What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 67: You don’t have to worry about anything except becoming stronger


   Trajectory glanced back in surprise.

   Isn’t this guy’s character supposed to hit him immediately or hit him with a single cycle of mockery? Or, would you be disappointed to see him such a dish? Don't you think you can't teach a child?

   How could it be just a simple "Do it again" and it's gone...

   The trajectory is silent, after standing up, continue to fight.

   Slow down and not adapt.

   was shot down again...

   Defensive posture, failure.

   come again...

   Defensive stance, fail again.

   After doing so several times, the blood volume of the track directly bottomed out!

   madly glanced at Chen Qian for money.

   aware of the air, there seems to be a different smell than before.

   "Did I miss something?" asked madly and gently for money, seemingly casual.

   "Oh, he was single-killed by that great god." Life is like a tea Ming Ming has been offline, but it is clearer than the online crazy for money.

   "4 seconds." Chen Qian added.

   "...Please switch the channel in the headset!" Track said.

   "Hmm, send someone to rescue him by the way..." said the white paper holding the rifle.

  The trail wants to die.

   The one that died once.

   instead of passing away repeatedly in front of the cute little sister!

   Fortunately, this is not an invaded split copy. Chen Qian directly broke into the tomb No. 8 and pulled the trajectory with a needle [isoproteren].

   Then, continue.

   is another round of slowing down and being shot down...

   Chen Qian stood in the corner, staring straight at the trajectory movement, just like under the uneven bars, watching the coach above the players turning and moving.

   "Trajectory, don't rush to clear the blame," Chen Qian looked at for a long time, and said with a smile, "I think you have to practice'unbalanced defense' first."

   "Huh?" A trace of surprise appeared on Trajectory's embarrassed face, "Unbalanced defense? That's not..."

Yes it is.

   Chen Qian smiled and nodded.

   Unbalanced defense is a basic skill for a team of players!

  As a team of players, you can’t say that as long as your body loses a little balance, you can’t adjust the defensive posture, right? Isn't that even to the death of the explosive career?

   The defensive posture in the spirit cage is a specific action that can withstand all the damage of ordinary attacks, and can reduce the damage of 50-70% of the skills of less than 10 grid energy. Therefore, this thing is too important.

   Of course, one-third of the skills in the spirit cage have the effect of breaking defense.

   Anticipating the timing of the opponent's defensive posture, and choosing the skills of breaking defense or non-breaking defense is also a must-practice for a team of players.

"I see." The trajectory didn't say much-He Lin is a team of players, and a team of Sirius players. If he can beat He Lin, even in 4 seconds, he needs to practice one. "Unbalanced defense", you may have to practice a lot...

   It's just that a question that had already arisen from that EXP copy, turned up again.

  Who is Zimu?

   Why can you say so easily, should you practice the words "unbalanced defense"?

   It's like "unbalanced defense" is just a very common technique for him...

   "Track, focus." Chen Qian's muzzle hit the forehead of the mechanical beast in front of the track, and a fire burst out.

   "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." If the trajectory does not have Chen Qian's hand, it is probably the rhythm of death.

   The collision of lightsaber and steel is heavy and cold.

  The eyes of every teammate are hot and expectant.

   There were only two people in the tomb chamber No. 8: Chen Qian and Luolu, but they seemed to be filled with an invisible air.

   adjusted the trajectory of the defensive posture, failing again and again, and dying again and again...

   but get up again and again!

   Chen Qian rarely shoots, and occasionally shoots out a gun, but most of the time he can't shoot out a defensive posture, go to death...

   Nuki said that when practicing "unbalanced defense", you can't form dependence.

   Once the body has the habit of "I didn't prevent it, someone will save the field", it will be difficult to adjust it again.

   When I was practicing the piano, I didn’t practice the **** correctly, then there is a high probability that I would only play this wrong for a lifetime, which would affect the performance of many pieces of music and severely limit the upper limit of performance.

   "On the Blood side, there hasn't even the first kill of the No. 4 Boss?" Trajectory did not easily kill the seventh mechanical beast, but he knew that time should have passed a long time.

   "Oh, you don't need to pay attention to him." Chen Qian said dubiously, "Concentrate."


"You only need to practice your body and position. I will tell you the skills when you hit the boss." Chen Qian shot another mechanical beast. "Other things, you Don't worry about it."

   "..." The trajectory is speechless, no matter how good I practice, if I delete the spirit cage forever, wouldn't it be useless?

   "Concentrate." Chen Qian reminded again.

   "No, I can't concentrate. After all, my bet with Blood is to delete the spirit cage forever." Locus said.

   "But Brother Kuang said that everyone who eats life thinks that you are gentleman Qianqian?"

"and so?"

   "So, if you lose, they will force the gentleman Qianqian to delete the spirit cage forever. What are you afraid of? Change your account and not come back as usual? Eighteen minutes later, you will be a hero again."

