What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 74: Wait, what is the first kill strategy?

   In this world, there are really good kids who never speak swearing. Normal arguments are not a problem, but no-brained scolding really can’t come out—unfortunately, the trajectory belongs to this match.

   Even if he was brought on the account book by the whole server, he could only look distressed.

too difficult……

  Some abuses belong to him that he can't understand. Every time he looks at this kind of thing, he can really understand what is the profoundness of the motherland's culture.

   Of course, he didn't reply.

   But his replies, almost without splashing any splashes, were submerged in the vast ocean of cursing people with all kinds of tricks.

   "This is a complete **** reply." Chen Qian looked at his reply, stunned.

   On the World Channel where all kinds of banned words are flying around, he can't even bring up a single * to speak. Not to mention a group of people mocking the world, it's enough to deal with a life-eating hunting group.

  Track classmates are downcast.

   is completely different from the posture that a great **** with three first kills in his hand should have.

   "It's okay, since a wilderness hunting group can't handle it..." Chen Qian touched his chin, "Then you can only point it right."

   Actually, the **-style scolding war itself is meaningless.

   is just a catharsis of emotions and cannot solve the problem.

   "Track, don't hear anyone's news. You don't need to deal with so many people, you just click Blood alone." Chen Qian said to him while paddling the water in Tomb No. 4.

   "It's all like this, how can I click the grass..." The trajectory was weak.

   "It's very simple." Chen Qian said, "Don't follow their rhythm. Just ask him, the Blood God hasn't figured it out yet? Do you need help?"


   "For example, the first kill strategy of Boss No. 4, do you want it?"


"has a problem?"

   "No...you wait, the first kill strategy? Are you sure you are right?" Trajectory directly lifted the table inside.

   What is the first kill strategy? !

   Raiders, as the name suggests, are people who have already overcome a problem, and give others who have not solved a problem a brief explanation.

   Attention, the premise is the person who "has overcome a difficult problem".

   And the first kill means to kill this boss for the first time!

   So, are you sure, these two can be said together?

   "Oh, if he doesn't want it, you just announce it directly." Chen Qian said again.

   "..." The track of the heart beats wildly.

   "Anyway, there is just one central idea-I bet you on a boss and open the number-deleting game, and the price drops. Therefore, if the strategy is taken away or not, who wants to bet with you."

   Chen Qian explained the core to him clearly and let him play it out.

   Reasons, facts, etc., but hurry up and stop. Taunting is how to do it unreasonably, other people are not pooping you madly? Do others make sense? You have to explain why I shouldn’t pick up this **** bowl, one, two, three, four, what's the use?

   just throw it back and it's done.

   However, this kind of thing is that the master leads the door.

   In the end, what kind of ridicule can become depends on the trajectory's own savvy.

   "Can you really provide a first kill strategy?" The trajectory is still entangled at this point.

   It seems that comprehension is not very good.

   Chen Qian sighed and replied: "Yes."


   Do you want the first kill strategy?

  On this sentence, the Life-Eater Hunter Group is messed up!

   The wind direction of the world also quickly reversed...

   After all, just this sentence has already answered the question, "Why did the blood **** say at the beginning that whoever gets the first kill of the No. 4 Boss first, and the other one deletes the number, don't you dare to answer?"

  Because, disdain.

   You said how to play, how should I play with you? I don't want face?

   I didn’t put this in my eyes at the beginning, you guys are still talking about the whole world, are you embarrassed?

   As for what card bugs, can't you play?

   That is even more self-defeating...

   card bug? If it is really a card bug, I have left you silent for more than an hour to complain. Is the official response a bug? no!

   Can't afford to play? Okay, I just can't afford to play, so I will just give you the guide, can you do it yourself? Just don't bother me.

   Is the first kill important to your blood? But it's not a problem for me.

  Who wants to go who wants to.

   So, spike!

"We have a ghost in our hunting group!!" Blood said excitedly to PB22, "We have read the style of play from my perspective. We haven't made the first kill ourselves, and there is a strategy on the track. "

They really know how to fight Boss No. 4—just crack the password of the console, lock the door between the chambers No. 4 and No. 8, and then use the deceleration effect of chamber No. 8 to hit the boss of chamber No. 4. It can be done in an hour.

   However, it was a play that they had failed several times before they came up with a play.

What is the status of    trajectory?

   He just popped up the first kill of No. 8 Boss, maybe he hasn't even entered the No. 4 cemetery!

   Is there a strategy? This cliff was stolen!

   But, with such obvious and no logical flaws, no one responded to Blood.

   PB22 turned his head for a long time, and said to He Lin: "If the trajectory is indeed the gentleman Qianqian..."

   "Well, he can do it." He Lin knew what PB22 wanted to say.

