What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Chapter 102. Macho Washington (12)

Under the bright lights, she and her beloved Queen danced with their fingers clasped tightly, looking at each other with their eyes, letting their love be conveyed to each other through their eyes. The queen's cherry lips in front of her opened slightly, with a smile at the corners of her mouth, and her pure white teeth were vaguely visible. , under a strand of slightly scattered golden hair, there is the tear mole in the corner of the eye, like a gentle touch of pen and ink, delicate and charming, dotting the Queen's bright and affectionate eyes.

Breathing like blue, with a little bit of hot flashes, the breath from Alexa's lips was like wind, with a hormonal breath hitting Li Yexing's body, which still exuded a light glow after being sucked by Alexa. Collarbone, smelling the faint scent of roses on Alexa's body, Li Yexing's arm wrapped around Alexa's waist couldn't help but exert a little force.

What's wrong, dear? Feeling the power from Li Yexing's arm around her waist, Alexa couldn't help but chuckled and asked in a low voice.

It's nothing. His eyes were slightly averted, and Li Yexing murmured in a low voice: Stop looking at me like that, I can't help but kiss you.

With a chuckle like a silver bell, Alexa's body got closer to Li Yexing due to Li Yexing's movements. There was a faint mist in her eyes, and the red clouds climbed up her cheeks. She lightly licked her pink lips with her pink tongue and whispered to Li Yexing: My dear, you are so cute, so cute that I can't help but want to eat you in one bite.

As she spoke, Alexa raised her head slightly and narrowed her eyes slightly.

Li Yexing knew that Alexa was asking for a kiss.

Is that okay? Li Yexing asked in a low voice as his eyes flickered over the dancing gentlemen and ladies around him, Isn't this not good?

My dear, do you still care about what these people think of you? Maintaining the posture of asking for a kiss, Alexa chuckled and said, This is not like you.

Of course I don't care what these guys think of me, Li Yexing said with lowered eyebrows, but I have to care for you. Tonight is your drinking party.

But I don't care followed Li Yexing's example and used the strength of his arms to press the two of them together. For a moment, Li Yexing found it difficult to move his feet because they were too close to Alexa, while the other side , even though she was so close that it seriously affected her movements, Alexa's dance steps on high heels were still calm. Seeing Li Yexing subconsciously averting his eyes, she whispered: Look at me, my dear.

The voice was soft, like a lover whispering in the ear, but also like a queen's order, with no room for disobedience. As Li Yexing intertwined his eyes with Alexa's again, Alexa Shaqing raised the corners of her lips and said, Kiss me now.

This time, Li Yexing did not hesitate. He lowered his head and pressed his lips with Alexa's lips.

There was no fierce attack or defense, nor was it like dry wood encountering a raging fire. There were only soft and soft touches, and the sweet love overflowing from the softness. The two of them squinted slightly, enjoying the warmth and tranquility among the crowd. At this moment, they moved their dance steps to the melodious music in their ears while expressing their desire for each other with their lips and tongue.

After a long time, the lips parted.

His eyes swept around again, paying attention to the sights from all directions. Seeing that no one was paying attention, Li Yexing frowned slightly and whispered to Alexa: Lisa, is this a little messy?

It doesn't matter, my dear, they will get to know you sooner or later. Rubbing the tip of her nose gently against Li Yexing's collarbone, Alexa kissed Li Yexing's collarbone again and again while smiling softly: If It’s not because it’s not time yet, I want to introduce my little lion to them now.”

I said, Lisa, are you doing this because those flies are disturbing you, so you want to use me as a shield? Li Yexing joked softly: If you think about it carefully, it's not surprising. After all, it's Lisa, for a woman like Lisa, suitors may be lined up from Washington to Los Angeles.

Oh, this is what's wrong with you, my dear. Alexa shook her head and slightly raised the corners of her mouth and asked, Are you underestimating your Lisa too much?

Is it possible to line up from Washington to Lopulus? Li Yexing couldn't help but asked with a chuckle.

No. To Li Yexing's expectation, Alexa shook her head, chuckled and said to Li Yexing, I will not have a suitor.

Why? This time, Li Yexing really couldn't understand it. After all, no matter from any angle, Alexa was a perfect woman. She was beautiful and wealthy. Although she was not as powerful as her hands and eyes, she was powerful. She is definitely in the first echelon among the established aristocrats. With a woman like this, why would the big men break their heads for marriage?

It seems you still don't understand, my dear, I won't have a suitor. On the other side, seeing Li Yexing's confused face, Alexa's lips slightly raised, a trace of unruliness flashed in her eyes, and she sneered. Said: Because mortals are not qualified to beg for the favor of gods. They can't even look directly into my eyes. How can they have the courage to pursue me?

Then, as if she suddenly remembered a passerby who should have been swept into the garbage dump of memory, Alexa added: Of course, in any era, there are many madmen who regard ignorance as bravery. My eyes are so blinded by desire that I can’t see clearly the bottomless ravine between them and me.”

Like me? Li Yexing, who was prone to misunderstanding, asked in a low voice.

No, dear, your situation is opposite to theirs. Shaking her head at Li Yexing, a proud smile appeared on Alexa's face, and she whispered: Between me and my dear, There was also a bottomless ravine, but I filled it up and successfully came to you, my dear, so that I can be favored by you, my dear.

, This is the best proof that I transcend mortals and transform into a god.”

Looking into Li Yexing's eyes, Alexa said word by word: My dear, although I have successfully ascended to the throne of God, there is no doubt that you are my Gilgamesh.

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In his mind, he translated Alexa's nagging words, which roughly means: Being able to have sex with you is proof that I am no longer a human being. Li Yexing nodded and said expressionlessly: So, if If I rejected your words, you would go after me, right?

My dear, you actually know The Epic of Gilgamesh Surprised that Li Yexing, a mercenary who dropped out of junior high school, could quickly pick up on her words, Alexa's eyes flashed with joy, and she nodded. , chuckled and said to Li Yexing: That's right, dear, although I don't hope things will progress to this point, if you refused to accept me no matter what, I would consider forcibly inviting you back.

How come this looks like a bandit who robbed Mrs. Zhai? Li Yexing muttered in a low voice.

It's a terrible metaphor, but it's very appropriate. Alexa nodded and said proudly: I am the chosen queen. There is no reason why I can't conquer your heart. As long as we get along long enough, dear You will definitely fall in love with me.

What if I would rather die than surrender? Li Yexing asked with a smile.

Then we can only take the last way. With her eyes slightly narrowed, Alexa said with slightly raised corners of her mouth: People in the Celestial Dynasty believe that blood is thicker than water. If my dear refuses to love me no matter what, I will force my dear to love me. You will be forced to give birth to a child with me. At that time, let the child become the link between you and me. You will eventually fall in love with me.

One update.

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