What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Chapter 107. Macho Washington (17)

Standing in the elevator, holding Alexa in his arms and looking at the man guarding the door of the elevator, Li Yexing was stunned. He didn't expect that Arias would be squatting here, and it looked like he had been squatting for a long time.

Being held in Li Yexing's arms, Alexa was also stunned. She didn't expect that a third person would appear on the floor that only belonged to her and Li Yexing tonight.

Of course, the most confused person is Arias.

There was no suitable opportunity to talk to the head of the Ashford family during the whole cocktail party. I finally found a chance to exchange a few words with the pretty boy of the Ashford family, the notorious mercenary king, but we just chatted. The dance started at the crucial point. After much thought, Arias could only seize the last chance. After arranging for Sarah to go back to the room, he waited here before the dinner was over, just to be able to I got a chance to talk to the Ashford family head. Unexpectedly, as soon as the elevator door opened, I bumped into the Ashford family head being hugged by the princess and Li Yexing, who was holding the Ashford family head.

As a formal meeting, this was awkward and a disaster.

The three of them looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes. Until the elevator door was about to close, Arias hurriedly rushed forward and slapped the elevator button. When the elevator door that was about to close opened again, he quickly stepped aside.

With a slightly subtle look on his face, Li Yexing walked out of the elevator with Alexa in his arms, and then went straight to the presidential suite without even looking at Arias.

Wait a minute! Gathering up all his courage, Arias's face was filled with embarrassment, completely devoid of the cunning and cunning unique to the black marketeer. He stepped forward quickly, following Li Yexing. The voice behind him said urgently: Miss Ashford, I'm sorry to waste your time. I want to talk to you. Give me ten, no, no, no, five minutes! Miss Ashford, please give me five minutes. ?

As the slender jade fingers gently tapped Li Yexing's neck, Li Yexing stopped like Alexisa's car, turned his head expressionlessly, and Alexis, who was nestled in Li Yexing's arms, Sha turned her face sideways and turned her eyes to point at Arias. After a moment, the corners of her mouth curved into a cold and arrogant arc.

Glenn Arias, right? The voice was low and slightly hoarse. There seemed to be a faint charm hidden in the indifference, but it seemed unattainable. The Queen of the Ashford family sneered softly: I heard Told you, Mr. Arias.”

It's my honor, Arias said hurriedly, lowering his posture.

Yes, it's your honor. On the other side, Alexa seemed to agree with Arias's words, and Alexa echoed: A CIA dog, a scumbag, and an insignificant little person. , but you should feel honored to let me know your name.

Listening to Alexa's almost mean words, Li Yexing understood that Alexa seemed to be offended by Arias' untimely way of appearing.

You're right, Miss Ashford. On the other hand, even though Alexa was pointing at her nose and insulting him, Arias was all smiles, nodded and bowed in recognition, with a shy smile on his face. , he said eagerly: But please give me five minutes, Miss Ashford. I hope to get a job from Miss Ashford. Believe me, Miss Ashford, you will definitely be interested in it. I’m interested in what I have on my hands.”

Not interested buried her face in Li Yexing's neck, Alexa said coldly: Let's go, my dear.

I have mastered most of the trading networks of Neo. Umbrella and Sanlian Pharmaceutical! And I have also gained the trust of the Illuminati believers in Western Europe! Seeing that Li Yexing was about to turn around, Arias completely abandoned himself as a businessman With his rationality, he directly threw out his trump card. He knew very well that if he didn't show his trump card, he might have no chance at all.

Sure enough, upon hearing Arias' words, Alexa in Li Yexing's arms slightly raised her head, but then she leaned back into Li Yexing's arms.

Neo. Umbrella and Sanlian Pharmaceutical’s trading network? It is indeed a great thing, and it can be called priceless, but it is only in the eyes of the Ashford family and the International Pharmaceutical Alliance. In front of the size of the Ashford family, it is still a bit insignificant. After all, this kind of thing , as long as Alexa wants, she can form one by herself.

However, contrary to Alexa's expectation, Li Yexing suddenly stopped. Facing Alexa's somewhat puzzled gaze, Li Yexing lowered his head and whispered to Alexa: Listen to him. explain?

My dear, you are very interested? Alexa asked in disbelief.

Actually, I'm not very interested, Li Yexing whispered, But I am also the acting speaker of Black Umbrella, right?

Okay, if you are interested, my dear, Alexa said softly with a slight smile on her lips.

Holding Alexa in his arms, he turned around and faced Arias' eager gaze. Li Yexing raised his head slightly and said, Mr. Arias, you have five minutes.

Thank you, thank you for your generosity, Mr. Li. As if he had received some huge favor, Arias nodded hurriedly. After slightly adjusting his state to make himself no longer look so embarrassed, he remained as usual. A young job seeker generally opened his mouth, and spoke in a slow but rapid voice about everything he had done in the past two years, including the profitability of Sanlian Pharmaceutical and Neo. Umbrella trading networks and the profitability of his subordinates. Various characteristics of the research team's latest masterpiece, the A virus.

Gradually, Alexa, who was tired of being in Li Yexing's arms, raised her head and seemed to be a little interested in the A virus mentioned by Arias.


Although he said he only gave Arias five minutes, in fact, Arias spoke for almost eight minutes before stopping. Perhaps due to emotional reasons, after he finished speaking, he gasped slightly and seemed to have a dry mouth. The dry tongue, of course, was more about the anxiety hidden in his eyes.

It's quite interesting. I can see that you have made a lot of efforts for today's meeting. After a moment of silence, Alexa said in a deep voice: But hard work cannot solve all the problems. Those two bodies in your hands The trading network left behind by the corpses can only sell BOW to some war-torn areas, and those who buy them are either local armed forces or terrorists. Not to mention the poor profitability, Mr. Arias, you must understand that the legalization of BOW Industrialization will definitely become the development trend in the future. Your trading network can hardly help our cause. In the same way, your A virus is the same. It can be cured and can distinguish between friend and foe. Dual virus strains are latent and attack. Indeed It’s a very interesting mechanism, but at the moment, I can’t think of anything else your virus could be used for other than KB attacks.”

I recognize your talent and ability, Mr. Arias. Shaking her head slightly, Alexa said in a deep voice: But the most important thing in my hands is people with talent and ability. You, right As far as the Ashford family is concerned, it has no effect.

No! Miss Ashford! Seeing that Alexa wanted to end the topic, Arias hurriedly said: I have the ability to transform! We can still do it.

Stop, Mr. Arias. She buried her face in Li Yexing's neck again, and Alexa said softly: Hold me back, my dear.

Second update, call it a day.

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