What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

3-DLC. The blood of the macho (Part 2)

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Alexander Ashford disappeared shortly after Harman's nightly talk with Alexander. This incident shocked the entire Ashford family, even the management and aristocratic circles of Umbrella Pharmaceuticals. Almost everyone was talking about Alexander's whereabouts, but only Harman Harman knew the truth. It was watching Alexander grow up, and he couldn't accept such a thing. Holding back his grief for the head of the family Li Gu and his hatred for the father-killing siblings, Haman continued to serve the Ashford family, but his focus of work had completely changed from taking care of the two brothers and sisters to secretly training the former head of the family. Three daughters -- Alexa. A few years later, he resigned on the grounds that he was too old, left the Ashford family completely, and turned to serve the girl who had secretly entered Umbrella's special department under the arrangement of Alexander.

Time passed, and the girl finally knew what had happened at home. She didn't say anything, and she didn't go back to Rockford Island to unplug the power plug on her sister's refrigerator. After the outbreak of the Raccoon City incident, she chose She took another road, and took the special department that had been completely under her control to leave Umbrella and start her own path. The occurrence of the Raccoon City incident convinced her that her ignorant sister would definitely lose her husband. Rather than make herself a lonely ant queen, Alechlisa, who has only been around Harman since childhood, hopes to lead all mankind to a new level. However, whether it is the former or the latter, both require unprecedented strength. .

So, Alexa chose to be the same as her sister, injected with T-Veronica virus, and then frozen for fifteen years, Harman as the housekeeper, unreserved support

Until the bastard, colluding inside and outside, launched a mutiny! Smelling the smell of conspiracy in advance, Haman decided to take a risk. He secretly contacted two mercenaries to assist the young lady to evacuate. - Harman, who did not know enough about the characteristics of the Veronica virus, had to directly take Alecrisa out of the freezer. It turned out to be like this. After a short awakening, the weak Aleclisa looked helpless. She told Harman in detail about the persistence of the T-Veronica virus and the possibility of being forcibly interrupted and frozen. The consequences, and then completely fell into a coma. Harman was deeply remorseful for his ignorance. As the temperature in the cabin warmed, Nadia seemed to be in a better mood, and then he handed Harman - a flue: Old man, would you like one? Thank you, sir, but I don't smoke. Ha. Man politely refused. It seemed to be a bit of a disappointment, Nadia turned her head and said, Li Yexing: I am thirsty, do you still have water to drink? Li Yexing shook his head, pointing to his torn body armor Voice: 'dropped. Damn it! Nadia frowned while holding the AR-15 in his hand: I don't know how long I will stay here, I hope those guys won't chase after them again... Li Yexing didn't answer, but looked solemn staring out the window. You bastard, it's really suffocating... Looking at Li Yexing, Nadia couldn't help but say, Only when you are on a woman, are you willing to say a few words?

Li Yexing didn't answer, but just put the cigarette end and tongue on the ground, crushed his feet a few times, and his expression flashed a trace of disgust. Okay, I won't talk to you anymore, I've had enough of you. Nadia whispered: 'I shouldn't have helped that guy in the first place, can't I find someone who talks nicely? The Han Palace means not to speak? Just when Nadia was still thinking, the girl on the bed suddenly let out a painful groan.

What's the matter? What's the situation? Hearing a voice, Nadia immediately turned her gaze to the girl on the bed, only to see that the girl closed her eyes tightly, with sweat lying on her forehead, looking very painful, The stove was burning. Too hot? Nadia asked. Li Yexing also watched the girl on the bed, - Yan

It's alright! Butler Ha Yan said in a panic, Miss. Miss, she might have caught a cold... Thirsty The blond girl on the bed with tightly round eyes whispered, I'm so thirsty. Unfortunately. We have no water. Nadia was complaining, glanced at the blond girl on the bed, and then froze slightly. He saw that under the rag covered by the girl, the blue blood vessels were gradually bursting, extending outward a little bit. I don't know if the light in the room is too dark, the girl's skin seems to have turned green?

Old man! What's the situation?! Thinking of the hunter who came to kill before, Nadia's nerves instantly tense, he raised the gun and pointed at the girl on the bed over Harman: Do you have something wrong? Hiding me? No! Haman hurriedly stood in front of the girl and said, Miss, she's just...Just what?! Nadia asked sharply. Miss, she's just too thirsty! In a hurry, Haman said loudly. You lied to a ghost! Let me see! Nadia frowned. On the other hand, noticing the commotion by the bed, Li Yexing left the window impatiently. While he walked straight to the girl on the bed, he pulled out a dagger from his waist...what are you doing! Butler Haman said in panic, and then he was stunned. I saw Li Yexing holding the dagger and cutting it with one knife From his palm, blood-red blood poured out instantly, Li Yexing clenched his palm into a fist, hovering over the girl's mouth

The bright red blood fell on the girl's lips, and the girl subconsciously stuck out her tongue and licked Li Yexing's blood into her mouth. You are crazy! Nadia yelled at Li Yexing: Let me Open! There's something wrong with that girl! Li Yexing didn't answer, quietly watching the girl lick her blood into her mouth drop by drop. The next second, the girl suddenly opened her blue eyes and sat down abruptly. When she got up, she grabbed Li Yexing's hand and greedily sucked up the coffee.

Nadia subconsciously wanted to shoot, but saw the bursting blood vessels on the girl's body being chased away.

Gradually calmed down, and after a while, her skin returned to its original appearance.

Nadia put down the gun slowly, with a puzzled look on her face. On the other side, Li Yexing broke free from the girl and grabbed his hand, and took two steps back with no trouble, took out gauze and a small can of alcohol from his pocket, and after a simple treatment, wrapped around the wound on his palm. After drinking Li Yexing's blood, the blond girl seemed to regain her vitality. She first lowered her head to look at her white arms, then raised her head and quietly looked at Li Yexing, who had retreated to the window. Hamanxian on the side laughed. Ignoring Nadia and her housekeeper, the girl looked at Li Yexing, and the corners of her blood-stained mouth suddenly evoked a smile. It's really interesting... she whispered. At this moment, a roar suddenly came from the valley. Li Yexing, who was standing by the window, instantly picked up his gun and looked out the window vigilantly. It's not the voice of a wolf... On the other side, Nadia quickly picked up the gun and came to the window on the other side. He cautiously stuck his head out and looked out the window, and he could see that dark shadows were gradually approaching. Nadia turned her head and said to Haman: We are going to work, protect your young lady! Haman nodded hurriedly, turned his head to look at the awakened Alexa and said, Miss, I. Miss? ” Alexa stared at Li Yexing’s back, and after a long time, a bright smile appeared on her face.

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