team of players from various hunting groups live-streamed to visit this year's new game cabin... This is also because the annual winter game is also the release day of the new game cabin each year, which is considered a reserved item.

In the long years when there is no qualitative change in the power of science and technology, it is difficult for humans to feel the accumulation of quantitative changes in science and technology.

Only by looking at the new games, technology, hardware and software updates every year, can we feel that this era has not stopped, it has been slowly but firmly advancing forward...

Until one day, a qualitative change occurred and breakthrough technology appeared.

At that time, every talent would have a sense of participation. They were individuals who were born in this quantitative change process and participated in this era, and finally witnessed the occurrence of miracles.

What appeared on the stage this year is like a large ladder egg rack.

Unlike the long game warehouses prepared in previous years, huge changes have taken place directly from the appearance this year.

The main venue is very large. At first glance, it doesn't look like a competition venue, but it looks like a multiplayer adventure machine in a large amusement park.

Anyway, the first reaction Chen Qian saw was as if someone would come to remind you to fasten your seat belt after sitting in, and then the machine would go up and start turning people upside down. …

There are six steps on the left side of the machine, 36 machines, six steps in the middle, 72 machines, and five steps on the far right, 30 machines.

In other words, this venue can accommodate a total of more than 130 simultaneous games.

"The cockpit-style game pod released this year has added physical synchronization technology, which can completely solve the overload problem in the game." The person in charge said, "Well, it means that when you make large movements in the game, it will be short-lived. Shield the physical body."

"Can the response keep up?" Chen Qian was suspicious.

"Yes." The person in charge asked them to go in and experience, "You will know if you try."

The biggest problem with the game cabin at this stage is that one brain has to deal with two different sets of shells at the same time. That is to say, on the one hand, the brain knows that it is lying still, but on the other hand it tossing and turning into the sky in the game. Ground, this will cause overload.

Spirit Cage is a very well optimized game, so the load is not too high. For some games that are not optimized, the brain is so tired after playing for less than half an hour.

"Well, let's try it." Chen Qian didn't go in, and directly let Track and the others go in.

A team of players in the big group know that the game cabin used in the winter games every year will be different from before, but they have no concept of the trajectory and the changes this year are still very large ~ www.readwn.com~ They need time to adapt.

The winter season lasts for one week.

Twenty-one hunting groups from five regions will conduct nine battles in this week.

Among them, 21 enters and 11 needs to be divided into two groups, so four games are required, 11 enters 6 is two games, 6 enters 3 two games, these are all considered average results.

However, there is only one tiebreaker.

Of the three hunting groups, the champion, runner-up and third runner-up were determined in only one game.

The winter game can be said to be the mildest game, because as long as you enter the winter game, even the last one will have a very generous bonus. Even one round forward will be able to win fame and fortune. Therefore, in the first half of the schedule, basically There is no pressure, and even after being eliminated, there is no pressure.

But once it really enters the top three...

That pressure came.

A situation that determines the outcome of the game has made many hunting groups feel unreasonable.

There should be at least two games, and it's better to be divided into two different days, otherwise one of the wild hunting team players will have a temporary physical problem, and the results will be different.

But almost all spectators thought it was too reasonable. A decisive game made the game more variable and more intense.

Anyway, watching the excitement is not too big a problem.

"You said you, this year's winter vacation has only fifteen days in total, two days on the road, seven days in the competition, and three days in training," Chen Qian stared at Xiao Yan who was training fast, with a look of puzzlement. "So, what are you doing so busy?"

However, Xiao Ling hummed a small song into the game cabin, ignoring his complaints.

Chen Qian looked at a lollipop she was handing over in a daze.

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