What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 73: Young people, go to Zu'an for a few years

  Everyone is joking.

   The two in the team channel have even struggled with morals.

   However, the locus can't laugh at all.

   In the dungeon, he has seen a lot of things about looting and pitting his teammates, but in order not to interrupt his practice skills, he died and went back to run the map...

   He has not seen it.

   If it's a group of friends and relatives, that's fine, but they are just a passerby team.

   Uncle doesn't say anything, but he knows everything, he will silently **** his progress.

   "Trajectory, big move." Chen Qian looked at the deformed movement of the trajectory, and he knew that he must be distracted again!

A Titanium-black No. 8 Boss, with two solid front paws bent down, and the whole body is in a half-creeping posture. Because the overall height of the No. 8 Boss is more than four meters, it is crawling down at this time, like a giant wolf pressing down. He lowered his head and placed his eyes on the same position as the trajectory.

   There was a creak in the body of Boss #8.

   The trajectory suddenly became a twist.

   Big move?

Yes, they came all the way by pulling the switch and digging into holes. A group of people turned their guns back and burst out. They even dulled two bosses' big moves, so he almost forgot, Boss, a species like this. , It has a big trick!

   "Interrupt? Oh, it seems it's too late to interrupt." Chen Qian's voice was still calm.

   It's not that he beat Boss.

   What is he worried about?


   After the body parts of Boss No. 8 made a noise, facing the trajectory, suddenly spit out a one-meter-long sharp steel nail!

   Before the trajectory had time to react, he was penetrated by the steel nails and stuck to the ground in a very distorted posture. He quickly used the method of dealing with the polar eating beast's "Elemental Absorption" method, moving left and right, trying to get rid of the steel nails.

   But his health actually started to drop.

   "Can't move." Chen Qian also saw this effect.

   This is a continuous blood drop caused by cutting damage!

   The one-meter steel nails just pierce people into the ground. It is a control skill. The real killer move should be yet to come...

   "...But, it's coming..." The titanium black all over the Boss, who has entered the second form, has become more metallic!

   Boss No. 8 not only came by himself.

   Moreover, the crunching noise inside its body continued.

   After a while, another steel nail was spit out by it.


   Trajectory I just practiced hundreds of times of "unbalanced defense" on mobs on No. 8 and directly held this second steel nail!

   "No defense! This skill does not break defense!!" The track is actually just an instinctive reaction in an unbalanced state after the body is nailed down, but this result makes him too excited.

   And Chen Qian's eyes stared at Boss No. 8 motionless!

  Internal assembly parts...

   has strong melee lethality and semi-long-range ability at the same time.

   If there is no special reason, this shouldn't be a No. 8 Boss, right?

   "Special reasons, special reasons." Chen Qian did not find similar information on the drawings...

   Then you can only read it live.



   The defensive posture of the trajectory can be called the general attack of the ***oss and the shooting of the steel nails, all of which were blocked by him.

   But if this continues, there will always be mistakes.

   Boss No. 8’s attack power has indeed been reduced by 20% by the overhaul mode, but the remaining 80% can’t be said to be ignored, right?

   "Ah!" Locus suddenly yelled.

   Just when Chen Qian thought this way, the trajectory was not guarded, and the face was scratched by Boss No. 8 with a claw, and blood spurted out immediately.

   And Chen Qian's eyes lit up from this **** perspective.

   "No problem, go on, hold on." After Chen Qian stabilized the track's emotions, for two seconds, when the next steel nail of Boss No. 8 was about to shoot out, he shouted, "You are still far behind."

   The attention of the trajectory is completely focused on the battle at this time.

   didn't even think whether Chen Qian was taunting him, it was still far away...

   After he succeeded in another defensive stance, he immediately launched the [You are still far away] this skill!

   Reduce the target's movement speed by 10%, and cause a 10% delay to the target's ability. Each time the target cancels the current action, the two are reduced by an additional 5%...

   This is a PVP skill.

   Trajectory only thinks that Chen Qian is asking him to practice skills in extreme situations and raise his hand.

   However, after he released this skill, he saw that the sluggish speed of Boss No. 8 was much lower than that of 10%!

   Why does it cause such an effect?

"Boss No. 8 takes a different time to assemble steel nails every time. As a Boss who is only one size stronger than Boss No. 9, he must also be an unfinished body. However, the weaknesses of Boss No. 9 are on the surface. The weakness of the Boss is internal," Chen Qian looked at the track and put down his hand beautifully. "When it assembles the steel nails in the body, it will fail."

   "Uh, if it fails to assemble internally once, it will trigger the skill's ‘every time the current action is cancelled’ judgment?" Track said, "Then, as long as I keep holding it, its big move can kill me?"

   "More than that." Chen Qian continued, "It uses internal parts to assemble steel nails, so its defense has been declining..."

   This is the correct way to open the No. 8 Boss!

