What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

4-44. The macho asked for leave this morning

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On the roof of the city that never sleeps, Miss Wang stood quietly in the wind, listening to the piercing siren, and she looked down at the brightly lit streets under the city that never sleeps. At this moment, there are police cars parked around the city that never sleeps. The late policemen pulled the cordon to disperse the crowd of onlookers. All the members of the Black Dragon Society who had just been evacuated from the riot were recalled, and the Nine Heads God Squadron would assign new tasks for them. When the riot in the city that never sleeps just started, Jiutou Shenshuyuan and the top police officers let them in and let them show up later. By the way, they will deal with a policeman who saw something he shouldn't see because he didn't follow the rules. No matter what, they will sell Miss Wang to a certain amount of face, so now, the policemen who are guarding the door have not entered the city that never sleeps, they are obeying orders and waiting for instructions from their superiors. In fact, it was to let Jiutou Shenshuyuan clean the house and then they went in to search. But now it seems that it is unnecessary.

Just thinking about some trivial matters, suddenly, a burst of bells rang in Miss Wang's arms. She took out the phone in her arms without haste, and when she saw the caller ID, her face was overwhelmed - Si joking , connected the phone, she whispered in a slightly sweet voice What's wrong? Darling? What did you say?! Ada, do you know what you're doing? On the other side of the phone, a low voice The male voice asked. Of course I know, dear. Miss Wang said with a smile. As you can see, today's C virus is not perfect. I think we need to have a large enough test field to test whether it is practical or not. Did you agree with my plan at the beginning? Yes, I did agree with your plan at the beginning, but the plan you submitted at the time showed that you would secretly support a local gang using C The power of the virus knocked down other gangs, and you took the opportunity to collect data on controllable students, not like now, see what you are going to do, you are going to overthrow Japan? The man on the other side of the phone seemed to have some Angrily said: 'I don't care what you did in Japan, but you are too arbitrary, I received news from my side, you directly used my contacts to mobilize a large number of BOW! It doesn't matter, since you want to collect data, why? Why not put more new weapons under research directly into the battlefield? Miss Wang said with a smile: Anyway, you will solve all the problems for us, won't you? The other side of the phone was silent for a moment, and then whispered: No Only deal with a few gangsters? Those things that are not in the mainstream will not be able to test the results at all

Of course they can't. Miss Wang smiled and said: 'But the Japan Self-Defense Forces and the BSAA's East Asia branch can, right? You're playing too much! The man on the other side of the phone finally couldn't hold back his anger, he Loudly: 'Do you know that you are playing with fire?! Do you really understand how much this matter will affect us if it is exposed?! The world order we have worked so hard to maintain for hundreds of years will be The corner collapsed in an instant!

Then hide those people! Just like you did before! Miss Wang snapped.

There was no sound on the phone.

After a moment of silence, Miss Wang said softly: I'm sorry, my dear, I shouldn't lose my temper at you, you know, I'm just... in a hurry. I know. Seeing that Miss Wang apologized, the man opposite His emotions also eased, and he said solemnly: I know very well your love for me, and I also know how much you want to help me maintain the stability and order of this world, but we can't be too hasty.. Then... I will let the transport plane over there return. Miss Wang whispered, looking a little depressed. No, there is no need. Seemingly aware of Miss Wang's mood change, the man opposite said softly: It is also my responsibility to indulge your willfulness. Just do it according to your ideas. I will help you deal with the following things, but you have to remember that it will not be an example! Is it! Thank you so much, My dear. Hearing the man's words, Miss Wang immediately smiled. You are over there, pay attention to safety, and remember to return to country A early. The man opposite said in a deep voice: I'm going next I've been busy wiping your butt for you. You really don't give me peace of mind. The phone hung up. Looking at the phone in her hand, Miss Wang put away the smile on her face, and her expression gradually became grim. Help You maintain the order of the world? It's funny. With a disdainful smile on her face, Miss Wang said coldly: 'I just want to watch your world burn.

The sound of the door opening from behind interrupted Miss Wang's self-talk. Miss Wang turned her head and saw Jiutou Shenyuan respectfully standing at the door of the rooftop. He bowed slightly and said: 'Miss Wang, everything has been arranged. All right, you can go any time. Yes.. A sneer appeared on Miss Wang's face. She turned her head to look at the police in the city that never sleeps, and said, It starts with them.. Yes. He turned around and was about to leave. Wait. Seeing that the wealthy god Sau Yuan was about to leave, Miss Wang suddenly stopped him. What's wrong? Jiutou Shenshuyuan, who was stopped by Miss Wang, turned to look at Miss Wang with a hint of doubt on his face. It's nothing, I'm just curious, where's your deputy called 'Jianchang'? Looking at the somewhat puzzled Jiutou Shenshangyuan, Miss Wang asked with a smile: I remember, the two of you seem to be inseparable.. . He quit. Jiutou Shenyuan hesitated for a moment, and then replied in a deep voice. That's right. After hearing Jiutou Shenyuan's answer, Miss Wang smiled even more happily, she waved her hand and said, Go do something, Do you still remember what the mission is?' Of course I do.. Kuzushen Shohara replied: Destroy the Ganjima group, and then lead the Black Dragon Society to occupy the Changye Commercial Building in the center of the city, and Miss Wang will provide us with support. Very good. Miss Wang said with a smile: Then go do it quickly and clean up the police below. By the way, Miss Wang, since you said you

You can provide me with support, then, before occupying the Changye Commercial Building, I have one more thing to do... Jiutou Shenshuyuan said while carefully watching Miss Wang's expression: I don't know Miss Wang. , can you help me? Miss Wang frowned slightly, but did not refuse, she just said softly: Tell me. I hope that when I raze the entire Gandao group and the Gandao family, I can use Miss Wang. Support! Jiutou Shenyuan said, his expression gradually became distorted and ferocious, he gritted his teeth and said: I want those bastards who provoke me to feel something, 0 is real fear and despair! Is that so? Hearing the words of Jiutou Shenyuan, Miss Wang's face evoked a slightly evil smile and said: It seems to be quite interesting.

Why don't you come to visit Kan Island's house with sincere greetings, while you deal with the commercial street? You won't screw it up, will you? Don't worry, Miss Wang.. With an evil and twisted smile on his face, Jiutou Shen Shuyuan said excitedly: It won't take long, I will let the old man

The guy's house is full of blood!

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