What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Chapter 70. Macho Los Angeles (Seventeen)

In the Bai family garden, in front of the lilies, Li Yexing and Mr. Bai looked at each other wordlessly.

Haha After a long while, it was Li Yexing who finally spoke first. He chuckled and shook his head, and said helplessly: I knew that this kind of thing couldn't be hidden.

Haha, since you know you can't hide it, why do you still hide it? With a faint smile on his lips, the old man looked at Li Yexing, who looked helpless. Then, as if he had figured something out, he said softly: Oh, I understand, it must be Qingqing's idea, right?

No, not really. Of course he couldn't blame his wife at this time. Li Yexing shook his head and said, It was mainly my idea. The Bai family has a big business. I'm worried that you won't marry your lovely daughter. I am a mud-legged mercenary.

Come on, you don't have to take the blame for Qingqing. As Qingqing's grandfather, don't I understand the child? He chuckled and shook his head at Li Yexing. Mr. Bai smiled and said: Besides, after chatting with you for so long, I can feel that you are a well-educated and sincere child, and you are nothing like the villain in the rumors who rips off people's skin by pulling out their muscles.

What you see may not be true, Li Yexing whispered.

Yeah, what you see may not be true. The old man nodded in agreement, and said to Li Yexing with a chuckle: Those guys, they can only see your fierce appearance, but they can't see what you hide. , Qingqing never hides her emotions, she is happy when she is happy, and unhappy when she is unhappy. When she looks at you, the love in her eyes tells me that she is really happy to be with you.

Perhaps I deceived her? In our profession, we all have to learn to disguise, Li Yexing said half-jokingly: Maybe I'm just trying to steal your Bai family's property? Maybe I will commit domestic violence after we get married. Where is she?

Are you interested in the Bai family's property? Will the mercenary king of Idonia be short of money? Yexing, the jokes you tell are funnier than the papers Qingqing asked someone to write for you. Mr. Bai chuckled and said to Li Yexing: As for domestic violence, haha, are you willing to do it?

I can't bear it, Li Yexing replied honestly.

Isn't this the end? He smiled and nodded to Li Yexing. The old man spread his hands and said, Look, you are from China, you have a successful career, and you are a good person. The most important thing is that Qingqing likes you very much. You I also like Qingqing very much, you are a talented and beautiful woman, why do we old guys who are half dead want to stop you? This is a good thing!

Aren't I worried? Li Yexing raised his hand and scratched his head, and whispered with a smile: Mu Qing said that her parents both graduated from prestigious schools. Mu Qing herself also graduated from a prestigious school, and she did everything right. A big company, but here I am, I dropped out of junior high school, recruited a large group of mercenaries to set up a so-called security company, and turned myself into a bandit leader. This makes me feel a bit awkward, how can I put it? Inferior?

Oh, you are inferior. You really scared me when you said this. Raising his eyebrows slightly, Mr. Bai asked with a smile: So, do you have to ask about the other person's academic qualifications before you shoot to kill? ?”

Of course not Li Yexing shook his head subconsciously.

Yes, academic qualifications can't solve any problems for you, right? The old man said with a smile: If my guess is right, Qingqing should be helping you manage your security company now, right? What do you think? The guy is willing to listen to Qingqing honestly, is it because of Qingqing or because of you?

Of course it's because of me. This time, Li Yexing didn't hesitate. He said with some embarrassment: And those bastards actually don't listen to Mu Qing very much either.

Look, isn't this the end? So what if you graduate from the STF Ph.D.? Can you manage the gang of villains under you? Mr. Bai said with a smile: My father was just a railway worker at the beginning, and academic qualifications cannot solve the problem. .

But, in Los Angeles, academic qualifications can really solve a lot of problems, Li Yexing muttered softly.

So what? Mr. Bai asked with a smile: Are you going to settle in Los Angeles with Qingqing?

Of course not. Li Yexing shook his head.

Then why do you always consider your academic qualifications? Patting Li Yexing on the shoulder, Mr. Bai chuckled and said: People's talents do not have to be judged entirely by that piece of paper. Although our ancestors of the Bai family have come and gone, We have been rich a few times, but we are not considered a wealthy family. We value reality more, so, son, you are very good, really very good. Both Zhengyan and I are very satisfied with you.

Looking at the old man in front of him blankly, after a long time, Li Yexing couldn't help but chuckle and said: It's over. I was originally thinking about how to persuade you to marry your granddaughter to me if the secret was exposed, but I didn't expect that in the end I was It was me who solved the problem.

So, you are still young. Patting Li Yexing's shoulder again, Mr. Bai said proudly, Come on, kid, light a cigarette for me.

Okay. He hurriedly took out the cigarettes and lighter that Mr. Bai gave him earlier from his pocket, and lit the cigarette for Mr. Bai with both hands. When Mr. Bai slowly exhaled a mouthful of white mist, Li Yexing asked in a low voice: Speaking of which, grandpa , where did you hear about me?

Oh, it's your business. As if he remembered something interesting, Mr. Bai became interested. He smiled and said to Li Yexing: Actually, from the very beginning, when Qingqing called home for the first time, it was Yan began to secretly investigate you, but no problem was found. The company also has it, and the paper has it. In short, everything that should be there is basically there, so Zhengyan doesn't have any suspicion. I have to say that Qingqing is actually doing a pretty good job.

Then why? It was obvious that Mr. Bai wanted to show off, so Li Yexing bowed slightly and asked.

A hundred secrets and a sparse, a hundred secrets and a sparse, saying that the world is changing, saying that we must seize the moment, but the result is still the same

Really implement those plans that seem to be meticulous in every step? Straightening his back slightly, Mr. Bai said with a smile: I really don't know where Qingqing found the people for you. The paper was written like a plan for a terrorist to carry out a biological and chemical KB attack. Washington, New York, Los Angeles, looking at it this way, the paper does look like it was written by a doctorate from the University of Country R, ​​and his attitude is as if he wants to liberate Country A.

Suddenly, Li Yexing remembered the research report he had seen on Casimir's desk before, his facial muscles twitched slightly, and he whispered: I'm fucked, right?

So, when I saw your paper, I was scared. I wondered where Qingqing found such a dangerous person. On the other side, I saw the expression I wanted to see on Li Yexing's face. , Mr. Bai became even more proud. He took a puff of cigarette, and then chuckled and said: That's why I asked some of my old friends to check you out. Don't tell me the results, they really found something. BW An old friend over there told me that he knows you, good guy, the king of mercenaries in the northern hemisphere, who doesn't know you?

An old friend of BW? Prince? Isn't it? ! Why is this world so small? !

So, after Casimir, is Prince the old dog? !

It seems that Mu Qing is not entirely to blame for Pola's crotch. What kind of valuables have I met? !

One update.

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