What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 44: The young and strong do not expand the list, the boss is sad

  Who Ye Yun is, Chen Qian has no clue.

   From Dao Ye, he went to the Gongzi training camp first.

   went straight to the 12th floor.

  Because, with 18 ability points, it is possible to select a large skill with 10 points or more.

   He knows that there is a skill called [Cocoa's Cocktail]. If he didn't delete the number when he was in the black pyramid, he might use this skill when he went back.

   This is a pretty... delicious skill.

   Yes, you can fight, watch... and eat.

  【Cocoa Cocktail (Early Stage): Take the initiative. The last bullet in each magazine of the current weapon adds 10% radiation damage, 10% cutting damage, 10% magnetic pole damage, and 10% corrosion damage. If the target is food, it will be converted into 10% acid and 10% sweet. 10% bitter, 10% spicy. Consumption: 6 grid energy, cooling: 60 seconds. Restriction: Main weapon of firearms. 】

   Moreover, as a firearms skill, its light effect is quite beautiful, and every shot out is like a firework.


   As soon as he reached the 12th floor, he ran into life like tea!

"Oh, what a coincidence? It's a great honor to be able to get skills on the same floor as the Great God." Life is like a tea, and it's a shot, and then said, "I'm about to send you a message. With the skills, the world story will start. ?"

   is a lot of age, this energy is okay...Chen Qian looked at his vigorous expression, but shook his head: "Don't worry."

   "Why not in a hurry?" Life is like a tea. I am very anxious... People like you, who knows if they will find a better teammate in the explosive position tomorrow, kick me out of the plot?

"First of all, it is not my intention to open the world plot. I don't know what three conditions are met to open this thing. However, the world plot is definitely not something that can be fooled. Right?" Chen Qian asked with a smile.

"Of course……"

   "The guaranteed income of the world plot is an immortal-level material!" Chen Qian said, "Immortal-level material with the right blueprint has a chance to make supreme-level equipment."

   "So, shouldn't we hurry in?"

   "So," Chen Qian gave him a white glance, "Isn't it supposed to at least make up a full team?!"

   "This..." Life is like tea, unable to refute.

  World plot!

  Just the two of them, what are you going to do?

   Full team is the most basic respect for the world plot, right?

   "Because again," Chen Qian looked sincerely and kindly, and shot at life like tea, "I have something to trouble you."

   "Uh... you look at me so earnestly, it makes me even more honored, but I also know that I will not be able to meet the requirements of a great **** like you."

   "Don't be nervous," Chen Qian said with a smile, "I just want to ask, can I borrow your friends list for a use."

   Life is like tea, the whole person froze for a while, and replied: "Empty."


   Chen Qian’s smile paused for three seconds.

   What are you kidding? Such a social flower, a rainbow fart who can blow 200,000 characters in a row, tell him that his friend list is empty?



  , too, like a man at the age of tea, who is still in the game all day? People of the same age either got married or started a career. As you get older and older, there will be fewer and fewer friends playing with the fish.

   It’s not easy x4.

   "Then you see, you can only wait, wait for me to figure out a solution, right?" Chen Qian said with a helpless smile.

   "Of course it is the great **** who has figured out a way. How can I compare with a great **** who has such a vast friendship like you?"

   "Well, I'll get off the line first." Chen Qian said.

   "Offline?" Life is like tea and looked at the time, "You don't want to go offline to find a small partner who opens the world plot?"

   "No. The boss hasn't made dinner yet." Chen Qian said.

   Life is like tea, I don’t understand.

   Is it so difficult to play with? Do you still have to take care of the food?


   Seven o'clock in the evening.

   Chen Qian was on fire while thinking about skills and friends.

   Although [Cocoa's Cocktail] is a very fun skill, in fact, there are several optional skills with the same ability points, which consume less energy, or have more damage...

   For example, a skill called [Tactical Magazine] is basically the same as Coco's Cocktail. It can be learned at the same 12 points, but it has higher attack characteristics and more tactical variability.

   is just a light effect that is not so beautiful.

   If you want to be responsible for the world plot, get his second accessory and the little suckling pig production cage... It’s better to get a tactical magazine.

   So, whether it is salty or not, this is a question.

   He glanced at Xiao Zhen's room.

   The orange light from the desk lamp is quiet and warm. The girl who is struggling with writing under the light, with a smile on her mouth, seems to be still reminiscing about the chase in the game just now.

   "The story of the world is an immortal material." Chen Qian thought of this.

   Forget it.

   Give up the skill [Cocoa Cocktail] temporarily.

   "What should I say at this time? Certainly next time?" Chen Qian's face was covered with bitter gourd.

