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That guy, what the hell is going on. The fallen seven meat) \\Su's Kanan struggled to stand up, his blurred vision gradually focused on Wesker, who was walking towards Li Yexing. Can dodge bullets. You think this is a movie... She muttered to herself dazedly, took out the pistol on her waist, and aimed at Wesker in the distance, although Li Yexing was very powerful, But he couldn't defeat this monster who could dodge bullets. He couldn't be allowed to get close to Li Yexing! Just as she was about to pull the telegraph, a black fist the size of a casserole slammed into the back of her head, Kanan, who couldn't stand still, was sent flying again. Please don't fight against the gods and the gods. Fucking his wrists, the tall black commander looked at Wesker and Li Yexing, his cloudy eyes flashing. Kuo-si longingly said: This is a battle that is enough to be written into the holy book, and I will witness it with my own eyes as the most sincere believer of God Harabaka. Now, how can I be a godless person to blaspheme this holy war? Brother, Capone put his hands together, and said with a devout face: I think, this is the trial given to me by the great god Harabakar? I don't know if this is the test of the goddamn god you said. Lian... Kanan, who was lying on the ground, whispered, she struggled to get up with her drowsy head down, twisted her neck, made a crisp sound, and then turned her head to look at Capone Zeng: But there is one thing I do. It is clear, that is... you have successfully annoyed me! Such disrespectful language is really just a godless... Seeing Kanan standing up again, Capone shook his head and said, he His expression was extremely solemn, his turbid eyes stared at the crumbling Kanan, and then he gently raised his right hand towards the sky and said: No need to be hard, just a moment, I will let you appreciate the glory of Harabaka. , Now, worship in horror under the majesty of God! As you look at his words, the sky suddenly passes through - bursts of thunder, and thunderous thunder blasts in the clouds, as if there is really a person above the sky. The gods are responding! In response to his followers, along with the sound of thunder, Capone began to groan in pain, and saw that the right arm that was raised high by him was changing, and small tentacles pierced his skin Wrapped around the arm, red and yellow mucus mixed together and splattered, and then the right arm began to swell wildly, the scarlet muscles sprayed blood and burst the skin, and then the huge and thick bone spurs tore the deformed body. Muscles, strips of yellow meridians are like tree roots--like the alienated right arm that seals up the bleeding wounds on the arm. Drink! With a full-bodied roar, Capone stretched out his left hand- He ripped off his tattered shirt, revealing his shiny black body, mixed with muscle and fat, his right arm had now turned into a giant axe with flesh and blood, the blade of which was inexplicably flashing. Metallic luster, the mutation of his arms extended all the way to the right half of his chest, Kanan could see those yellow meridians were constantly moving on his blood-red chest muscles that had lost their skin. See! It is the power bestowed upon me by the Great God Harabakar! In the rainstorm, the alienated Capone shouted excitedly.'s really not as disgusting. Kanan sneered. Although your mouth is tough! God-back! Capone shouted loudly, he raised his alienated right arm and rushed towards Kanan, shouting: Die! God-back!

The right arm like a giant axe suddenly fell towards Kanan, and a smile appeared on Capone's grim face. He seemed to have seen Kanan being newly cut into two parts, but the next second, he heard a message in his ear. There came the sound of gold and iron. His powerful blow was actually blocked, and it was Kanan's right arm that blocked the blow! I saw a small bone spur appearing on Kanan's right arm, but it was This bone spur actually blocked his fatal blow. 0 but...fortunately caught up. Under Capone's stunned eyes, the tattoos on Kanan's right arm suddenly agitated, they swayed around like snakes and climbed up Kanan's right half The face, followed by a spurt of red blood and yellow mucus, the bone spur that held Capone slammed out from under Kanan's flesh and turned into a slender blade. Nan took advantage of the situation, turned his body to let Capone's giant axe away, and then slashed his right arm that had turned into a sharp blade. Capone was caught off guard, and he ran back. Two steps, blood mixed with yellow mucus stretched out from his chest.

gushing out from the wound. Now, we are evenly matched. Looking at Capone's shocked expression, Kanan sneered. On the other side of the tarmac, Li Yexing was almost unilaterally beaten.

I saw Wesker - punching Li Yexing's left face with a heavy punch, Li Youxing raised his left arm to defend himself, and then he felt as if he had been hit by a car, and he was beaten and retreated two steps to the right. , Li Yexing wanted to seize the opportunity to fight back. Taking advantage of Wesker's flaws, Li Yexing's waist and legs suddenly exerted force, and an uppercut punched between Wesker's lungs. Unexpectedly, Wesker directly transformed into a dark shadow, He dragged the afterimage to Li Yexing's side, smashed his elbows down, and lifted his knees up. Two hard joints were clamped like hydraulic clamps on Li Yexing's right arm, which Li Yexing had no time to retract. Li Yexing groaned in pain, - - Turning around and retreating in an attempt to distance himself, Wesker refused to let go. - Stepping forward, his palm wearing black leather gloves hit Li Yexing's chest again. fell to the ground and rolled. Struggling to stand up again, Li Youxing felt that it was a little difficult for him to breathe. With the palm of his hand, Li Youxing only felt that all the air in his lungs was squeezed out in an instant. He shook his aching right arm, and Li Yexing raised his head. Looking at Wesker, I found that this guy was also shaking his hands. Humph watching Li Yexing staring at him with some strange eyes. Wesker's face flashed - embarrassment, he said coldly: Although people Weak and pitiful, but bones

Incredibly hard. To be honest, Wesker was a little surprised, even a little suspicious. When he pushed Li Yexing for the first time, he could already imagine Li Yexing's sternum being broken and unable to recover, but he never expected this guy He actually got up, so in the next battle, Wesker tried his best to kill Li Yexing, but he didn't expect those attacks that were enough to break the bones of ordinary humans in the past. With the blow just now, he had used all his strength, but not only did he fail to break Li Yexing's right arm, but he also numb his own arm. Although his face was still cold and disdainful, in fact, Wesker was already stupid. This mercenary. What is it?

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