What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

4-2. Morning exercise in the macho office

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In Loples in March, there is an icy chill in the air that even the bright sunshine cannot dispel. Under the sun, it was the shouts of Zhentian. Today, the front of Li Yexing's office was extraordinarily lively. More than a dozen people who were eating melons gathered at the door of the office. Some of them were thieves, some hired soldiers, and some unscrupulous traders. , as well as local mafia members, policemen and soldiers of the ZF army passing by patrolling, at this moment, they are gathered here, as if watching the World Cup - excitedly shouting and cheering with the rhythm, and it is the rhythm that controls them. Kanan standing in the middle of the crowd. There are five large black sandbags hanging in front of Li Youxing's office. Beside the sandbags, Kanan wears a thick coat of army green on her upper body. She can see her strong muscles and wheat-colored skin under the open clothes. The lower body is the same army green trousers and big black boots. With a thin layer of fine sweat on her face, Kanan showed a happy smile. She punched quickly with excitement, wrapped in tactical gloves. The fists hit the five sandbags in front of them in turn, punch after punch. The fists hit the sandbags, making bursts of muffled noises. Every time a heavy punch was thrown, the people around would give a burst of cheers. In front of the door, Li Yexing sat naked on a small stool, he frowned, his face and body were covered with white ashes, and blood was dripping. Beside him, the perfect maid Rita was carefully helping him wipe Clean the body and then deal with the wound on the body. This may be a little painful, please ask Shinobu Muraichi T.. Holding the tweezers and the alcohol cotton, and gently wiped Li Yexing's wound, Rita whispered on the face Gang had a bit of distress. Don't worry, I'm fine. Li Yexing said with a displeased face, he turned his head and looked at Tililith who was squatting beside him. At this time, the silver-haired girl was holding her knees with her hands, her red eyes looking at Ka who was playing the sandbag. Nan looked dazed. After a while, Tililith turned her head and said to Li Yexing with light in her eyes: Tililith also wanted to fight. Miss. Before Li Yexing could reply, Rita smiled and said softly: Miss is If you can't fight, I'll leave this to Miss Kanan.

Oh.. Her eyes lost their highlights in an instant, and the depressed Tililith buried her head between her knees with a bulging face, revealing only one pair of eyes, which stared at Kanan, who was beating the sandbag. She muttered in a low voice with an expressionless face, Tiililith also wants to fight, Tililith also wants to fight, Tililith also wants to fight.

0 Ha! Try this! Kanan on the other side shouted, with a cheerful smile on her face, she rounded her fist, and then hit the sandbag in the middle, accompanied by- -Sound Network With a bang, the heavy sandbag was beaten and flew up. Oh oh oh oh oh oh! This punch directly pushed the atmosphere to the climax. The crowd around the climax clapped excitedly and gave out deafening cheers. 0 Hearing the cheers around, the man sitting in front of the crowd frowned slightly. It was a very handsome man, looking a bit like a half-breed, he had blond curly hair, wearing some weird pink clothes with a collar Open, revealing his toned chest muscles, at this time, he is sitting on the chair that his deputy brought for him with his legs crossed. His name is Giorno Giovanna, the godfather of the local Italian mafia. Seeing the sandbag being beaten, he gently waved his hand to the man in white standing beside him and said, Tell Li, it's almost done. Okay. The man in white bowed slightly, and then came to Li Yexing, who was treating the wound To the front: Mr. Chobana said, almost. Got it, Bugarati Li Yexing nodded, then waved at Kanan, shouting loudly: Stop! Stop fighting! Save the face of the Italians! Huh? Kanan turned his head With a displeased face, she said: 'I just warmed up! Although I was a little unhappy, Kanan stopped. She walked to Li Yexing with a step that didn't look like a woman. You've been miserable. The female horse. Li Yexing cursed in a low voice. On the other side, Bugarati directed the mafia members on the scene to untie the sandbags. As the sandbags were unfastened, they unzipped the sandbags and poured them out of the sandbags. Out of the five people who were beaten were only breathing out but not breathing in, and were covered in blood. Bucciarati carefully inspected the five people, and then shouted at Chopper: 'Gioruno, there is only one left who can speak. Hearing Bugarati's words, Chopper stood up, walked to the five people step by step, glanced at it, and said to Bugarati: If you can talk, go away, and the rest will die. It is live, and all are sent to the warehouse for disposal. It seems that Suoya is going to work overtime. Hearing Chobana's words, Li Yexing whispered to the people beside him. On the other side, seeing his subordinates dealing with these five people, Chobana came to Li Yexing's side and said: Li Yexing , Thank you for your understanding. It's okay. Li Yexing smiled and said, I will definitely give you your face. Looking at Li Yexing with a smile on his face, and then looking up at the girls beside Li Yexing, Chopper said with a smile, Li, you have changed a lot over the years.

People are always changing. Li Yexing replied with a smile. Okay, let's stop chatting, as you can see, I am very... Giorno said with a smile: . Leave these guys to me to deal with, dare to touch your bad head, I guess they are not locals , As for who is behind them, I will tell you when I get the result of the trial. After a simple greeting, Chopper left with his subordinates and the others who were about to lose their temper. Okay. , after the fight, let's go, let's go! Seeing that the sandbags were gone, the Mafia people also left, and the police began to disperse the crowd, so people left one after another, whether it was mercenaries or ZF soldiers, they There are new conversations, and the thieves have also gained a lot. If the policeman who shouted was willing to take out his pocket, he would definitely be pleasantly surprised to find that his wallet was gone. Seeing the crowd dispersed, Li Yexing sighed. : 'I'm really afraid of what's coming..

As he said that, he turned his head and looked at his office. At this moment, the two-storey building that was both the office and the home looked miserable - the entire outer wall was gone, and it was bombed along the way. With the missing wall, you can see that the walls in the room are full of scorch marks, and there are gravel and rubble everywhere, her desk and electric j, as well as Tililith's treasured game console and TV, all of them. Crushed into a pile of rubbish, Rita's meticulously renovated office is completely finished. Thinking of this, blue veins burst out on Li Yexing's temple. Those who don't know how to live or die!

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