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At night, the lights in the Dongcheng District of Changye gradually flashed. They seemed to disperse the darkness, but they flickered wildly, as if they were about to invite madness. Under the dazzling lights, the shadows that could not be penetrated seemed to breed darkness and Evil, and the source of all this is pointing to the splendid building, which is the nightclub The City That Never Sleeps, which symbolizes the eternal night, and the base camp of the Black Dragon Society, the largest violent society in Changye. Above the wild, is the quiet top hall. There are seats on both sides of the hall, but no one is seated. On the wall behind the main seat of the hall, a huge black dragon relief is carved, and above the main seat, a handsome and young The man sat there, wearing black-rimmed glasses, neatly combed black hair, wearing a somewhat fancy purple suit, and was quietly sipping red wine in a glass. There was a soft sound of high heels in his ears, and a strange smile crossed the young man's lips. He raised his head, looked at the woman who walked into the hall, and said: Want a drink? Drink with you, Mr. Nine-headed God. The woman gently fluttered her long red scarf, two beautiful white legs sticking out from under the lavender skirt, she stepped on high heels and came to the young man's side. The young man took a sip from the wine glass used by the young man, and then asked with a smile: Bordeaux? He applauded and praised. This is nothing to be surprised. The woman smiled and put the wine glass on the table beside it, turned her head and said to the young man: And I don't understand why you, who don't know how to taste wine, are so obsessed with red wine. You don't understand. The elegant young man smiled and picked up the wine glass on the table, tasted -0 lightly, then looked up at the person standing beside him, and said softly, The longer the wine is within the shelf life, the longer it is. The precipitation over time becomes more mellow, and the same is true for women.. He raised his hand gently, his fingers lightly touched the smooth calf of the woman, and then slowly moved upwards. Women within the shelf life, the more they experience the precipitation of time, the more charming they will be... The young man smiled and whispered. Just as his fingers were about to pass over the skirt, the woman smiled and took a step away. She turned her head, With a charming smile on his face, he said softly to the young man sitting in the chair: It seems that you don't understand neither I wine nor women.

Ignoring the young man's ugly face, the woman smiled and said: 'I heard that your plan failed, and your subordinates failed to tie up to the Gan Island family. Given this situation, I have to reconsider The cooperation between us, the nine-headed god.' The man known as the nine-headed god suppressed his anger and showed an elegant smile: Ms. Wang, this is your fault, the nutrition you provided me. The strengthening effect of the drug is very ordinary, far from what you describe, and. This failure was an accident. Accident? The woman asked with raised eyebrows. Yes, it's just an intention. The young man smiled and said: My subordinate said that just as he was about to succeed, the little Y-head of the Kanjima family called out a very powerful guy and broke his arm with just one blow. A blow breaks a person's arm. The woman smiled and said: 'It's so cruel, it's not quite like the style of the Kanjima family. With help, the woman asked again: The one whose arm was broken Where's the guy? I put him in place. The young man smiled and said: After all... Jibo can't see anyone when he becomes that way. That's right... The woman said with a chuckle: 'Then it's nothing, it's nothing, I just want to see how your business is going, don't forget the agreement between us Of course the young man smiled How can I forget the agreement with Miss Wang?

That's good. The woman turned around and waved her hand: But don't forget how you turned from a Reservoir Dog to the president of the Black Dragon Society.

The elegant man smiled and watched the woman leave the hall. It was not until the woman walked out that the smile on his face gradually disappeared. Gradually, his facial features became distorted due to his anger. Female watch! He viciously said scolded.

Li Yexing put his arms around Tililith, chatting with Kanan, watching the car drive into the brightly lit city center, and the number of pedestrians on the road gradually increased. Until then, there were no more people on the street. There was a touch of humanity. Passing through the bustling city center, the car drove straight into a commercial street, until the three-story building that looked very brightly lit at the end of the commercial street, the car stopped, and the driver got out of the car. Li Yexing opened the car door, and then made the please gesture again. Following the crowd out of the car, Li Yexing looked at the commercial street surrounded by cherry trees and whispered: It's really a nice street... Yes. Rita on the side smiled and said softly: This street is filled with air. The happy atmosphere made people feel very reassured. The voice of Hitomi Kanjima came from his ears, Li Yexing turned his head and saw Hitomi Qiandao, surrounded by a large group of people, waving at him. Let's go. Holding Tililith's hand, Li Yexing said to Rita and Kanan. Next, Li Yexing led everyone and followed Kanjima Hitomi, who was being protected by members of the Kanjima Group, into the building that looked quite impressive. It is a luxurious building. Entering the interior of the building, there is a faint sound of explosive music on the other side of the door next to it. Li Yexing guessed that this is probably a nightclub or something, and Hitomi Kanjima obviously did not intend to take everyone there. The front row The man in a suit with sunglasses quickly stepped forward to remove the blockade in front of the stairs, and everyone went straight up the stairs. The stairs are a bit narrow, the floor is covered with a clean red carpet, and there are elegant wooden handrails beside the stairs. After a stop on the floor, he followed Gan Dao Tong and the other members of the Gan Dao group to the third floor. On the third floor, the whole corridor suddenly opened up, and Li Yexing led everyone behind Qian Dao Tong, and at the same time looked carefully. The corridor, there seem to be few rooms on both sides of this corridor, and at the end of the corridor is a huge floor-to-ceiling window, from which you can have a panoramic view of the entire commercial street.

In the corridor, Kanan suddenly leaned over and whispered, If I want to kill the boss of this gang, I'll just find a high-rise building, stand with a sniper xa, and wait for that guy to run around and look in front of the window when he has nothing to do. Just- Xu blew his head. That's why I said they were all sheep in the sheepfold. Li Yexing replied in a low voice. When they arrived at the door of the room, all the Ganjima team members stopped moving forward at the same time. At the same time, Ganjima Hitomi, who was walking in front, turned his head and said to everyone with a smile. A few words of Japanese. said Miss Kanjima, whose father was inside. Rita whispered to Li Yexing. In front of the door, Hitomi Kanjima didn't change her blood-stained school uniform. She straightened up and took a deep breath. She restrained the smile on her face and her expression became serious. After a few seconds of solemnity, she spoke Japanese to the other side of the door. After a while, a low and short Japanese reply came from the other side of the door. After receiving Huixia, Hitomi Kanjima gently pushed it open. He opened the door of the room and beckoned to Li Yexing at the same time. Let's go... Li Yexing said to the girls around him, Let's see what the boss of this Gandao group is.

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