“There’s no need to be so precise, and there’s no need to be so disciplined.”

To be honest, I have never quite understood why you Westerners use measuring cups and measuring cylinders when cooking. Even Casimir's Nibelungen laboratory would not have such trouble.

Food is for people to eat, and people are different. In my opinion, if the preparation of the food is accurate to every milliliter and every gram, and the exact same heat is used to make up for the slight differences between the ingredients, then Cooking the same thing is too boring and lacks a sense of expectation. In the future, restaurant kitchens should stop hiring chefs and find a machine instead. Isn’t an assembly line much more efficient than a cooking repeater?

His hands were washed, and his skin was still slightly moist. If it weren't for the calluses hidden on his palms and fingertips, Li Yexing's hands wouldn't look like a pair of gun-holding hands at all. He stood in front of the desk and massaged gently through Rita. The steak had been thawed and washed and placed on a plate. Li Yexing spread pepper and sea salt evenly on the steak while imparting his cooking experience to Rita in his arms.

I'm sorry, sir, I have opposite opinions in this regard. Looking at Li Yexing's hands gently stroking the steak, and then imagining the feeling of these hands stroking her skin with the same force, Rita's breath was slightly confused, She turned her head with a flushed face, squinted her eyes slightly and whispered to Li Yexing: For cooking, even a milligram deviation in the ingredients will have a huge impact on the final taste of the food. Sir, maybe She believes that love for cooking is more important than precision, but Rita feels that love and precision are not in conflict with each other.

Rita, help me pour some olive oil on the steak. Li Yexing whispered to Rita with his hands stained with pepper and salt. Hearing this, Rita reached for the newly bought olive oil and opened the lid. Carefully pouring it onto the steak until the appropriate amount was used, Li Yexing put his hand on the steak again, and while applying olive oil, he whispered: Of course there is no conflict between love and precision, Rita, you may be mistaken. What I want to say is that for me, cooking, like housework, is a kind of relaxation and enjoyment, and the most important thing about relaxing and enjoying this kind of behavior is to be casual.”

As he said that, Li Yexing turned the steak on the plate. After Rita poured olive oil on it, he continued to apply it and chuckled: And you, Rita, you are the maid, the cooking is right. For you, it is part of the job, and of course you will take it very seriously. Our attitudes towards cooking are different, and our concepts of cooking are naturally different.

What you said makes sense. Looking at Li Yexing's hands massaging the steak, Rita nodded thoughtfully.

Okay, it's almost done. After briefly handling the steak, Li Yexing pushed the plate containing the steak aside with the back of his hand, then opened the faucet of the reservoir with his knuckles, and while washing his hands, he chuckled: You don't have to deal with home-cooked steak. It’s too complicated, just keep it simple. To be honest, I had considered buying red wine when I was in the supermarket before, but after thinking about it carefully I decided not to go.”

Indeed, after seeing Mr.'s cellar, I'm afraid most people will lose interest in the cheap red wine in the supermarket. She stretched out her hands and gently held Li Yexing's hand under the impact of the water flow. While rubbing it, he said softly: Let me wash it for you.

You don't need to wash it too clean. You'll need it later. He held Rita's little hand with his backhand and squeezed it gently. Li Yexing took his hand out from under the faucet and pulled the chopping board on the side in front of him. He reached towards the small stainless steel basin on the side. In that basin, there were thawed chicken wings soaked in water. However, because his arms were not long enough, Li Yexing could not reach them. Just as he was preparing to stand behind Rita, he saw a piece of chicken wings. Pink smooth tentacles suddenly stretched out from under Rita's apron and wrapped around Li Yexing's waist.

Sir, don't move. Perhaps because she didn't want Li Yexing to leave her behind for a moment, Rita turned her head and smiled at Li Yexing. Then, another tentacle stretched out and filled the bag with chicken wings and water. A stainless steel basin was placed on the table in front of Li Yexing.

Watching the pink tentacles retract into Rita's apron little by little, and recalling how Rita was working on all fronts when cleaning the house during the day, Li Yexing couldn't help but murmured in a low voice: This is really convenient.

One tentacle was retracted, but the other tentacle was still tied to Li Yexing's waist. It moved down little by little, wrapped around Li Yexing's leg, and gently tied Li Yexing's left leg to Rita's left leg in front of him. Together, Li Yexing knew that this was Rita's unique way of showing love, so he didn't say anything. He just silently took out the chicken wings from the basin, rinsed them one by one and placed them neatly on the chopping board. Then, he He picked up the kitchen knife and cut a series of slits on each chicken wing. When he had cut ten chicken wings, Li Yexing put down the kitchen knife, turned his face slightly to Rita in his arms and said, Okay, let go. Come on, stop being clingy and start cooking.

Hearing Li Yexing's words, Rita did not answer, but raised her head slightly. Li Yexing, who understood and understood, immediately kissed her. After a long kiss, Rita withdrew the tentacles that tied the two together and smiled softly at her. Li Yexing said: Then I'll leave it to you sir, and Rita will prepare the dessert.

As Li Yexing retreated, Rita, who was squeezed between the desk and Li Yexing, blinked at Li Yexing, showed a charming smile, and then walked towards the other side of the desk, where came out In addition to the oven, there are also the ingredients Rita has prepared for tonight's dessert.

Although the love affair in the kitchen has ended, the love between each other has heated up the atmosphere even more. Looking at Rita, who is still at work but still has a happy smile on her lips, Li Yexing's eyes show a hint of love. Satisfied, he then turned to the stove, turned on the range hood, put on his apron, and then aimed his eyes at the two pots on the two stoves.

The pan can be used to fry steaks and simply handle chicken wings, while the gray stone pot on the side can be used to finish cooking.

Chicken wing dishes

Li Yexing took the pan and heated the oil. He picked up the tongs and placed the steak in the middle of the pan. Then, he placed ten chicken wings around one by one. With the sound of oil frying, Li Yexing couldn't help but Humming a tune, compared to the heat requirements for steak, the chicken wings are much simpler. You only need to fry them until they change color, then you can flip them over. After frying ten chicken wings until both sides change color, Li Yexing quickly took out the chicken wings. , placed it on the plate, and then he poured the sliced ​​peppers, garlic cloves and green onions one by one into the small pot on the other side. When the pot was fragrant, Li Yexing directly opened the can on the side and poured the entire can of beer into the pot. Pour it all down, and then the soy sauce. After the water in the pot is evenly mixed, Li Yexing pours all the previously fried chicken wings in, and then covers the pot.

Very good. Although some ingredients are missing, the taste of the final product should not be too bad. Looking at the air holes on the lid of the small stone pot, steam was constantly spraying out. Li Yexing seemed to be able to hear the bubbling in the small stone pot. The sound made him feel more and more happy. He turned his head, chuckled and turned the steak over.

oh! Isn't this color just right? I'm definitely a genius!

Second update, call it a day.

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