   After I just finished playing tomb #8, after collecting the text data, through paper analysis, I got the situation of chamber #4 and guessed how to play Boss #4...

   Qianqian gentleman should be able to do it.

   So, the trajectory is Gentleman Qianqian, then all the logic is smooth, everything can make sense.

   "...It's really so strong." PB22 originally had a glimmer of hope when he asked him, but when he heard this almost affirmative answer, his heart was cold.

   "If you are afraid, I can retire now..." He said halfway through, and was stopped by PB22.

PB22 pressed his arm fiercely: "The Great God, what do you think you are? You are not a tool for life-saving. Please make it clear that we are partners who both prosper and lose! I believe , Following you, we can swim through sea elections and set foot on the professional battlefield. In this case, we cannot escape the risk of coexisting with it! How can there be such good things in this world?"

  He lined up breathing for a few seconds.

PB22 laughed and said: "Even if the other party is a gentleman Qianqian, even if the other party is a giant like Sirius, what if we ran into it for you? You, the gentleman Qianqian had the fault first, and he should do it for himself. Willfulness and recklessness will pay the price for the pain and trouble caused to others."

   "..." He Lin did not say a word for a long time, after which he took a deep breath and said, "I know."

   "Then we..."

   "No, don't act rashly. I will go to him. I had an appointment with you before, but you only helped me find him. I will do the rest."

   Originally, the purpose of slaughtering trajectory by pressing the damage amount was to try the reality.

   But he found that he couldn't try it at all.

   But he can basically be sure today...

   Strength and fighting style, based on the strength gap between him and the gentleman Qianqian, it may indeed be impossible to try, but today's taunting style and the method of catching the key and fatal blow are too modest!

   Although they really don’t look alike...

   "Aren't we talking about Duanye Cemetery?" Blood heard the cloud. "The first kill in Duanye Cemetery was robbed three times. He released the No. 4 Boss strategy, but you are talking about Gentleman Qianqian?"

   "Well, because the problem of that gentleman is more serious than a hundred first kills." He Lin's eyes were a dark cloud.


   Just after posting the guide for Boss #4, Chen Qian saw Boss #4.

  Although I have seen it on the drawings, when I saw it with my own eyes, it still felt different.

   is completely different from the machine body 4 on the ground...

   Boss No. 4 is coming out!

   The mobs in tomb 4 are responsible for the cleaning and cleaning of this master control room, while Boss 4 is responsible for the daily maintenance of the equipment in the master control room.

   So, this is not an imitation of a polar eater.

   This is a robot!

This is a humanoid machine with a height of about one and a half meters. The shape is very strange. It has two arms behind it and is handcuffed with handcuffs. It also has fetters on the feet, and a heavy black iron is hung on the fetters. ball.

  Boss is divided into two forms, one is normal form, one is working form, and two health bars.

   The movement speed is very slow.

   If it were introduced to tomb No. 8, it would almost belong to an iron stake.

"The strategy you just released is... crack the password of No. 4 tomb on the console, fast forward Boss No. 4 to the second form after unlocking, directly lose one health bar, and then reuse the handcuffs. Lock in the second form and kill it remotely." For the sake of money, Crazy looked at the information Chen Qian gave to the trajectory ~www.readwn.com~ and confirmed, "Shall we fight like this?"

   "No." Chen Qian pasted an orange door on the right side of Tomb No. 4.


   The voice from him was trying to password.

   was stunned for the money, and then stopped talking, and the trajectory was still unknown, so he asked: "Then what is our style of play?"

   "We? Our style of play... is a style of play that does not require attacks and will not suffer blood loss at all." Chen Qian smiled.

   "Rely on it," Trajectory glared, "Is there any way to play?"

   "Yes, this style of play is..." Chen Qian paused, then smiled and said, "Don't fight!"

   "..." The track turned black.

"Look," Chen Qian drew a circle with his hands. "The only person in our team who needs the first kill is not here. What are we going to fight? And, you have already released the strategy, and look back. You took the first kill yourself, do you want to face it?"

   I just want to spray him back on the trajectory, do you want a face?

   It’s not to help me for a long time to make me ridicule, it's mainly because you want to be lazy with Boss No. 4, right?

   "Ha..." Crazy for money, heartbroken life is like tea for a second.

Life is like tea, although it is still running maps, but the team channel chat can also be heard in the headset, and immediately can't bear it: "Ahhhh, self-herd, you don't bring this! You can't have teammates occasionally! Love? It’s hard for me to take the initiative to save you by jumping off the building. I have to talk about my conscience and know whether Entupao is... Brother, I know you are the best. Don’t unlock the next tomb and come back..."

   "Oh, didn't you just jump off the building for the small track of hard work?" Chen Qian replied with a smile.

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