What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 37: I was fine when I came, I can't go back

   The residence of the life-splitting hunting group.

   A full-level team, ready to go.

   Although they are only an eighteenth-line team, they can still get together just by putting together a "first elite team".

  Since such a team was formed, of course it was to qualify for the competition, but...so far they have not swam through the audition.

   "This time the new copy of Mount Bhikkhu is our opportunity." They waited here and waited very silently. Mentioning the new copy of Mount Bhikkhu was not exciting, but a little boring.

   "Don't worry, we had the Great God of the Intertexture went to explore the way yesterday. He said that looking at the amount of text in this copy, it is very likely that there will be a world story."

"World plot? Ha, we are not greedy in the world plot. Our hunting squad can have a first kill and it’s very satisfying. The Great God of Hebi is a team of players from Sirius, and his heart is higher than the sky. ."

   "But he didn't want to think about it. He is only at level 30 after he reincarnated, right? How can he get a world plot at this level?"

   "A'team of players' who have never played in a race, are they reliable?"

do not know.

   No one can answer.

  A few people did not speak any more, and the wilderness hunting group's resident resumed silence...


   "I won't open it." Chen Qian turned his head silently, glanced at the closed drugstore door, and wondered whether it was better to let the water grapefruit buy the medicine just now.

   I'm just here to buy a medicine, as for?

Although in the game of Spirit Cage, all the actions of the player in the plot may have some impact on the world, but the degree of impact varies, most of them are just like the seven-step level he solved, the door to life or In the dead door, it was just a bit more to give away a head.

   But the world plot is different.

   The severity is completely different.

Whoever opens the world plot is responsible. In the world plot, the player directly acts as the decision maker and participates in a plot. His every move, every choice is related to the development of all tasks related to the plot. The direction determines the life and death of countless NPCs, and even the task progress of many players!

   Chen Qian certainly refused without hesitation.

  He is busy...

   Is Dao Ye’s cold cured? Have you fished for the floating ray? Have you eaten it? Did you make a fried pepper flying rabbit from Solanaceae red fruit for Dao Ye...Oh, let’s forget about it, let’s talk about it when Dao Ye gets better.

  Also, have you played with the new inherent features on [Afterglow]? Have you taken the boss to finish the mission in the ecological dense zone? Have you got the ability points to learn the skills of the spear?


   There is no world plot with a woolen thread?

The system prompts to be quiet for a while, and then pops up again: "Dustman S93861228, has met the opening conditions 3/3 of'World Story: Fall of Genius'. This task will be combined with ~!@#¥%^R*之盒的'! Night’s sync. Is it on?"

   Chen Qian meowed on the spot...

Immediately afterwards, the system prompt popped up for the third time: "Dustman S93861228, has met the'World Story: Fall of Genius' opening conditions 3/3. This task will be combined with ~!@#¥%^R*之盒'! "The Dark Night" is synchronized. You can get the "Wankou Pig Cultivation Cage" x1 through exploration in the scene. Is it on?"

   is not...

   Who on earth are you me?

   Am I the kind of person who bows his head easily for the sake of a mere accessory?

   Can I just save someone in the world just for that bite of suckling pig?


   He bowed his head.

   His finger was on the watch, pointed at the "accept" button, poke poke poke...

   just finished poking.

   The news about life like tea did not come over after three seconds!

   "Level 11? Open the world plot?!! Brother, can I take back the small look I had of you before? You are like the creator of this world, and I should always worship..."

   "One more brush, the world plot will not take you." Chen Qian decisively stopped the rainbow fart that life is like tea.

   Where do you look down on me?

   I underestimated myself.

   To be reasonable, I have been in the game and have been up to level 11. How many shots did I fire in total?

  What is the world to me...

   "But where did you know that I opened the world plot?" Chen Qian is really strange.

  Because, until the world plot is completed, no one else will know except the person who gets the task.

   If you want to know, do you have to?

  The world plot will cause many players' missions to become invalid and cause many NPCs to die.

   "...The team status has not been cleared." Life is like tea, said.

   "..." Chen Qian flicked on the watch twice.

   Okay, it's really not refundable.

The team of    Ling Cage must be withdrawn manually.

But after Chen Qian went online, he was blown up by the news of Dao Ye’s illness. Then, he made two pieces of equipment equivalent to the immortal level in one breath, and he did not leave the city and did not do the task. How can he notice himself? Did not leave the team?

"I have issued a system prompt here-teammates are self-herding, and the world plot has been opened: the fall of genius, do you want to join the plot?" Life is like a tea anyway, I was shocked, "So, what are you doing? Up?"

   "You may not believe it." Chen Qian said, "I went out and bought a medicine..."

   "..." After digesting the emotions for a while, he replied, "Brother, do you know what this means?"


