What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 93: Extreme body method, air-blood anti-kill

   Locus is a person who bears gratitude and does not bear grudges.

   This kind of personality is also born, just like the fear of heights in life.

Even if he vowed on the spot that he would never download a copy with Chen Qian again, but next time Chen Qian calls him, he will probably still be there, not to mention that life is like tea in Cemetery No. 4 in the previous Broken Night Cemetery. In order to protect him from practicing "unbalanced defense", he took the initiative to die...

   "I have single-killed two bosses, I have single-killed two bosses..." Trajectory muttered in his heart while watching the lightsaber shine brighter and brighter.

   Ye Yun's two-stage form's main attack method is the corrosive damage of burning gas.

   Therefore, the trajectory does not need to spend too much energy on the position-anyway, no matter the front, back or the side, the corrosion damage can hit him.

   The health of the boss is declining.

   His health is also declining.

The beating light from the energy layer on the lightsaber shines on his slightly pale face and shines into his eyes. The eyes also shine with the height of the damage. [FA07 Great Sword] and the previous 03 type except for the basics. In addition to the attack, the biggest difference is the extension of the combo determination time. Although this sword requires nine combos to increase its attack power, four times more than the 03 type, but now the interval between two attacks is only 4 seconds. Within 2 seconds, it can be judged as a combo, which is twice the fault tolerance of the previous 03 type.

   The trajectory has gone through the running-in with this lightsaber in the graveyard of Broken Night, and now he is very proficient.

   There is no need to count the seconds.

   You can know which one can be connected by feeling...

   The only problem is that his blood volume is dropping faster!

  The man closest to the Boss, the wilderness hunter's battle suit on his body has been severely damaged under the corrosion of unknown gas, and his defense is falling down like jumping off a cliff.

   Corrosion damage in the world of the spirit cage can cause the player's health to drop continuously, and at the same time, it can corrode the armor and reduce the defense and durability of the armor.

   "Track, you will die again!" Life is like tea reminding him that his blood volume has bottomed out.

  As soon as the words fell, a white light burst up.

   Anbu's oiled paper umbrella!

   Then, he took the initiative to meet Ye Yun's finger.

   Ye Yun shot his forehead with his fingertip, hitting a weak point, and bringing a crit...

   And within 1.5 seconds after opening, Ambu’s oil-paper umbrella resists all damage that is 50% higher than its own vitality. If there is damage with attributes, all attribute damage is returned to the opponent, and an additional 50% damage of the same attribute is added to the target.

   "It's not Xun Shan?" Life is like a tea. I didn't expect that Track would choose this skill.

   "Well, he can grasp this 1.5 seconds accurately." Chen Qian also saw the details of the choice of this skill.

  荭Flash is to resist damage within 5 seconds, but has no anti-injury effect. Ambu's oil-paper umbrella only has a protection time of 1.5 seconds, but it can resist a large amount of injury.

   Trajectory blocked a shot for his teammate before he died, and in turn gave the Boss a lot of corrosive damage!

   I will bite you again when I die!

   So, he turned into light with a smile.

   "It's too fierce, track."

   "Played beautifully..."

   Although the boss battle is not over yet, Chen Qian and the others did not stingy to give enough praise for the trajectory. Under his looting style that completely disregards the health value, the Boss second form has been pulled down by half.

   The stacked output of an excellent lightsaber is definitely a nightmare for any boss, even if she is Ye Yun!

   But, it’s still very difficult to play...

   Except for the white paper that is the farthest away, and Chen Qian who opened the distance in time after discovering the corrosion, the others suffered severe blood damage to varying degrees.

   Crazy for money and Life is like tea, each has been out of war and replenishment once, but now the health value is on the verge of black.

   can't last a few seconds!

"Be careful!!"

   But, at the moment when the trail turned light, there were no more mechanical bodies in the Jingmu Forest superimposed on Ye Yun's body, and the effect of corrosion stopped!

   But everyone knows that the end of an effect often means the beginning of another effect!


   Crazy for money, when he saw the corrosive effect ended, he gave the control skills.

   However, it was himself who was accused of staying in place!

   "Anti-injury?" Life is like tea, when I saw Ye Yun's actions, "No, this is too smart, right?"

"Ha, this seems to have been said by someone just now..." It's not a big control to be madly grateful for money, but a lock in place for 1 second, and then superimpose the slow effect of cutting damage for 5 seconds, otherwise, he will spend a lot of money The energy grid locked himself up.

   just used an anti-injury skill in the track, and bit her mortally, and she immediately treated her in her own way!


   A skill of the white paper was also bounced back.

Fortunately, it has always been a blank sheet of the second output station. The HP hasn't dropped too much. I was returned by a skill that was reversed. I just froze for a while. Then I changed the magazine and directly attacked, and no longer used the skill with her. .

   "No..." Chen Qian was about to say that because of the Boss's counter-injury, everyone would not be able to use the skills, so that their team's action ability could not be supported until the boss was finished!

   However, Ye Yun seemed to know that he was going to speak, his fingers were in the shape of a gun, and a laser beam rushed towards him again, as if to prevent him from speaking.

