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-Besides, Li Yexing, who was silent, was still struggling with the failure of the mission. Although the core reason for the mess this time was that the information provided by the Gandao team was incomplete, Li Yexing himself said that there was no mission failure at all. At this moment, Rao is leading the Kanjima group by the nose, and he can't help but feel tangled. He looks like an unlucky child who is going to take a smashed test paper to find his parents to sign. Maybe he can't stand it. The air pressure in the car was low, and the honest policeman in white couldn't help but speak. Li Yexing could understand it. The guy asked what are you guys?, but Li Yexing answered without hesitation. Said: Speak English to Lao Tzu! This way, I can probably make that guy shut up? The next second, the policeman in white opened his mouth in a bit blunt but basically standard English: 'Who are you? Li Ye Xing's eyes widened, he turned his head to look at the policeman in white, and said in surprise: You can speak English? My English grades in college were very good. The policeman in white frowned and said in a bit blunt English: So So, can you please answer this question? According to Japanese etiquette, shouldn't you introduce yourself before asking someone? Li Yexing tilted his head and said, hearing Li Yexing's words, Rita in the driver's seat

Although he didn't quite understand why the people in the car reacted so strangely, the policeman in white introduced himself in a proper manner. I don't like spicy food, my introduction is over, now it's up to you. °Oh. Li Yexing nodded and stopped talking. After waiting for a long time, Yamen Gangtaro saw that Li Yexing didn't speak, and couldn't help but said. It's time for you to introduce yourself. No introduction. Li Youxing said indifferently: Who said that after hearing your self-introduction, I will definitely introduce myself?

.! Amen Gangtaro, who is a straight man of steel, somehow felt that there was a suffocation in his lungs that could not come out. Kanan on the side smiled and waved his hand once:

Why is it so stupid to clear his throat every time, Amen Gangtaro said with a serious face: Sir, I am very grateful for your life-saving thoughts, but I still advise you to cooperate with the police and be investigated, otherwise...

Otherwise? Li Yexing tilted his neck and chuckled lightly, What else? Are you going to arrest me? Sui didn't say a word, just fiddled with the pistol with her index finger and Rita in the driver's seat also smiled and watched Amon Guntaro through the rearview mirror. After a while, Amen Gangtaro slowly said, I just think it is necessary to understand the situation. That day, it was you who appeared at the Dongcheng District Casino? No. Li Yexing replied simply.

Then take off your mask. Amen Gangtaro said with a serious face. No, brother. Li Yexing laughed angrily, he suddenly pulled out his face and placed it on Amen Gangtaro's forehead, sneering. You're really not afraid of dying

g? Do you know what it means to you to see my face? Maybe you will die Amon Gangtaro said solemnly: But even so, I will not give up, my partner is here this time Those who died in the line of duty, such as me, would also die. I'd rather die on the way to find the truth like him. Li Yexing looked directly at Yamen Gangtaro, and Yamen Gangtaro also looked directly into Li Yexing's eyes, there was only firmness in his eyes, no fear. To be honest, Li Yexing really doesn't hate this kind of firm and righteous people's guard...Li Yexing finally just shook his head, he sat back with a sneer, and said to Amen Gangtaro, My face, You'd better not look at it

Yamen Gangtaro pondered what Li Yexing said, and then a trace of fear appeared on his face: Don't you have eyes all over your face? Kanan, who was also covered by the film, was amused. Fart! Li Yexing angry hall: I am a human being, don't confuse me with those monsters! Speaking of monsters.. What happened to those masked people of the Black Dragon Society? Hearing Aimen Gangtaro's face full of words They are all monsters with eyes, Rita in the driver's seat couldn't help frowning and said softly:, I see that those masked people don't seem to be afraid of pain, and their blood seems to be burning? Well, those guys , it's compound eyes. Li Yexing whispered, then frowned and selectively told everyone in the car about the C virus, compound eye demons, and Kara and New Umbrella. So that's how it is... Hearing Li Yexing's explanation, Rita nodded and said, In other words, do you think the black dragon will collude with that new Ambre secretly?

Why would an organization of the size of New Umbrella want to cooperate with a poor gang like the Black Dragon Society? It also specially supported a leader who doesn't seem to have enough brains.

Probably a guy with a bad mind is easy to control--Analyzed by Kanan next to her, and then she found that Tililith was using some strange eyes

What kind of eyes are you looking at?! Looking at Tililith's pitying eyes, Kanan couldn't help but say loudly, You bastard, are you implying that I have a bad head?!

'Wait... Yagang Taro, who was listening in the clouds and fog, looked at Li Yexing, frowned and said with a puzzled face, How do you know this guy?

Li Yexing turned his head and looked at Amen Gangtaro with complicated eyes. After a long time, he sighed and said, Well, don't you want to know my identity? It's okay to tell you..

Clearing his throat, Li Yexing said sternly: Actually, we are secret agents affiliated with CA, responsible for engaging with BSAA and sharing relevant information about the global anti-majority terrorism strategy, - A week ago, we received a message from a Japanese The local gang in Changye suspected to use BOW. So my team and I were appointed

A mission was sent to secretly enter the country to investigate the matter. So that's how it is. Amen Gangtaro suddenly realized that he nodded, and then said solemnly: Sir, this is a very important matter, I think you need the assistance of Chang Shi police. It's natural. Li Yexing nodded and said, When we need the assistance of the local police, we will immediately ask our superiors to apply for your assistance The bastards have been brought to justice!” Yamen Gangtaro said excitedly: “Then, Mr. Agent, in order to be able to cooperate happily in the future, can you please remove your embarrassment? Li Yexing stopped talking, Yamen. Gangtaro stopped talking. After the two looked at each other for five seconds, Li Youxing frowned and whispered, Shout! Didn't you get through?

Do you think I'm stupid? Yamen Gangtaro frowned and nodded loudly: °Even my poor spoken English can hear your reflex in English! So that's how it is. Li Yexing frowned He frowned, then said sternly: I'm sorry, I lied to you just now, but I'm actually an SV field worker pretending to be QA, in charge of connecting with BSAA: .. Can't you spit out anything else? Sir! Just when Li Yexing was still arguing with Yamen Gangtaro, Rita in the driver's seat reluctantly said loudly, Those guys, catch up! Hearing Rita's words, Li Youxing immediately put away his face With a contrived expression, he frowned, passed the back seat, looked at the rear window, and saw behind the van, motorcycles with black lights came up with the roaring engine sound. The black dragon with the black cloth cover will chase the soldiers, facing the van, raising the gun in his hand.

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