What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 80: If you don’t listen to the uncle’s words, live longer

   One second, two seconds...

   He Lin gave the news within one minute after the track passed through the friend.

  The content is also quite concise.

   "Are you a gentleman Qianqian?"

There is no such thing as you chatting... the hands of the trajectory are trembling, although he added a lineup, but to such a team of great gods, to an enemy unit that killed him in 4 seconds, what should I say, what I want to say, He really didn't think about it.

   As for Chen Qian, who was staring at his watch next to him, he looked at him with a big smile on his face.

   is the attitude of "you beg me, if you don't beg me, I won't tell you how to ridicule".

   The trajectory rolled his eyes immediately.

"If you analyze your appearance and playing style, I don't think you are a gentleman Qianqian, but from the analysis of behavior, language and ability, I can be sure that you are gentleman Qianqian." He Lin did not wait for a reply from the track, and chased it again. "I'm an intermediary, you may not know who I am now, but you will know in the future."

   The eyelids of the trajectory jumped, and he was worthy of being a team of Sirius players. This is not a small tone.

   Another message came from He Lin: "Gentleman Qianqian, I won't move you until you reach your level. When you reach your level and the equipment is formed, our'game' has just begun."

Chen Qian pointed to the watch on the track and said, "I think you are suitable for this. Taunting, sometimes you don’t need to be like what I taught you before. It belongs to the type of'secondary release', high-energy and effective. And he belongs to the'not angry but prestigious' type, using plain threats to cause tremendous pressure on the opponent..."

   "……" Trajectory just want to ask, where is your focus?

   He Lin said again: "Of course, if you have a whim and delete your account before reaching the full level, I will also find your next account. Don't doubt that I have this determination and perseverance."

Chen Qian nodded and continued to guide: "Look, a mocking war without anger, but a gradual progress. I will list all the situations one, two, three and four, and finally tell you that no matter what your choice is, you have nothing. Road can escape."

   The trajectory tumbling crazily inside.

   Is it time to analyze other people’s taunting skills?

  The point is, the object of the conversation is gentleman Qianqian, and I am not at all!

   Trajectory clearly thinks this way, but I don’t know why following Chen Qian’s analysis, what came up was: "Then I encounter a non-angry and mighty opponent, how can I go back?"


   Trajectory waxed himself.

  What am I talking about? Why should I learn this? I'm floating, I'm floating, and I will really be able to compete with the match in front of the court one day-which one is still ridiculing and fighting, right? How can it be?

   Chen Qian's face is teachable.

"Faced with this kind of pretending type, in fact, the easiest way is to run over him directly with strength." He said thinking of Silence, the leader of the Nighthawk Hunting Group, which is a ridicule rarely used in the arena. People, but few people will take the initiative to provoke him, because once you ridicule him, he will show you back with his strength.

   "...I don't have this strength." Trajectory lowered his head and said.

   "Well, then use another genre to pay him." Chen Qian said.

   "What?" Trajectory's mind didn't want to ask, but he opened his mouth and asked.

   "The answer is not what I asked," Chen Qian stretched out a finger, "For example, asking him...Do you mean to take me to the full level first?"

   "..." Of course... you won't reply like this if you die!

Although he didn't know how He Lin had such a deep misunderstanding of him, but He Lin put forward the "full level, the equipment is formed, our'game' has just begun" conditions, the trajectory is completely acceptable, after all , For him, the current combination is a behemoth that can kill him with one hand in 4 seconds, and it is impossible for him to fight against it.

   But when he reached level 50, he should have improved a lot.

   Not to mention that he can win Hexie, but he believes that under Chen Qian's "teaching", he must be able to fight Hexie... right?

   "Self-herd, come and take a look at this." Life is like tea, dragging out a black suitcase from under the double bed in the cabin and calling Chen Qian over.

  Leave a trail alone, staring at the matched news, thinking about life in place.

   For a long time, he brought back a sentence to He: "Well, that's all right."

   Then we'll see you at full level and figure out what went wrong in person.


The small room they were transported to was simply furnished. It was a one-meter-two single bed covered with cold gray sheets. It was flat and there were no wrinkles. The table was made of black rock slabs. It is also very clean and tidy, without any stains. Except for a slight bump in one corner, it can be seen that this is an old thing, but the whole looks like a new one.

   There is no wardrobe in the cabin, only a metal bracket with a few hangers hanging on it, even if it is a wardrobe, but at this time, there are no other clothes on the hangers except for a set of dark blue work clothes and a pair of repair gloves.

Life is like tea. First, he found a switch on the wall panel and got a book. Then, in the only drawer of the desk, he found a prescription for medicine, and then he found a damaged watch in the pocket of his work clothes. Just as he felt that these were common decorations in some scenes, when there was no clue, he saw the suitcase under the bed.