   The flame on the gas stove jumped.

   He steamed a pumpkin, fried pine nut corn, and served it with a bowl of rice, which served as Xiao Yan’s dinner.

   After he finished eating, he returned to the game.

  Life is like tea waiting for a long time...

   And it's the kind of waiting in place, without moving a step.

   "Okay, I see, now team up." Chen Qian saw that he was asking for another set of rainbow farts to blow up, and immediately made a pause gesture.

   He didn't even get his skills, so he formed a team first. What kind of hard work is this?

   "The team is full, the question is...how is it full?" Chen Qian flipped through the list of friends, and first checked the friend status of the track.

   Oh, the one who was still in battle before going offline, is not in battle now.

   Chen Qian's eyes lit up.

   "Isn't that just right?"

   He hit the track directly with a single voice.



   He just finished an EXP dungeon and reached level 15, when he was in a good mood.

   I brought a few new people today.

   Seeing them happily upgrading, he also became extremely happy.

   Anyway, the monsters of the EXP dungeon are all regular polar-chewing beasts. He also knows how many levels of the EXP dungeon can reach... As long as there is no plot to kill, everything is easy to say.

   He hasn't added or replaced the equipment yet, and is considering whether to go to the ecologically dense area.

   Actually, I could go yesterday.

   But the Bhikkhu Mountain in the past two days seems to be a little uneasy, why not wait for tomorrow? Tomorrow's "Broken Night Cemetery" will be the first kill, right? It's not just a copy of Bhikkhu Mountain, you can't get a first kill in three days, right?

   After handing in the task, he was about to learn skills. Suddenly, he felt a chill at the back of his neck.

   He looked back.

   This is a safe zone, there is no danger.

   only had this beautiful fantasy, he saw a voice connection and came directly...

   "Self-herd?" His face changed drastically.

   In these years, let alone online, even offline, in the absence of an emergency, no one would kill him without saying a word, right?

   Although this person is really strong...

   But why is the affection for him never more than a minute?

   "Trajectory, I have set out a very important task here. There are three fewer people, are you coming?" As soon as he picked it up, Chen Qian's voice came out of the headset.

   is quite straightforward.

   task, lack of people.

   "What task? I...just about to go offline." Tracks are even the tasks in the ecological dense area, and they are all going to tomorrow. If it is not an important task, he really doesn't want to take it.

   Besides, I always feel that something is wrong.

  Although I only cooperated once, in the eyes of Trajectory, isn't this person who is so concerned about a task?

   Well, you can remove the word "bar".

   So, is this task rewarding something "996 silencer", or something more inhuman? Triggered his strange fighting spirit?

  Track is really not interested in this kind of task.

  I might as well take a few more groups of newcomers with this time, do good deeds, and enjoy their admiration by the way!

"Which line? What line is this time?" Chen Qian said, "Track, you have to know that it is our unshirkable responsibility as waste hunters to explore the truth in those mists and fight against the Mana ecology. The glory of mankind, what is it for us to go through fire and water? So, don't go offline and finish the task."

   The trajectory was silent for a long time, and said, "Brother."


   "If you are kidnapped~www.readwn.com~, cough twice."


  A ghost will believe that a person who comes to play a support position and has a face without a main weapon will suddenly be overwhelmed with sympathy. He must go to the Mana ecology and fight for you to die or live, huh?

  Really, even if Mana's ecology eroded his face, he estimated that the first reaction would be to stick out his tongue and lick it, let's taste what it was like!

   "Yes, I was kidnapped, I was kidnapped by the system," Chen Qian said with a smile, "My side, there is a world story. Come on."

   "..." The track took off the headphones.

   took a closer look, then put it back in his ears.

  World plot?

   must have heard it wrong, right?

   "Self-herd, I haven't started dreaming yet! The trumpet has a world plot, and those full-level horns stare at me?"

   "Then let them stare..."

   "What are you kidding me, I'm a 15th level number, do things that can affect other people's full-level tasks? Doesn't it exist? Wake up..."

   "Don't believe it? Then why don't you join in and see for yourself?" Chen Qian said.

   "If I add it, I will add... 噫?" As Trajectory said, he saw an invitation bounced over. It was a bit easier, and I suddenly felt that something was wrong.

   I want to sleep!

  Why did you get into the world plot in a silly way? !


   On Chen Qian's side, before hanging up the voice, the last thing he heard was a trail of screams and screams.

   But he has hung up the voice anyway.

   Well, just treat it as non-existent.

   "It's not easy, get one."

   Chen Qian smiled at the corner of his mouth, and continued to scroll through his friends list.

   Next one, it's a curse... Oh no, who should I call it?

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