What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Chapter 111. Song of the Macho Man (3)

What is Instructor Li of the Huanya Armed Forces doing? This is a good question.

Wearing a thin short shirt on his upper body and more home-style velvet pants on his lower body, Li Yexing stepped on black cotton slippers, facing his computer and sitting silently on his boss's chair. In front of him, a silver The petite girl with red eyes was wearing a white vest with a Kirby pattern on her upper body and pink shorts on her lower body. She squatted in his arms without saying a word, holding her knees that hid half of her face. The little feet with faintly light cyan veins stepped on the edge of the boss's chair, and the little cardamom-like toes twitched slightly. They stared expressionlessly with Li Yexing at the man in front of them who kept making bursts of gunshots. On the computer screen, accompanied by the burning fire, Gerald Butler, the actor from Country A, wearing a black combat uniform, with that tough guy face, and the old man wearing a gray suit and glasses beside him, moved toward the computer screen. The armed men all around were firing.

So stupid, Tililith said angrily after a while.

Are you stupid? Li Yexing was stunned for a moment, then chuckled and explained: Don't pay too much attention to the details, Tililith, this is just a way of showing the movie. Of course, the battle cannot be fought like this, but if it is based on what a real battlefield looks like, If it is filmed, the audience may not buy it. This is a movie, and everything is based on the box office.

No shook her head slightly, Tililith raised her hand, pointed with her index finger at the traditional European and American tough guy face on the screen, and said expressionlessly: Who is this?

Gerard Butler Li Yexing replied subconsciously.

No, Ye Xing shook her head slightly, Tililith frowned slightly, she pointed at the man on the screen and said: The person who clearly protected Mr. President is Tililith's Ye Xing, this old and ugly man Who is the one with the white beard?”

So are you struggling with this? Li Yexing held the silver-haired girl in his arms tightly and said with a chuckle: The prototype of this person should be me, or a fusion version of me and Leon. There is nothing strange about this. Think about it, how could a movie like this, which smells like political propaganda, really find an Asian face to escort the president of country A?

Tiililith doesn't understand politics, but Tiililith knows that this is a lie. Tiililith said indifferently: Deceiving yourself and others.

No, I think this movie is pretty good. At least the person who replaced me is Gerard Butler. Li Yexing shrugged and said, If they really found a K-countryman with small eyes to play me, , I still have to be sick to death?”

What about Tililith? Tililith said with some displeasure, Who will play Tililith?

I'm afraid the crew can't find anyone more beautiful than Ti Lilith.

Who will play Tillillian?

“Probably can’t find it either”

Who's going to play Miss Harper?

Are you talking about Big Harper or Little Harper?

Suddenly, Tililith turned around, stared at Li Yexing and asked, What's so big?

You're old. Calmly dealing with Tililith who was thinking crookedly, Li Yexing suddenly raised his hand, rubbed Tililith's head vigorously and said with a chuckle: What are you thinking about, you little brain? Infected by your sister?

Quickly putting her little feet down from the chair, Tililith proudly puffed out her chest and said expressionlessly: Tililith's size will be difficult for idiot Tililian to reach in his lifetime.

Okay, don't make trouble. Li Yexing hugged Tililith's waist, put his chin on Tililith's shoulder, and whispered softly to Tililith: Let's watch a movie.

February 15th, the day after Valentine's Day, only Li Yexing and Ti Lilith were left at home. After fighting fiercely with the girls until dawn on Valentine's Day, Li Yexing decided to rest and recuperate in preparation for another fight. And the way he chose to cultivate himself was to find a pirated website and watch the latest Hollywood blockbuster from country A, The Fall of Tall Oaks, which was adapted from real events with Ti Lilith.

Generally speaking, the plot is very cliché. Basically, after the Tall Oaks incident broke out, an agent of Country A, who was blamed by a senior official of Country A, sneaked into the crisis-ridden Tall Oaks with a group of mercenaries, and successfully rescued them despite the huge pressure. The story of the president of country A, who cleared himself of his grievances. In this movie, Li Yehang and Leon in the real incident were merged into one person, and the Asia-Pacific armed forces became the local BW company of country A. All the people participating in the war were Full of patriotism, the retired special forces of country A, but the agent based on Helena was changed from the involuntary DSO hapless guy into a complete insider villain, replacing the black Umbrella executive Masamichi Miyamura in the real incident. In the final showdown, he was beaten to death by the protagonist on the rooftop.

This is nonsense. Seeing the protagonist pin the villain on the roof of the building and punch him in the face one after another, Li Yexing sneered and shook his head: Miyamura Masamichi is better than the mole agent who was used to replace Helena. It’s too strong. Really, aren’t you making a movie? Be braver and make the villain more powerful. Isn’t this too ordinary for you?”

If the enemy is made so real, won't the weak protagonist have no chance? Tililith whispered: In the final analysis, it is still too weak. Ye Xing himself should be the one to play the role.

After a slight pause, Tililith continued: By the way, I brought Tililith with me.

Well, it's probably a film used to build momentum for Benford's re-election. When the movie came to an end and the convoy led a group of policemen, mercenaries, and Mr. President to successfully break through the streets, Li Yexing nodded. Commented: The only restored part of the entire film is the scene where Benford fights the hunter in hand-to-hand combat. Good guy, every action has been restored. It is exactly the same as the video that went viral on Twitter.

It's boring. Since you can't shoot a plot, then don't shoot a plot. Compared to Li Yexing

, Tililith's evaluation was much harsher. She said expressionlessly: It's better to watch Japanese movies. There are no complicated lines and complex plots, and you can also learn a lot of practical knowledge.

Hearing Tililith's words, Li Yexing was slightly startled, then lowered his head and locked his eyes on Tililith. On the other side, as if he realized that he had let something slip, Tililith suddenly became silent. He just looked at Li Yexing silently.

Were you the one who used my computer to watch movies when I wasn't at home? After a while, Li Yexing said with a look of surprise.

It's Tililian. Tililith replied expressionlessly.

No, you seem to have a guilty conscience, Tililith, it must be you, right?!

It's Rita

No, no, no, it must be you.

It's Kanan, Xiaobai and Hitomi

Lisa should be next, right? Are you planning to tell everyone?

Okay, Tililith whispered, Actually, everyone has watched it.

It's weird if I believe you!

It's true. It was beyond Li Yexing's expectation. Tililith nodded and said firmly: While Yehang was teaching Tilifa in class, everyone watched it together. They watched it all afternoon. At the beginning, It was Tililith and Rita, then Hitomi and Kanan, Tililian covered her eyes and looked between her fingers, then Alexa, who looked very interested, and finally Xiaobai, obviously No one forced her, so she came over reluctantly.

Li Yexing raised his hand and gently rubbed the bridge of his nose. Li Yexing felt a little numb.

Second update, call it a day.

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