"Buying a medicine can buy the story of the world. This is what makes you feel like you are going to die. Although it will starve your muscles and bones, strain your body, and empt your body, it can also bring you tons of benefits, such as , That Abnormal Crystal Skeleton, may we have dozens of groups? Hundreds of groups?"

   Can you blow this up too? ... Chen Qian was speechless: "I think, should I hungry for others? It's better to work hard for others?"

"No, no, no, you can't be like you. What's the difference between you and a salted fish?" The uncle taught him, "Do you know how many people want to open a world plot? Do you know that a player can open it once in a lifetime? It's incredible..."

   Oh, I’m sorry, I drove more than ten or twenty times in my last life...Ah, in my last life, I was taken into the ditch by Elsa.

   Life is like tea. At the end of the conversation: "Speaking of which, that bone is really valuable. Can you dig it?"

   Chen Qian laughed on the spot.

   Do you think that the world plot is just a few more abnormalities?

  The income of the world plot, which group of bones can compare, the guarantee is an immortal material!

   "Uh," he suddenly thought of a very weird possibility, "The two bones you are going to get from me so desperately, will you sell them without turning their heads?"


   "Really sold?"

   "Ah, that," Life is like a tea without reply for a long time. After a while, he just ignored Chen Qian's question and asked: "You just said that you can dig or not?"

   Chen Qian replied: "No."

   "You can't be like this. I got the world plot. If you have a watermelon, don't have sesame seeds?" Life is like tea. Open the negotiation mode, "Look, you haven't had the mission in the 9th level ecological dense area anyway, right?"


   "Before such a big event in the world, you have to take care of this tail, right? To take care of this tail, you must go to the ecologically dense area again, right?"


   "Then since I went to the ecologically dense area, why can't I enter the Duanye Cemetery again? Then since I entered the Duanye Cemetery, why can't I dig a few more bones?"

   Do all the uncles of this year have done this... Chen Qian replied: "Because the price of this legendary material will drop after the large number enters the market."

   Chen Qian didn't want to expose this cruel fact.

   If it is really as good as you think, how can you wait until you are a solo retailer? Crazy for money, large organizations like theirs have long moved.

   First-line wilderness hunting groups like Sirius and Nighthawk are probably already in use now. Although the first-line group will not send full ranks to get the first kill of the new dungeon of level 9, how can it be done with a material?

   The underground palace gate surrounded by Mutual Transformation Crystal Skeleton is indeed a headache, but Chen Qian and Sheng Shengrucha are two trumpets, haven't they also got it? There is really no other solution. Is there any problem with the strength of the first team? Who do you look down on?

   "...but this new copy, maybe someone will do something in two days, update a plot, and then it will be gone?" Life is still like a tea.

   The opportunity to get so many legendary materials at once is not every day.

   His eyes are hot.

   Moreover, this kind of teammate who has the ability to quickly get the material is not something you can meet every day.

   I really don’t want to give up.

  The whole world of the spirit cage is dynamic, and 0.85 new copies are produced every month. Since there are new copies, the old copies will inevitably disappear, so his idea is not wrong.

"Do you have to go? All right...you can go, just three times. You are responsible for pulling away the three monsters in the first scene. I will collect them. After collecting them, I will leave. Jingmu is half by one person." Chen Qian thought for a moment and smiled. Gradually deepen, "The condition is that you update your equipment ~ www.readwn.com~ at least for a good knife with a name and a surname, and you come to play the explosive position in the world plot."

   "..." After a long time of silence, he replied, "What about you?"

   "Of course I will assist you." Chen Qian answered naturally.

   After half a minute of gritted teeth...

"Okay... Since my brothers have said so, right, it would be too interesting to refuse any more. Give me an hour to match the equipment, and see you at the north gate in an hour." Life is like tea. Smiles with a general emoji, but it looks like it’s a hard squeeze.

   Chen Qian laughed.

   Uncle can't refuse to dig bones.

   The world plot is also uncle can not refuse.

   So, be sure.

   At this time, Chen Qian’s watch showed another reminder: "Life is like tea has joined the world plot. The current number of participants in the plot is 2/5. Are you sure to configure this to enter the starting point of the plot?"

   Not sure.

   Of course not sure.

   Only two people entered, which is strange if it is not exhausted.

   "You can use the team panel function to summon friends to join the squad, and the summoned friends will automatically get the story information. The story level limit is 10-20. During the process, if the level exceeds the limit, you will exit the story." The following prompt.


   said as if there are many people on my list to choose from.

   What is the difficulty of the world plot? Well, he has driven a dozen or twenty, and fought such a twenty or thirty, he still has a bit of say--not to mention that Xiaozhen's level is not good, the strength of Shuiyuzi is difficult.

   As for the trajectory, if you don't run the inner drama and concentrate, you will be considered to have reached the passing line.

   Chen Qian said: "So, the world will wait. I'll dig the bones."

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