What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 34: Single for 20 years

In the dungeon of    Ling Cage, there is a way to fight monsters, and there is a way to fight monsters without killing monsters.

   The Raiders of the same copy may be bizarre.

   And Chen Qian’s way of not fighting monsters is to use his high perception to help the uncle find the treasure chest...

   The battle on the steps ended much faster than he thought.

   Life is like tea. I singled out three [Qunfeng] of the same level as myself, and sat down on the ground.

   But Chen Qian glanced at his state.

   There is more than half of the mobility.

   As an explosive career, there is even half of the energy grid.

   "God battery life..."

  Explosive weapons are actually not easy to use. They have many skills and are not easy to match. Moreover, because the explosive experience of the cabin game is very cool, many players are skill after skill, a lot of damage overflows, and battery life is completely ignored.

   broke out for a moment, empty blue crematorium.

Therefore, life is like tea. It is really capable. Three monsters of the same level, a series of dazzling explosions, the air will be dyed red by the fire of his long sword. As a result, when I look back, there is still energy grid. half.

   "What's missing?" Just when he finished playing, Chen Qian walked to his side.

   is like a good time.

   The position of the steps behind the treasure chest where they are located happens to be the very center of the polar-chewing beast cluster, less than 20 meters away from the magma pool.

It's hot.

   And the closest group of polar eating beasts has 6 [Group Wind], but it is not a big problem if it is more than 50 meters away from their location.

   "I dropped a few ant legs, ordinary materials. It is difficult for the Shang Citizens to dig out rare materials, alas, it can only be dropped..." Life is like a tea and let go of the position, "Would you like to dig and dig?"

   Chen Qian smiled and took out a scalpel [Chou Xin], and took care of a [Qunfeng] who was killed by life like tea.

Produced by   , ordinary material.

   One more.


   is still ordinary material.

   Chen Qian decisively gave up the third one.

Although the dissection is successful, the hallucination rate can also be suppressed very low, but it is similar to what life is like tea. Generally speaking, the same monster, the material dissected by the dust, is lower than the conventional kill The material should be one grade higher.

   But lucky E...

  He didn't say anything.

   "Well, I'm professionally trained, and I don't usually laugh unless...hahahahahaha." Life is like a tea. Seeing this product is a happy one, "Are you really a duster?"

   "I am." Chen Qian forcibly changed the subject, "Open the treasure box. See what's inside."

Treasure chests exist in all copies, not just copies of tombs. The chests are ordinary orange boxes and square in shape. Except for the long spectrum, they are the most common style of life-saving resource boxes. They have no other characteristics. Unlike the treasure chests in the black pyramid, which are made of stone, they are all beautifully carved.

   But life is like tea and I am looking forward to it.

   The box has a small code lock, but this is not a problem for the life like tea who often steals the tomb, and it will be opened in minutes.

   Open the lid, the treasure chest contains some ordinary non-combat recovery injections, cans, water, etc. The high-priced [isoproterenol] does not...

   "Well, I'm professionally trained, and I don't usually laugh unless...hahahahahaha." Chen Qian returned the original words.

   Anyway, I have positioned the treasure chest accurately for you. You can't make good things by yourself. Can't you blame me?

   Life is like tea with a black face.

   "Go up," Chen Qian walked up the steps without waiting for him to launch a counterattack. "From here, stick to the root of the wall and avoid the largest [Qunfeng] cluster... there must be 12, right?"

   "So you know how to count, so amazing, brother." The praise that life is like tea has changed.

   They walked against the root of the wall for a while, and they came to the narrow path.

   Crossing this trail is where Chen Qian predicts that he can dig out [Altered Crystal Skeleton].

   It’s just that he and life are like tea very surprised...

   There is no Extreme Beast on the trail?

Chen Qian has seen the elephant’s cemetery in the animal channel. The dying elephants will return to a cave or a special place for them, waiting for death to come, and the environment in this trail, see It looks a lot like an elephant’s cemetery, with the bones of polar-chewer beasts scattered in it.

   So, the polar Devourers who were alive just now seemed to have lost their tentacles?

   It may be a polar-chewer beast that has lost its tentacles, and cannot form a circuit with the Mana ecology. Since it cannot return to the Mana ecology, it can only find a place to die.

   But what’s more surprising is that at the end of the trail, there is a magma pool, and there is no strangeness around it, only the skeleton of a polar eater in the middle.

   Rarely seen, extremely complete, every bone is crystal blue, skeleton!

At first glance, even Chen Qian didn't even think that this was a crystal skeletal. Generally, there are one or two "metamorphic crystal skeletons" buried under the soil layer. They are soft in texture, free of fishy orientin pollution, and beautiful and good. It is rare to see such a complete one, and you can see the original shape and characteristics of the Extreme Beast.

   looks like a synthetic one.

   is similar to those synthesized dinosaur skeletons in the Dinosaur Museum.

   "Whether it is used directly as a material, made into a bone tool, or ground into bone powder and pressed into a material, it is not beautiful or practical." Life is like a tea admired.

   Chen Qian nodded.

   But the strange thing is that he doesn't even know him, what kind of skeleton of a polar eater is this after all.