   Although it looks like a behemoth of steel, majestic and indestructible, it just seems that Chen Qian does not matter so many, because of the analysis of the number, it must be a paper tiger.

   "Hold it. Hold it." Track clenched his teeth and persisted.

   can't make mistakes.

   Every defensive posture is at the right time.

   Seeing that the No. 8 Boss is slower and slower under the effect of his skills, he also feels more and more that it is completely worthwhile to spend more than an hour to fight the mobs.

   If you skip the process just now, now that he is controlled by the nails, he will be able to return to the Shangmin Medical Clinic in five seconds to accompany his life like tea!

   There are some things, there is really no shortcut.

   clang clang...

Suddenly, the one-meter-long steel nails on the trajectory shattered into sections. The moment the control effect just ended, the Boss pounced again, and even in this completely unprepared situation, With only a ding sound, the light shield collided with the giant steel claws of the boss-the defense was successful.

   "Okay, now is your counterattack moment." Chen Qian didn't need to look at the back.

   Boss No. 8 is a big move that hurts the enemy one thousand and hurts himself eight hundred.

If there is not a single person killing in the tomb No. 8, but there are more people, Chen Qian feels that he can even use the "grass boat borrow arrow" style of play, directly relying on the position to show the boss-all the ground is stuck. It's a steel nail, and no one can control it. Presumably Boss No. 8 will also be crazy, right?

   "It's over?" Crazy for money saw Chen Qian's action of hitting the mob 4, and became a little more active, and asked with a smile.

   "The original Boss defense in the overhaul mode is 50% lower than normal. This Boss even used his own big move to kill him, and now it's as crisp as an iron sheet..."

   Chen Qian said this in less than five minutes.

   Everyone has received the system prompt.

   "The hunter's trail, in the graveyard of Broken Night, gave [Perfect Machine No. 8] a fatal blow!"


   "I...grass!!!" The track was in tomb 8 and fell to the ground upside down.

   This is his third first kill!

   But compared to the previous two times, this time seems more realistic.

   From the intuitive sense of combat, he can clearly feel that the No. 8 Boss is weaker than the No. 9 Boss they played before, but so what?

   Boss No. 8 was really taken down by him!

  Single kill!

Of course, he didn’t inflate, the more he improves, the more he discovers that there are still a lot of things he can’t do, but at least he is already moving forward. Today is a solo killing of a five-person boss. It may be tomorrow. Kill the ten-person boss alone, and then what?

   One day, he can do it alone.

"I'll recover for a while, and then go to Tomb No. 4." The track leaned against the wall, and I just wanted to say that after a big fight, I can take a breath. As a result, when I saw the contents of the watch, my hair stood up again. Up!

   Concentration is a very valuable quality.

   But in the process of playing the No. 8 Boss, the trajectory was a little too focused, and he didn't notice at all. His name is already known to everyone in this world!

   It's a pity, it's not a good thing!

   "Haha, why is there no sound in the trajectory? I found myself being scolded?" For the money, Madan keenly noticed that something went wrong on the trajectory.

   "Hmm..." I don't know what to say in the track.

   A basin of cold water?

Of course, he is still excited. The joy of the first kill and the single kill will not be extinguished by a few news, but the surprise and confusing emotion at this moment must also occupy a large part of ~www.readwn.com~net Mu Yuan was constantly scolded by people who swiped the news: "The track card is a bug, can you not afford to play with the track card?"

   is not a scolding number.

   But many people are copying the same message.

   So, Locus looked at the watch for a long time and didn’t know what to say...

   "Isn't the mockery very exciting just now? Why is there no sound now?"

   "Come out and explain, why did the blood **** say at first that whoever gets the first kill of Boss No. 4 first, and the other will delete the number, you dare not pick it up?"

   "Yes, why don't you dare to pick it up?"

   This is still a normal logical curse war.

   As for some of the direct squirting, it is a terrible curse. If you don't bring all the female relatives of the family, you will not be able to speak.

   The first kill of a No. 8 Boss can't save him.

  Although the newcomers in the track are helping him to spit back, but the other party is really too many, too strong, the newcomers are also weak, outnumbered, and gradually drowned in a sea of ​​abuse.

   "Trail classmate, as a public enemy, do you have nothing to say?" Chen Qian asked in the headset with a smile.

   "..." Trajectory has something to say, but I don't know where to start!

   They just monopolized the copy, there is nothing wrong with it.

   Is it a world story?

   Chen Qian smiled and lifted his chin, and asked, "Speak logically to a few people. When there are many people, you have to make sure that you don’t suffer."

   "Huh?" The trajectory was puzzled.

   "Youth, here I have a collection of Zu'an fighting in seventy languages, nine yuan and nine free shipping, do you want a copy?"

   "..." Locus was grateful to him, this time he failed to survive for three minutes!

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