   Chen Qian was within half a meter, and a laser hit her forehead. There was no way, but now his spear shape was tens of thousands of miles away from her, how could she still be hit by her?

He took off lightly and rolled over directly from the laser. When the laser swept back, he lowered his head again, and his lower body rolled around. After doing this several times, Ye Yun's laser didn't touch any of his hair. .


   Ye Yun's second knuckle opened.

"To make up for the state, you have to use her skills to fight back injuries. You can't use it with her." When Chen Qian saw that the second laser was also shot, he rushed to leave the last words first, with [Yuhui in his hand] 】Slanting across the chest, after an extremely random but successful defensive posture blocked one of the lasers, there was another small jump under his feet, skipping the second laser.

   Ye Yun seems not to believe in evil...

   The third knuckle is opened, and the third laser is shot.

The leaves were already beeping and burning under the irradiation of the laser. Under the staggered bursts of three lasers, Chen Qian’s feet were as healthy as a bamboo pole dance. His body was tossed and moved in the air, and people drilled in the gaps of the lasers. Come and drill until Ye Yun makes the fourth, fifth...

   Life is like tea. In this segment, robbing broke out and robbed crazy.

  Limited time, limited mobility, directly exploded the energy grid, and then quickly retreated to make up the state.

   The explosive damage he gave to the Boss, all of it was wounded back to himself, so the faster the Boss's health bar, the faster he will die...

Originally, he planned to retreat to the side and recover for about fifteen seconds after the empty blood, but his blood volume control was a little bit limited. As a result, at the moment of his retreat, Ye Yun suddenly turned around. The laser swept all over his face, like a loud slap.

   Life is like a tea in the same place for a moment, only to realize that he seems to be dead.

   At this time, Ye Yun's second form health bar has only the last 10% left!

   "Can't just fall to this 10%, is the trajectory resurrected? How long will it take to return to the battlefield?" Crazy for money shouted in the headset.

"One minute." Trajectory was already preparing to parachute, but just as he said this, he paused and said, "No, Uncle Cha is dead, and the plane is back to the starting point. I followed back. ..."

   It seems that the first stage of play that Chen Qian designed before is not feasible anymore.

   AI has long considered that someone will jam the bug like this, so if the setting is dead, the aircraft position will be reset once.

   Just now crazy for money, in order to save the field, he flicked a control and went out.

   As a result, because of the anti-injury effect, he was locked in place. After Ye Yunfan finished his life like tea, his backhand was five lasers, rushing towards him long and short...

The silent but scorching laser pierced through the body, and the blood sprayed from the back of the mad for money instantly solidified, and a thick black smoke appeared. There was originally only the last bit of empty blood to mad for the money, ready to wait for life to be like tea. When the replenishment state returns to the battlefield, he will use the forceful escape to quickly replenish a wave. However, now he can only leave the battlefield completely.

"There are only two long distances left, Zimu and Baizhimei. This is impossible to fight, right?" Life is like a tea clutching his own hair. If it is the first death, it will be fine. This has already hit the last 10%. !

Do not! 5%! !

   Chen Qian’s [tactical magazine] was shot after the last burst of life like tea, and this product must be shot with weak points...

   loses 5% here, how can I feel unwilling! !

   "You can fight." Chen Qian gave him a reassurance.

   "Huh?" Life is like tea. Seeing that Chen Qian's mobility is not enough, and his life value has also bottomed out~www.readwn.com~ There are only 6 points left in the energy grid. How can I fight this?

   3%! !

   The output of white paper has been followed up.

   Ye Yun saw that he was about to change his hands to attack the white paper again, but Chen Qian directly shouted: "Go, limit firepower."

"You still have the limit of firepower? Pull it with the white paper girl, and wait for our plane to come..." Life is like tea looking at the 3% of the life of this Boss, so anxious that he can't jump. The plane thing.

   This kind of time should be steady!

   can't rush!

   But when Chen Qian switched the short spear form directly, when he topped Ye Yun's chest...

   Ye Yun's fingers with five fierce lasers suddenly clicked and made a strange noise, and black smoke came out!

   did not wait for her to change to another attack method, Chen Qian and Bai Zhi both fought for their lives in the last wave and directly took away the last 3% of her life!

   "I..." I don't know my life is like tea. At this time, I should be glad that I don't have to jump a plane anymore, or I should touch my sore face.

   What did you yell at?

   Chen Qian seems to know that Ye Yun's finger laser gun has been overloaded, and he is about to stop cooking!

   "So, how did you know that you can fight like this?" Life is like sweating on a tea head, asking from Chen Qian's perspective.

"Oh... it's in the plot." Chen Qian smiled. He didn't deliberately sell the door, but after the battle, the fog of Jingmu Forest dispersed, and a room of the same model as that of Jingmuyuan appeared. Before their eyes!

   From the room, a woman wearing a black wide-brimmed hat and a red dress walked out. She stepped on high heels, with pink lips and star eyes, and it was Ye Yun when she was young.

   However, Chen Qian still did not hear breathing.

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