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As evening approached, everyone got off the Shinkansen and arrived at Nagaba City. Sitting in the taxi, Li Yexing leaned on his chin and observed this strange city through the glass of the car. This city is a little different from what Li Yexing imagined. In Li Yexing's impression, this small Japanese town should either be brightly lit and full of modern atmosphere, or it should be quiet and peaceful, with a touch of Japanese style. Amorous feelings, but when he really came here, Li Yexing realized that there are some unexpected ordinary here, some narrow streets and passers-by in a hurry, as well as the students who just finished school, talking and laughing on the street... If it weren't for the road With the cherry blossom trees in full bloom, the spotless streets and the typical Japanese-style houses, Li Yexing had to doubt that he was going home. Li Youxing, Tililith and Kanan squeezed behind, as if she was bored, Kanan began to talk to Tililith about the unsuitable meat for children. Tililith leaned against Li Yexing, expressionless, listening to Kanan's Huang Duanzi - Nodding her head, she didn't know whether she was listening carefully or perfunctory, while in the passenger seat of the taxi, Rita was chatting with the young taxi driver in fluent Japanese, The atmosphere of the conversation seemed to be very harmonious, and the two didn't know what to talk about. The driver smiled, looked at Li Yexing and the girls crowded with Li Yexing from the rearview mirror, and said a word in Japanese. Li Yexing understood this sentence, and the driver was saying, I'm so envious. After a while, the taxi stopped near a local residential house. The driver said goodbye politely to everyone, and then drove away. Can you speak Japanese? After the taxi left, Li Yexing asked Rita with a smile. I can speak a little bit... Rita smiled and said, I can barely communicate. I asked the driver about the hotel. He recommended this place to me, saying that the price is very cheap and the environment is very good. Saying that, Rita said softly, But the driver suggested that we don't go out at night. He said that the recent Chang Ye has been a little messy, like a gang fight or something.

Gang struggle? It's just that a group of sheep raised in a sheepfold has longer horns than whose head... Li Youxing didn't care about this. Right now, he was more concerned about the group's accommodation. Although the house is not too big but well-kept, Li Yexing asked, We will stay here tonight? That's right, sir. Rita replied with a smile: We will probably stay here for a week or so, until The local festival was over. Li Yexing thought for a while, then put his wallet in Rita and said, Forget it, I'll leave it all to you. Okay, sir. Rita bowed slightly, then led Ruo Li Yexing and everyone into the hotel. This is a very small hotel. It looks like it was transformed from a residential house. The interior decoration of the house is mainly based on wooden materials, which gives Li Yexing a rather special feeling. On the wooden counter, sitting a short, kind-looking old woman. Seeing everyone entering the room, the old woman smiled and bowed, and said a sentence in Japanese, which Li Yexing understood, probably saying Welcome. Rita smiled. She went up to chat with the old woman, and after a while, the old woman He smiled and wrote down something in the notebook on the counter, then walked out of the counter. Sir, please come with me. Rita smiled and beckoned to everyone. Quickly, everyone followed the old woman through the narrow corridor and came to the front of a room. She handed the key to Rita, and the old woman exchanged a few words with Rita, and then He smiled and left. Opened the room, there was not much space inside, there was a legendary tatami on the ground, and a very low round table, in the corner of the room was a large wardrobe, next to the wardrobe was a roll of very clean washing On the bed, in the other corner of the room, there is an LCD TV. Night. As soon as everyone entered the room, Tililith behind him gently tugged at the corner of Li Yexing's clothes, and his glasses glared at him: Just now That little one). Is it a monster? Little one? Li Yexing made a slight sign, and then understood that what Tililith said seemed to be the owner of the hotel, the short old woman. How could it be a demon... Fucking Ti Lilith's little head, Li Yexing said: That's just short. Humans can be so short... Seemingly surprised, Ti Lilith couldn't help but muttered to herself What's so strange about this? Li Yexing said with a smile: 'She looks short because she is already very old. 0 Oh. Tiillis said to herself as if she had learned something new Said: So do humans get shorter when they get old? After speaking, Tililith turned her head and asked, Is Yexing also getting so short? It's impossible to get shorter... Li Youxing smiled : But I shouldn't become so short in the future... It seems that I am still immersed in the culture shock and can't extricate myself, Tililith kept thinking about it, and then, as if she suddenly remembered something, Tililith's head It seemed like a light bulb was lit up, and she suddenly said: Tiililith remembers that the second Hai 1e/Miss is also very short, isn't it? Miss Helen is a monster. ?

Of course the little yellow flower is not old, and it's not strange. Li Yexing fondly patted Ti Lilith's head, and said softly: 'She is simply short. Miss Helen? - spread her legs apart) \\fork Kanan, who was sitting on the tatami, seemed to have grasped something, she raised her eyebrows and asked, Who is that?

It's nothing, it's just a little rich woman who has met... After thinking about it, Li Yexing replied, And her brain is not very good. Miss Helen is an orthodox noble family owner, and she is also a suitor of Mr. . On the other side, Rita explained to Kanan with a smile. Really or not? Kanan said in shock, Is this guy still being chased? Of course. Before Li Yexing could speak, Rita smiled and licked her lips and said, Miss Kanan, but I haven't experienced Mr.'s power yet. Hey! Kanan waved his hand and said with a look of disgust: You

Sei invite the maid, it's disgusting, stay away from me He threw down the big backpack in his hand, Li Yexing sat on the ground, turned his head and asked Rita, What's our next itinerary? The next itinerary. Rita thought about it for a while and said softly: Let's go to Changye first, the cherry blossom trees here are very beautiful, and there is a commercial street in the west of the city that will be very lively at night. We can also go to the nearby shrine, there is a natural environment next to the shrine. After the Nagaha festival was over, we set off for Akihabara. Go to Akihabara.. - Thinking of going to the holy place of otaku that he longed for in his previous life, Li Yexing couldn't help but look on his face. Showing a trace of anticipation. Akihabara? Tililith tilted her head and asked blankly, What is Akihabara? \\Sister, Akihabara is a world-famous electrical street. Rita replied with a smile: In addition to high-tech electrical appliances, Akihabara is also famous all over the world for the development of the game and animation industry. Game animation. : Go to Akihabara!

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