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It was not until the afternoon that Kanjima Shinjiro came back. Getting off the black car, Kanjima Shinjiro's face was ugly. He walked quickly across the stone road in the forest and entered his yard. Then he saw Li Yexing sitting on the pool like a salted fish. In the pavilion, Tililith was sitting on Li Yexing's lap and playing games, Kanan stretched his neck to watch, Li was sitting on the other side, quietly reading, while her daughter was He was staring at the fish in the pond with his sword on his back, as if he was thinking about something. Not caring about his daughter's abnormality, Kanjima Shinjiro walked quickly across the wooden bridge and entered the pavilion. When Li Yexing saw Kanjima Shinjiro coming, he patted Tilly Lily and left with his little butt. Li Yexing's legs sat beside Li Yexing, playing games and not speaking. Seeing Li Yexing looking at him, Kanjima Shinjiro bowed slightly with an ugly face, and said something to Li Yexing, Rita, who was sitting next to him, closed the book in her hand, stood up, and translated to Li Yexing with a smile. : Mr. Kanjima said that the Black Dragon would not accept the negotiation. I knew it. Li Yexing crossed his fingers, put his elbows on his legs, looked up at Shinjiro Kanjima and said, What are your plans next? Rita translated Li Yexing's words to Shinjiro Kanjima and Shinjiro Kanjima. Immediately took out a photo from his arms and left it to Li Yexing, talking at the same time. A trace of imperceptible sarcasm crossed Rita's face, and she translated to Li Yexing with a smile: Mr. Kanjima said that the person in this photo is Aramura Jogi, he is the subordinate of Jiutou Shenyuan, responsible for Business. Stop it, Rita. Li Yexing waved his hand, so Rita immediately stopped, smiled and stood up straight. I knew it would turn out like this. With a trace of impatience on his face, he did not reach out to take F$ into Jiro's hands. Instead, he looked at Kanjima Shinjiro and said, I didn't say that, you're good enough? Rita translated Li Yexing's words to Kanjima Shinjiro, and Kanjima Shinjiro's face immediately became more ugly. Now, he still wanted to say something, but Li Yexing blocked all his words with a tough tone.

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Tomorrow night, my people and I will go and do what you said about the Nine-headed God. Li Youxing said, Now, let's talk about the reward. With Rita's translation, Kanjima Shinjiro's face showed a trace of anxiety, and he said aloud in Japanese, which Li Yexing understood, as if saying No.

Immediately afterwards, Kanjima Shinjiro eagerly explained to Li Yexing, while Rita simultaneously translated Zeng: Mr. Kanjima said that Kuzushen was originally the leader of the Black Dragon Society, and once he dies, ZF will directly intervene in this incident. , things became impossible to end together, and the Ganjima team did not have enough energy to properly deal with the various problems that occurred in the future. Look at your appearance, just for the fact that you dare to hire me and that Luo Shizi black dragon will tear your face. I thought you were quite courageous, but now it seems, that's it. Li Yexing shook his head with a smile, and said mockingly: 'Don't you understand? That guy didn't like it at all. The commercial street is your life.

On the opposite side, Kanjima Shinjiro listened to Rita's translation again, and his face was puzzled. He frowned and asked in Japanese. Li Yexing understood it, and he was asking why?

Kanjima Shinjiro looked gloomy, he murmured something in a low voice, Rita, who was next to him, translated in a low voice: Mr. Situation Forget it, persuading is also a white persuasion. In the end, I'm just a person who works with money. Li Yexing straightened up, leaned on the backrest and crossed Erlang's legs and said, It's just that you have to think carefully, after all, we can't stay in Japan. Long, let’s do it again at most, we have to run away, so as not to have too many dreams at night. With that, Li Yexing’s body bent forward slightly, pressing Kanjima Shinjiro with his eyes, and he said coldly, “This precious opportunity, Is it used to get rid of that trivial jerk on the photo in your hand? Or is it used to kill the nine-headed god who is full of brains and kills other forces? You can do it yourself. Rita translated Li Yexing's words to Kanjima Shinjiro. Kanjima Shinjiro frowned. His heart seemed to be struggling violently. After a long time, he took a bite and held the photo in his hand into a ball of waste paper. , The determined Kanjima Shinjiro looked up at Li Yexing, spoke Japanese, his tone was extremely firm, like a gambler who wanted to risk his life on the gambling table. Mr. Kanjima said that he is willing to pay a million dollars to ask him to kill the Nine-headed Divine Squadron and end this chaos- Rita next to him smiled like a fox and bowed his head slightly. Li Yexing stood up with a smile, and said to Shinjiro Kanjima: We need guns, at least five. It's best if we can get an automatic rifle. If we can't get a pistol, it's fine. The translation was given to F Island Shinjiro, Kanjima Shinjiro nodded solemnly and said something, Rita said to Li Yexing, the translator, Mr. Dao Kanjima no problem, he will prepare the best he can collect for us The equipment will be delivered tonight at the latest. Also, does Mr. Kanjima need help from the Kanjima team? Just leave the matter to the experts, the layman should not come here. Li Yexing shook his head Said: Tomorrow what we are going to do is not your kind of kid-like slapstick, we will block all exits, and then go in from the front, and directly kill the nine-headed god. From Rita After receiving Li Yehang's reply, Kanjima Shinjiro nodded with a serious face. Rita, go book a flight. Li Yehang said to Rita: After work tomorrow, we will leave Japan as soon as possible. Where to book a flight to? Rita asked. You can decide for yourself. Li Yexing said: In short, the sooner the better. I understand,

Sir, I'll make arrangements in a moment. Rita bowed slightly. Seeing that everything had been arranged properly, Kanjima Shinjiro, who was standing opposite, immediately said something to Li Yexing, and his expression looked quite serious. I have to go back to prepare for what might happen tomorrow, so I can't be with you. Li Yexing nodded and said, Remember to get your money and equipment ready. Rita translated Li Yexing's words to Kanjima Shinjiro, and Kanjima Shinjiro immediately Said a sentence in Japanese to Li Yexing, which seemed to mean don't worry.

Nodding at Li Yexing, Kanjima Shinjiro hesitated for a moment, and then left quickly. In other words, we are going to work again? Seeing Kanan Shinjiro leaving, Kanan, who hadn't opened his mouth to speak, crossed his legs, she looked at Li Yexing and said, Or the two of us?

It should be like this, if there is a back] or an emergency exit or something like that, it will be guarded by Tililith and Rita, and then the two of us will kill directly from the front and kill the boss of the Black Dragon Society. Li Yexing drew the corner of his mouth. After a sneer, he seemed to suddenly remember something, and his eyes floated directly between Kanan's legs. What are you looking at? Feeling Li Yexing's gaze, Kanan squeezed his legs unconsciously. Li Yexing hesitated for a moment, then whispered: Down. Is there any problem? B?! Kanan's eyes widened instantly.

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