What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Chapter 116. Song of the Macho Man (8)

Hey, hey, is it true?

That crazy dog, he actually brought food to his wife

The horse girl laughs so disgustingly

It smells so good. Is this guy good at cooking?

Wait a minute, tell me, is this guy afraid of his wife?

Damn it, keep your voice down, he's looking over here!

As Li Yexing gave a friendly smile to the military, Yeager's adjutant Kai slapped his subordinate hard on the back of the head. During the sneaky muttering, it was almost in vain. The sun thunders.

Stir-fried the meat with green peppers, picked up the golden rice and ate it in one bite. As a faint blush climbed onto her cheeks, Chishima Hitomi had a happy smile on her lips. After swallowing the contents in her mouth, she turned her head and tilted her head slightly. The corner of his mouth said to Li Yexing: I can eat home food here, and it's still hot. I'm worthy of being Lord Yexing.

This makes me a little embarrassed. According to the original plan, I originally planned to let Mr. Giovanna solve our dining problem. Freed from Tililith's arms, Rita came to the table in high-heeled boots. , while opening her own portion of the food box, she was a little entangled and said: How can a perfect maid let her master bring food? Rita has gone further and further down the road of dereliction of duty.

Hitomi On the other side, Tililith, who had let go of Rita, trotted up behind Hitomi Chishima, hugged Chishima Hitomi's waist, and stuffed her little face into Chishima Hitomi's collar, suffocating. Said: Tie Tie

Ah, Miss Tililith. Her neck was tickled by Tililith's warm and milky breath. Hitomi Chishima couldn't help but shrink her neck. Then, she picked up a small piece of fried rice with her chopsticks. Chicken, chuckled and handed it to Tilithis.

Ah! As the sweet sound of the mixture of fried chicken and ketchup spread into her nostrils, Tililith raised her head suddenly, opened her mouth wide and swallowed the fried chicken handed to her by Hitomi Chishima, her face expressionless. Chewing in small mouths.

After rubbing against Chishima Hitomi's back for a long time, Tililith stood up straight and walked towards Bai Muqing, who was sitting silently enjoying the meal with robot-like steps. When she was in front of Bai Muqing, she suddenly squatted down and raised her head. Looking at Bai Muqing's face expressionlessly, perhaps because the hem of the cotton-padded jacket was too long, the crouched Tililith's legs were completely covered, making her look like a little snowman.

Her eyebrows were raised slightly, and her expression instantly became a little weird. Bai Muqing had never been good at dealing with the petite and wise lady in her family. She was suddenly stared at by Tililith during the meal. She felt uncomfortable all over. After a moment, it seemed that Unable to resist the look from Tililith, she thought for a while, followed Hitomi Chishima's example, picked up a large piece of fried chicken and handed it to Tililith, and at the same time whispered: Go and play with the wild dogs, Miss Tililith. .”

Ah! After eating the fried chicken in one bite, Tililith continued to stare at Bai Muqing while waving her cheeks, without any intention of moving.

At this time, Bai Muqing was really in trouble. She looked at her food box and then at Tililith. When she was debating whether she should feed Tililith another piece, she saw Qiandao sitting next to her. Hitomi put her hand to her mouth and lowered her voice to remind: Miss Bai, stick to it, Miss Tililis needs to stick to it.

Tie Tie? Bai Muqing understands that the so-called Tie Tie seems to be similar to hug in the Li family, so Bai Muqing put down her chopsticks and opened her arms towards Tililith, saying with some uncertainty : Then stick it?

Tie Tie! A flash of light suddenly lit up in her red eyes. Tililith ignored Bai Muqing's open arms and hugged Bai Muqing's two calves together in her arms amidst Bai Muqing's exclamations. Then he pressed his little face hard between Bai Muqing's two thighs wrapped in black stockings, while shaking his head crazily like a rattle and rubbing Bai Muqing's black stockings, and kept saying: Ti Lilith sticks, sticks, sticks, sticks.”

Ah! Miss Tililis! What are you doing?! Please don't do this, Miss Tililis! They are watching! The pretty face that pretended to be indifferent instantly turned red, and the indifference in her eyes was completely replaced by panic. Bai Muqing subconsciously stretched out her hands to hold Tililith's head, but unexpectedly Tililith was frighteningly strong. In a panic, Bai Muqing couldn't help but said in a hurry: It's going to melt! Miss Tililith! It's going to happen! It’s melted!”

Grabbing Tililith's back collar, he lifted Tililith up with one hand like a puppy, and gently placed it beside him. Li Yexing flicked Tililith's forehead, feeling angry and angry. He smiled and said, Don't stick your head under other people's skirts.

Glancing at Bai Muqing, who was blushing and panting slightly, with his hands folded to protect his thighs because of lingering fear, and then at Li Yexing, who had a helpless smile on his face, Tililith tilted her head and said expressionlessly: It's so weird. Xiaobai will be very cooperative when Ye Xing does this. He looks so happy.

Suddenly, the looks from the gangsters and the military became weird.

Covering his mouth lightly, Li Yexing coughed twice and cleared his throat. He came to the table, put away the gray cloth bag, and whispered to Rita who was stuttering a lunch at the side: Rita, tonight I will Take Tilithis out for a walk. When you get home later, please tidy up the kitchen a little bit, because you were in a hurry to go out just now, so the kitchen may be a little messy.

No problem, sir. Rita smiled and said, Just in time to clean up the office and everyone's rooms.

I'll help! Hitomi Chishima said with a chuckle, raising her hands like a primary school student.

Housework, it really makes people miss it. On the other side, Bai Muqing crossed her legs and softly agreed.

Okay, that's it, now I'm going to deliver food to others. Right

As the three girls in his family nodded, Li Yexing asked softly: Do you know where the others are? I thought Lisa would be with you before.

Lisa took my car keys and office keys. She must have gone to Asia. Bai Muqing raised her head slightly and touched her chin lightly as she thought, What Kanan and Miss Ti Lilian said does not seem to have a fixed position. Running around”

Go two streets north. At this moment, the gangster godfather Giovanna, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: Half an hour ago, Miss Tillillian was instructing Mr. Durgen and the others to lay out the streets. If they don't come out, If there is an accident, they should still be there.”

Miss Mafal really doesn't have a fixed place. She is running back and forth. On the other side, Kay from the military also reminded: If you don't mind, Mr. Li, you can go to the underground boxing ring to watch. Look, Miss Mafal seems to rest there when she’s tired.”

I got it. He nodded to everyone in the room, and then cast his last glance deeply on the three girls at home. Li Yexing turned his head, held Ti Lilith's hand and said, Let's go, Ti Li Lisi. Lilith.”

Oh! Tililith raised her little fist, although her face was expressionless, but she looked inexplicably full of energy.

Be careful on the road. Facing Li Yexing's back, Rita said with a smile.

Be careful on the road. Hitomi Chishima waved her hand and said in Japanese with a chuckle.

Remember not to drive too fast, the road is slippery. Bai Muqing also echoed.

Accompanying the farewell of his girls, Li Yexing took Ti Lilith and left the top-floor conference room of the Enthusiasm Hotel.

Second update, call it a day.

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