   "Come on, it's your turn." Life is like a tea with a gleeful smile.

   Just now because the treasure chest belonged to him, Chen Qian fooled him to provoke the Polar Beast, and the account should be paid now.

   Jing Mukuro belongs to Chen Qian, so Chen Qian should go on his own.

  Although there didn't seem to be any Polar Devourers here, neither of them moved.

   Just kidding, how could it be possible that a place like this has no monsters, and the Abnormal Crystal Skeleton is put in front of you like this?

"Around the crystal remains, they are the entrances and exits of the underground palace." Chen Qian also confirmed his guess, "If you go to get the [Alternate Crystal Skeleton] in the middle, you will at least step on the door of the underground palace and come out. What is the first level, but it’s definitely not what we can play now."

"The minister agrees." Shengzhen Tea said with a smile, "Then what are we doing now? Go around and continue to explore ahead to see if you can dig out some other treasure chests. After all the treasure chests are dug out, you can leave directly...Huh? What about people?"

   Chen Qian moved before he could second.

   One step, two steps, three steps.

   sprint in four steps, jump in five steps, spiral out, and move a long distance.

   Six steps two jumps...

   The seventh step, landed exactly on the side of the [Altered Crystal Skeleton]!

   Seven-step fixed point.

   is the same as passing the seven-step poem level, high-sensitivity locks the mechanism, avoids, and reaches...

  If it's purely on footwork, it's much simpler than when he passed the seven-step poem level, because he didn't need to turn in the air.

   But, the difference is that he still needs a second action.


   "Rely on..." Life is like tea, and I saw [Alteration Crystal Skeleton] swaying under his scalpel, and disappeared on the spot.

   a complete crystal skeleton that big.

   just stayed under his knife for a second?


   directly gone!

   Although life is like a tea, he is a citizen, but he has also seen the dust collecting it. It takes a long time to read this kind of advanced material. How can it be taken away by touching it like this?

   Why didn’t you read the article?

   "You got the legendary material [Altered Crystal Skeleton] x20." An unexpected system prompt from Chen Qian sounded in his headset.

   A complete crystal skeleton.

   20, which is a whole group.

Chen Qian is satisfied when he sees this. You can use one or two of them. After making a backpack for my sister, the remaining 18 or 9 "leftovers" can do a lot of things, such as grinding into powder for Master Dao to taste. What's the taste?


   A thunderous thunder sounded from the place where [Altered Crystal Skeleton] was taken away.

   It was as if something was pouring up from the underground. Life was like tea before he could react. He was pulled by Chen Qian, who was swiftly passing in front of him, and almost fell to the ground.

   "If you don't want to die, run away."

   "...Hey, can't just leave, I didn't get anything, I just came in and watched you dig a bone?"

   "Yes, thank you for watching. It doesn't matter if you are a teammate." Chen Qian had already turned his head back to the first empty space and exited the dungeon entrance.


   Chen Qian was actually very adventurous just now.

  Because, [Single Twenty Years] This is his first attempt at this skill. This skill can make his next ability time-consuming and accelerate to the limit speed.

  Gathering is also an ability.

   To collect such a large skeletal remains, it would have taken at least five minutes to dig it.

   With such a small body, he can hold a ghost.

   The cooldown time of a single twenty-year skill is as long as 720 seconds.

   If he failed the collection just now, there is no time to do it again.

   Fortunately, his [Heng Xin] is quite powerful. The 100% completion rate allowed him to pick up the knife and drop it. Jingwu started, and then he just turned around and left without worrying about anything~www.readwn.com~.

   Run a little slower, I don’t know how many Polar Devourers will come out of the ground and block the door.

   "Huh..." The air outside is so beautiful.

   It’s just that life is like tea and it seems a bit resentful.

   When Chen Qian entered just now, the only teams outside were the Life Devouring Wilderness Hunting Group and another passerby team with a full level.

   Now there are four more teams outside.

   The eyes between each other are very alert.

  Of course, they are the same as the previous life-devouring waste hunting group. They have no ill will towards Chen Qian and Life Rucha—what can the two trumpets care about?

   With the news that new dungeons have been spawned in the 9th level ecologically dense areas, the news spreads, and it is estimated that more and more people will come.

   Tonight's net wood source is destined to never stop.

  As soon as he came out of the copy, Chen Qian saw the message from Shui Yuzi: "Self-grazing, have you finished the card? Have you finished digging the bones?"

   "It's over." Chen Qian replied.

   "You are so fast," Shui Yuzi said with a smile, "Then where are you now? We are going to withdraw. If we don't come down, no one will pick you up under the Bhikkhu Mountain for a while."

   "Withdrawn? Why did you withdraw?"

"Tonight's Bhikkhu Mountain is not a safe place. Brother Kuang said that because there is a new copy of Bhikkhu Mountain, it will probably start to mess around 2 o'clock in the morning. Maybe there is a large private room. Don't let it. People have entered the mountains, in order to protect the first kill, so we are carrying a small car, and we are very likely to be ambushed on the road."

   Your crazy brother really brought the spirit of bullying and fearing hardship to the extreme... Chen Qian said, "Wait for fifteen minutes, can you bring someone?"

   "Of course." Water grapefruit is very talkative.

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