What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Chapter 105. Macho Washington (15)

The long dinner was finally over.

The lights are still on, but all the gentlemen in suits and ladies in fine clothes have left. The hotel staff are walking through the hall, clearing away the dishes, cleaning, and from time to time, they will cast their sights on those closest to the hall. There were three people sitting around the dining table at the front entrance. They were drinking wine and eating, and they seemed to have no image or demeanor at all.

After taking a sip of the red wine in the glass, and then letting his eyes pass through the glass that was gently shaken by his fingertips, Leon frowned and whispered: Crazy, really crazy.

Leon glanced at the man sitting next to him. Li Yexing stuffed a small piece of banana into his mouth with a fork, raised his eyebrows slightly and said, You seem to be a little dissatisfied with my Lisa's proposal.

Dissatisfied? Leon laughed angrily. He stared at Li Yexing and said, Do you think I'm just dissatisfied? If Chris were here, he would probably rush to the stage to fight with your wife!

I really don't understand why you are so reactive. Li Yexing shrugged, while cutting the cream cake on the plate with a knife and fork, he chuckled: Include the development of biological weapons technology and a series of related research. Within the scope of supervision, a strict and reasonable supervision system can be formulated, which can effectively alleviate the pressure caused by biochemical KBism.

Yes, incorporate it into the regulatory system and formulate a regulatory system. Leon sneered: The implication is to legalize the research and development of BOW. Li, you really think I don't understand what Miss Ashford is talking about. ?

This is a good thing. He stuffed a small piece of cake into his mouth, chewed it and swallowed it. Li Yexing ignored the cream at the corner of his mouth, chuckled and said to Leon: In our country, there is an old saying that 'it is not appropriate to block things'. .

What do you mean? Obviously, Leon didn't quite understand the wisdom of the ancestors of the Celestial Dynasty.

It is better to dredge than to block. In the face of floods, instead of constantly building dams to try to block it, it is better to dig ditches in reasonable places and let the floods flow according to their own control. Li said with a slight snap of his fingers. Ye Xing leaned forward slightly, using his own aura to oppress Leon. He chuckled like a devil whispering to Leon and said in a deep voice: Sixteen years have passed since the Raccoon City incident. With the Umbrella Company... With the fall of the BOW, BOW not only did not disappear, but became more and more numerous. At the same time, biochemical KB attacks began to become more frequent. Countries invested a lot of resources in anti-terrorism and even formed professional teams such as BSAA. However, What is the result of this series of efforts?”

Hearing Li Yexing's words, Leon gritted his teeth and was speechless. Faintly, his brows seemed to frown even more tightly.

If you don't want to answer, then I will answer for you! The smile on his face suddenly disappeared, and Li Yexing frowned and said: The more you rebel, the more you fear! Leon! The more you rebel, the more you fear! When a phenomenon cannot be eliminated, Forcibly resisting it and trying to eliminate it will only result in it growing wildly in a place you can't see in a way that is most unacceptable to you! Now, the development and use of BOW is like this! It is like a flood, it is The torrent of the times! Umbrella is just Pandora's magic box. It seals the disaster in the box. Now, just because it leaked once, you smashed it! The result is that the things inside escape It’s everywhere!”

Are you talking for Umbrella? Leon asked with a frown, resisting the desire to throw all the wine in the glass on Li Yexing's face.

No, on the contrary, the occurrence of the Raccoon City incident itself can show that there is something wrong with Umbrella. It can no longer control itself. I think Umbrella does deserve to die, but there is something wrong with the way it died! Li Yexing said one word at a time: Leon, Umbrella died so fast that the world is not ready to receive what it brings!

With all due respect, Mr. Li, I think you are being sophistical. As if she wanted to say something for her partner, Helena raised her head, licked the cream from the corner of her mouth, looked directly into Li Yexing's eyes and said, Existence is The word reasonable seems to me to be unreasonable in itself, for example, you can't ask our government to legalize drug use just because you can't prevent it.

Many of the drugs that are taken have medicinal value, but they are just used in the wrong place. Li Yexing shook his head and said: This is like the wild growth of biotechnology. The development of the ancestor virus has been from the beginning. In order to extend human lifespan and enhance human physique, the first-aid spray we still use until now is also a flagship product left by Umbrella. You should be very aware of this.

After a pause, Li Yexing turned to Helena and said: And don't forget, it was the biotechnology used in BOW development that saved your sister. If Lisa's proposal can be passed, maybe your sister will be able to return to the world again. With the possibility of living next to you, we will find a way to change Miss Deborah's identity from BOW to a special operations officer serving country A's special intelligence agency, and maybe she can join DSO.

Hearing Li Yexing's words, Helena immediately stopped talking. After all, the temptation to take her sister home again was too great for her.

What the hell! Seeing that his comrades had switched sides, Leon inserted his fingers into his hair, looking quite irritable.

Relax, Leon, when the state machine is willing to pay for the production of BOW, those researchers who live in underground organizations are likely to abandon their organizations, because the price offered by the state machine is something that many underground organizations cannot afford. Patting Leon on the shoulder, Li Yexing said in a deep voice: Lock these guys up, give them money, and let them study safer things in a safer environment is better than leaving them outside. If If you cannot completely eliminate it, then bring it under your own supervision and make it move in a controllable direction.

towards development.

I still can't accept it Leon shook his head and said, This is simply it

I know what you are worried about. Li Yexing sighed softly and asked in a deep voice, Do you still remember my girls?

Of course I remember Leon nodded.

Don't kill this industry with one blow. You should actually understand this very well. Li Yexing whispered: Look at Tililith, look at Tililian, look at Rita and Hitomi, look at Kanan, look at Mu Qing and Lisa, do you think they are dangerous? Are they uncontrollable? Aren't they all lovely girls? The Changye Shopping Center incident, the Tall Oak incident, the Lanxiang incident, they still have to do something How much does it take to be recognized by the human world? Huh?

Okay, Li, maybe you are right. In the end, Leon lowered his head in frustration and stared at the reflection in the wine glass. He whispered: I just can't figure it out. If things are really like what you said, Development, if those monsters really enter the army or even the civilian population under the protection of the law, then what is the point of my fighting?

What we are resisting from beginning to end is not those monsters and the people who create monsters, Leon. Li Yexing shook his head, looking at Leon and said: What we are resisting is tragedy. We all want to fight for the beauty of this world.

I think I should go, my head is a little messed up. After a while, Leon stood up with a confused look on his face. As he staggered out, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed a certain number.

Hey, Ada

I think I suddenly want to talk to you

Along with the sound of talking, Leon left, followed immediately by Helena. For a moment, apart from the staff, only Li Yexing was left in the reception hall.

Second update, call it a day.

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