   "...Damn," Trajectory hadn't shaken his hands before, and he was shocked by what he said, "My fault, my food, let the gentleman Qianqian carry the pot?"

   This is more scary than deleting the account by himself, OK? !

   "Yes, yes, look, is gentleman Qianqian treats you very well?" Chen Qian smiled and nodded.

"I... I'm sorry for him..." Although the locus felt that there was something wrong, it still felt that it was not so good. That's the gentleman Qianqian... No, I can't do this kind of thing. I have to work hard and put this No. 8 boss first. After taking the first kill, go to the No. 4 Boss and let Blood have no first kill.

   Go on!

   Can’t really cheat the gentleman Qianqian!

   Qiu Bailu is waiting for him, the Sirius hunting group needs him, and the entire Asian server cannot live without him.

   If he knew about the gambling appointment with Blood, it might cause such serious consequences, why did he have to brainstorm and send that kind of information? !

   "Hey, pay attention." Why does Chen Qian feel that the more he teaches, the more he goes back?


The next sword of the trajectory not only completely blocked the attack of No. 8 Mechanical Beast with the "defensive posture", but also took over a weak point damage and immediately exploded the skill. After the skill damage, it immediately became the "defensive posture", and the connection was smooth. Chen Qian was stunned.

   Uh, what happened to him suddenly?


   The two people in Tomb No. 8 corrected their movements with the help of the deceleration effect, strengthened the timing of the "unbalanced defense", and even deliberately made trouble with the mobs...

   can hardly be the on-hook trio in tomb 9.

   "Should we...should we push the No. 2 boss next to Tomb No. 9?" Sheng Huo Cha suggested in a low voice.

   "Ha, no hurry, no hurry, the commander hasn't spoken yet." Crazy for the money responded to various messages on his watch while watching the tracks of Chen Qian and Chen Qian inside.

   Don't say it, I still watch it with gusto.

From the beginning of the track’s inadaptability to the deceleration effect, to the gradual decrease in errors, and then to a sudden wave of explosions, the rhythm of "unbalanced defense" was mastered, but it made me think about my own bicycle learning experience for money. No, I even think that these two rounds of things can stand up, and when I master a little trick later, and then suddenly at a certain moment, my heart is crossed, and I ride...

   However, the trajectory still needs a lot of battle to consolidate the "unbalanced defense", which can not be solved by talent.

   But the eyes frantically for money did not stay on the track for too long.

   Chen Qian is teaching trajectory "unbalanced defense", and he has actually demonstrated over and over again...

   It's just that he will demonstrate, he just doesn't say that he is demonstrating.

"Hahaha, do you believe in such a thing as'the more you look at it, the more it looks like'?" Chen Qian laughed wildly for the money and watched Chen Qian help the locus again. When the mechanical beast hit him with his head, he was in the locus In front of him, he fell backward, but at the same time he raised his muzzle and launched a defensive posture!

   Immediately afterwards, he turned the muzzle of his gun with a shot.

   When the whole person was about to lie down until he passed it up, he twisted his body and turned into a defensive posture!

After    passed this mob's general attack, he suddenly raised his right hand again and shot again with one hand.

After    three shots, Trajectory took the monster again.

  " Turned on the spot three times and opened a defensive posture twice in five seconds~www.readwn.com~ Crazy for money is nothing to say about Chen Qian.

   "I'm going to..." Life is like tea, too.

   "Who did you think of, uncle?" Asked madly about life like tea for money.

   "I thought about it," life was like a tea break, and said, "...the clothes in my washing machine?"


   "The clothes in my washing machine can't be twisted out of his posture, let me go!!" said life like tea.

   "Puff." Blank paper smiled.

"..." Chen Qian listened to them chatting all the time, and inserted innocently, "If you really have nothing to do, eat some melon seeds, go to the next door and give the No. 2 Boss to that. It's just a matter of watching or something. , The trajectory can't let go..."

   He hasn't finished saying this.

   In the empty tomb, the echo of "open" is still echoing.

   He disappeared in front of them!

   rushed for the money and stood up: "Si Mu Ye was invaded?"

   "Uh, this dungeon supernatural event...is it really contagious?" Life is like a tea staring eyes, "He's just a salted fish, who will invade him?"

   They played this dungeon, either one was missing or the other was missing. First, they got lost in a blank paper, and then the track took two first kills and then was invaded and killed by Blood...

   Now, even a salted fish with the lowest output has suddenly disappeared?

   After two minutes of silence...

   Chen Qian's voice appeared in their earphones again: "Oh, it's okay, I'm here in Tomb No. 4."

   "..." Everyone looked dumbfounded, "Why did you suddenly go to Tomb No. 4? What are you triggering again..."

   "Ah," Chen Qian said, looking around, "Cymb No. 4 seems to be... the main control room of the Cemetery of Broken Night."

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