"Well, we only have one boss left in the world plot now, so the room we were teleported to should be used to let us find Ye Yun." Chen Qian said while watching life open like tea. That suitcase.

   That is a box about 20 inches.

After opening   , the first thing they saw was a brand new set of personal clothing.

"Hey, this set of red velvet... the size and shape seem to match the white paper girl. There are also pants. Although the materials are a bit less, this red velvet with a translucent design on the back is definitely a Those who know how to work..." Life is like a tea, picking up the suitcase's personal clothes with one finger, and dangling in front of the white paper like discovering a new world.

"Ahhh, it looks really good." The white paper was taken from the hands of life like tea with bright eyes. She didn't realize that she was dangling around the room with such a set of translucent underwear. Then the body swayed gently, what kind of picture it was like.

   Four pairs of eyes stared at her alone.

   Life is like a saucer holding his chin, swallowing his saliva and whispering, "Why don't you replace it with the white girl? Maybe it can help us find Ye Yun?"

   trajectory and blush again.

   Chen Qian flew up and kicked his life into the corner like tea.

   "Sister White Paper, in the future, it is forbidden to talk to the uncle when the other three of us are not present." He taught White Paper.

   "Okay." The white paper nodded earnestly to indicate that he had remembered.

   Chen Qian sat cross-legged in front of the opened suitcase. In addition to the change of clothes picked out by life like tea, there was only a bottle of medicine, an ugly and twisted robot model, and a lot of information and charts.

  The materials are all written materials, but I don’t know if they are written in Esperanto or some ancient script, so I don’t understand.

The    chart is not the kind of mechanical drawing in the cemetery of Ending Night, nor can it be understood.

   Chen Qian raised his head and looked at the others.

Life is like tea. He just kicked the corner to the corner. He madly bowed his head in the watch for money. Although the trajectory looked at the suitcase blankly, he could not help much in solving the puzzle for the time being. As for the blank paper , I was already admiring (tossing) the outfit she got. It was obviously in a state of "calling me when I was about to fight", so I didn't consider contributing a little brain cells.

   Chen Qian could only continue tossing his suitcase with exhaustion...

   "Isn't everything here? What are you looking for?" Or life is like tea slipping over again, looking at Chen Qian curiously.

   "Theoretically, there should be bowl-mouthed pigs in this scene..." Chen Qian said halfway, paused, and smiled at life like tea, "The bowl holds the experimental report of cultivating organisms."

   "Bowl? Buckle it?" Life is like tea with a baffling expression, "What kind of bacteria are cultivated? But Ye Yun is an expert in machinery, not biology..."


   Chen Qian pulled out a few pieces from the pile of materials in the suitcase that he could barely understand the image, and put them in front of life like tea.

   Although I can't understand what is written, it is clear that the paintings are all cells.

"The research materials she hid in the suitcase are not her own." Chen Qian pointed to the date and location that the printer might bring with him under the image. "This date is seven years ago and the location is Jingmuyuan. However, Ye Yun was in the lighthouse seven years ago, and she was not in Jingmuyuan."

   "Where did you know?" Life is like tea asked.

"We were in the cemetery of Broken Night, didn't we get Ye Yun's resume?" Chen Qian glanced at him like an idiot~www.readwn.com~ Oh yes..." Life is like tea, I remember handing in a bag at the time. The resume was given to Chen Qian, "Do you remember the content of the resume? "

   is not just the content of the resume?

Chen Qian’s mind about Ye Yun’s resume, objects, drawings, and external descriptions has been condensed into a line: birth, school, disappearance, childbirth, return, night attack, imprisonment, disappearance...every time node. Very clear.

   Infer where Ye Yun is now, relying on this information.

"Ah, look, is there a map on the wall? However, it seems to be missing. It looks like three pieces of A4 paper are missing. If you paste it, you should be able to find where Ye Yun is?" A white voice rang behind them.

   Chen Qian turned his head and spit out in seconds.


   Nima! What map are you looking at?

   The white paper actually believed that life is like tea, and put on the spare red velvet in Ye Yun's suitcase.

It’s just that the size of the top seems to be a bit smaller than she expected. At this time, it looks like a cup that is filled with water and is about to overflow, and the red translucent touch down is blocked by the coat she puts on her body. Halfway through, she leaned her body and turned her head, and the long stray hunter's combat uniform jacket swayed along with her, showing her two healthy and powerful legs.

   "..." The track died immediately on the spot.

  Although Chen Qian did not see the map mentioned in the white paper, who would be in the mood to read the map when she played so much?

   "Ye Yun still did a good thing!" Life is like a tea with straight eyes.

   It's okay for him not to speak.

  As soon as he opened his mouth, Chen Qian kicked him into the corner again.

   The blank paper pointed to the wall inexplicably: "Land...Map..."


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