What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

4-7. Harem reunion on the cover of the first edition of the macho man

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In short, this is the situation. In the small room, Li Yexing blankly pointed to the black-haired girl behind him and explained to Tililith, Rita and Kanan: He called his family from the counter. Well, it is estimated that she will be picked up soon. Standing behind Li Yexing, the black-haired girl looked at the three girls sitting on the tatami around the small table in surprise. The three girls were all beautiful if they picked any one, and it seemed that they seemed They all have a very unusual relationship with their savior. A few minutes ago, Li Yexing returned to the small hotel where everyone was temporarily staying, and the girl had been following behind him. Li Yexing always felt that it was inappropriate to have her follow him, but the language barrier made him unable to politely let him go. Get out of this girl, after all, this girl was just killed by a local gang officer. After accompanying the girl to call the family at the front desk, Li Yexing took the black-haired girl back to his residence, and then went to his house in the house. The girls explained the origin of the brunette behind them. Beyond this opportunity, the black-haired girl carefully looked at the other girls in the room. The woman who wore only a black sports bra on her upper body did not know which country she was from. Her muscles were very strong, and there were some small scars on her body. Similar to the savior's breath, a bit like a soldier, but too ruffian, and the woman didn't seem to be interested in herself, just looked at herself - and turned her attention to the beer in her hand. Just when the girl was still thinking When she was talking about Kanan, the pressure on her body suddenly increased, and her cold hair exploded, as if she was being stared at by something. Following this momentum, she turned her head stiffly and saw a slender silver-haired girl. She tilted her head and looked at herself. Although the silver-haired girl had no expression on her face, she could feel that the silver-haired girl was releasing undisguised malice towards her. Not boasting, she has been practicing kendo with a famous teacher since childhood. Although she cannot be said to be a master, she has achieved some success. She even won the championship of the Japanese youth kendo competition. It may be a little mysterious, but she can really feel the opponent's body. The aura conveyed is just like the opponents who have competed with him in the ring in the past. Their aura is either restrained or flamboyant, while the aura of his savior and the woman with scars is even stronger, and the aura of their body is stronger. like a wolf,

Dangerous, strong and cunning, that's the breath of a murderer. But the silver-haired girl gave her a completely different feeling. That breath was a bit like the pursuers she had just encountered, fierce and crazy, but it lacked a trace of popularity, but the silver-haired girl's breath was not at all with those guys. A level, that is like a monster-like feeling, this kind of coercion has completely crossed the boundaries of species, as if the monster at the top of the food cone is looking at its prey, the strong killing intent thickens the air, pressing it down. The brunette girl could barely breathe. For some reason, the silver-haired girl wanted to kill her, and it was easy! Cold sweat slid down the face of the black-haired girl. In the end, the gray-haired maid who had been smiling all the time relieved her, and she stood up. , said something to the silver-haired girl, the pressure surrounding her disappeared instantly, the black-haired girl panted, raised her head and looked at the maid who was walking towards her with a smile, and was slightly startled. The aura exuded by this maid in front of her is very strange, and it is difficult to describe in words. The aura of what she wants to say is as bottomless as an abyss, as if it can contain all things, but it can devour all things at the same time. The black-haired girl took a step back subconsciously. Just out of the dragon pool is like a tiger's den, what kind of monsters are in this room?! Rita, she'll leave it to you, Li Yexing said casually, and then sat down beside Tililith, reaching out to touch her head, Ti Lilith immediately leaned on Li Yexing's body, rubbing gently like a coquettish kitten. You didn't seem very happy just now. Li Youxing whispered to Ti Lilith with a smile. That girl... .. is a human... Tililith, who was rubbing against Li Yexing, whispered: And that human woman looked at Yexing strangely, she must be trying to take Yexing away from everyone, she's a bad woman. Sour Kanan, who was sitting opposite, took a sip of beer and said with a smile: It's too easy to get jealous, I have to stay away from the boss in the future so that I won't be accidentally killed by the eldest lady. Kanaan is different... Tililith shook her head and said, Kanaan is not a human being, so Tililith doesn't care. Squirting Kanan turned her head, feeling inexplicably upset. On the other side, Rita stepped forward. She smiled and bowed to the black-haired girl, and then said something quite enthusiastically. Then, the girl seemed to be less nervous. She chatted with Rita, and the atmosphere gradually warmed up. After a while, Rita He led the girl into the room, and when the girl knelt down on the tatami with some restraint, Rita came to Li Yexing's side. Kneeling gently beside Li Yexing, Rita smiled and said softly, Sir, the matter is probably Already found out. It's 9.. Li Yexing absent-mindedly fucked Tililith's head. To be honest, he wasn't very interested in why the girl was being hunted down.

Although it could be seen that Li Yehang didn't seem to care much, Rita still carefully reported to Li Yehang the news she had inquired about in the chat. Sir, that girl's name is Hitomi Kanjima, a local high school student. Rita said softly: It seems that the one who just chased her down seems to be her father's business enemy, and it seems to be from a group called 'Black Dragon Club' The local gang. Black Dragon. Hearing Rita's words, the group of masked men with machetes and crowbars, dyed with weird hairstyles, and they ran away and said harsh words, Li Yexingren suddenly jumped in his mind. She couldn't help but sneer and said: Isn't it just a group of gangsters who dare not show their faces? The names are quite humble...Sir. She seemed to have some concerns, and Rita said softly: I think we should still be a little bit more. It's better to stay away from these things, we are outsiders after all and the mode of operation of the Japanese underworld

The style is not the same as other countries. As the most basic social order defenders, they have an unusually close relationship with the local police. If they have bad relations with the local forces, this trip may be lost. The most closely related to the local police The grassroots social order defenders chase and chop high school girls on the street with machetes. This folk custom is more simple than Loples. Li Yexing smiled and said: Don't worry, we are here to play, not to fight, let them be What does it have to do with us? When the girl's family takes her back, we'll be all right. When they hit them, we play ours, the two are irrelevant. If you can think like this, Rita is relieved. Rita bowed slightly and said, Of course, if Mr. wants to intervene in the struggle of local forces, I will still spare no effort to support Mr. How is this possible? Li Yexing said with a smile, waving his hand.

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