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Under the city that never sleeps, inside and outside the police cordon, the gathered policemen are still waiting anxiously, they are waiting for the order from above. Looking at the city that never sleeps in front of him, Ryota Iguchi, a young detective in police uniform, couldn't help frowning. Very wrong.

He knew a little about the details of the case in the city that never sleeps tonight. It seemed that the members of the Black Dragon Society who worked in the city that never sleep were the ones who initially called the police, but after the police team was all assembled, news came from above. You are not allowed to enter the city that never sleeps. Iguchi had received a call from Gangtaro Yamen in advance. Listening to Gangtaro Yamen's tone, he probably knew something, but he kept it secret. Then, the arrest warrant for Gangtaro Yamen came down. , Amon Gangtaro is suspected of helping violent criminals escape, and he appears to be suffering from some serious mental problem. Iguchi, who had eaten ramen with Gangtaro Amon during the day, knew that Gangtaro Amon could not have mental problems at all, nor could he help criminals escape. Then there is only one answer left, and Gangtaro Amon must be know something that shouldn't be known,

Different from Yamen Gangtaro, Iguchi's character is not as strong as his sense of justice, and more importantly, Mingzhe protects himself. He noticed early on that Heilonghui was different from the top police, but he didn't poke it. Bro, he has repeatedly suggested that Yagangtaro should stop investigating. In his opinion, Amengangtaro and his partner Wu Xu, who died in the line of duty, are both great police officers. They shouldn't be among the big shots. Pickled wins. But now, it seems that it is too late.

Iguchi was having a headache how to hide the whereabouts of Taro Yagang from his superiors. On the other side, there was only a harsh braking sound, a police car stopped beside, the door opened, and a middle-aged man in a coat with a stinky face. The young man walked down, slammed the car door hard, and walked straight towards the well. Senior, Iguchi was stunned for a moment, then immediately saluted.

Do you know where Yachang Gangtaro's kid went? The section leader didn't hesitate and got straight to the point. I don't know. #kou shook his head and replied without hesitation: I tried to make a phone call, but I couldn't get in touch with Yamen-kun. I don't know? He suddenly came up, patted his shoulder lightly and whispered: I don't know. I don't know if it's an illusion, Iguchi seems to have seen the old face of the head of the class - Si gratified and a little sly smile. 3 On the one hand, the class leader in a windbreaker turned around, frowned, and his eyes were fixed on the city that was lit up with lights before him. Nothing happened, just a few minutes ago, they suddenly called back all the members who had withdrawn from the Black Dragon Society. Iguchi reported to the section leader.

You just let them go back like this? the class leader asked, in a bad tone. There's no way. There was helplessness across his eyebrows, Jing 0 shook his head and said, The green light is given to them. The head of the Sheng class frowned more and more tightly. After a long while, he took a deep breath and said: decision. Listen to #.. the head of the department said in a cold voice, Go to inform the various units on site, we are going to go in. What? Wellhead was stunned for a moment, and then said, As I said above, no one is allowed to enter without an order... Wellhead, you know that during the time when you guys can't do anything here, Chang Ye is What happened? The section chief stared at the wellhead and said slowly, There was a car chase and shootout on the outer edge of Dongcheng District, causing a lot of casualties! And how did the police respond? Respond negatively! I didn't care about Iguchi's expression,

The section chief said to himself: ' 'I have been a police officer for several years, and Chang Ye has never been so chaotic for decades, and now it will be the Chang Ye Cherry Blossom Festival! We must

But, even if you enter the city that never sleeps, what are you going to do? Iguchi asked nervously. What to do? Of course, I'm asking the Nine Heads God to go back for tea! There was a murder case, and then there was a car chase and shootout that was suspected of being a gang fight in Dongcheng District. I asked him to go back to assist in the investigation, right? What about the top? Iguchi asked.

Today, I was ripped off! I also have to fulfill my duty as a police officer! Fluttering his hair mixed with a little white, the section principal said sternly, Stinky boy, do you dare to walk with me? Ikou stared into the eyes of the old class leader in front of him. After a while, he nodded solemnly. Looking at Ikou, the class leader had a smile on his face again. He patted Ikou again on the shoulder and said, Yana stinks The people around the boy are all good. Now go to inform the units to pay attention, prepare to enter the city that never sleeps, and then lend me a 0V. Okay! Section Chief! Iguchi nodded and turned to face the surrounding police. They shouted: 'Attention all units! Get ready to enter the city that never sleeps! Then, go and get a loudspeaker for our section chief!

Hearing the shouting of the wellhead, the surrounding police officers were stunned for a while, and then they had a smile on their faces. They immediately sorted out their equipment, and a young policeman trotted over and handed a loudspeaker to the wellhead, and the wellhead turned around. Handed the loudspeaker\\ to the head of the class. Looking at the young police officers who were all ready to go, the section chief felt in a trance that he had returned to the time when he had just become a Jin inspector. There seemed to be a force in his blood that was inspiring him. At this moment, he was in high spirits.

The police suspect that the nightclub of Never Sleeping City, operated by Jiutou Shenshangyuan and Heilong Club, is harboring violent criminals!

Get out of the city that never sleeps! We will enter the city that never sleeps for inspection! In addition, please come out of the city consciously, and go back with the police for investigation! I will repeat what Gangsuo said again.

Afterwards, Section Chief Muto Masayoshi put down his lap and waited quietly. From time to time, he lowered his head and looked at the watch on his wrist to set the time, until the end of three minutes, the city that never sleeps - no one came out, No wait. !Come in! Without a word of nonsense, the section chief waved fiercely at the city that never sleeps, and the police around the city that never sleeps immediately raised their faces and prepared to move towards the city that never sleeps, but at this moment, a voice sounded. Don't! I'm out! I'm out! The gate of Never Sleeping City was slowly pushed open, followed by the nine-headed god Shohara wearing a purple suit and black-rimmed glasses and walked out with a smile, behind him, It was a large group of members of the Black Dragon Society in suits. They covered their faces and walked out with the Nine Heads God Squall without saying a word.

Raise your hands above your head! Come slowly! Seeing Caitou Shenxuan coming out, the head of the section shouted with his hands over his head. Okay, put your hands above your head, no problem. Still with a disgusting smile, he slowly raised his hands above his head and the large group of masked people behind him also raised their hands one after another. A large group of people slowly approached the police force surrounding the city that never sleeps. Wait! The class leader holding La suddenly shouted: Let your subordinates take off all the masks! Oh? The members of the Black Dragon Club slowly approached the police and looked at the section chief and said: Muto-san, are you serious?

That's good. Seemingly helpless, Jiutou Shenshuyuan shrugged and said, Have you heard? Take off the mask.

In the next second, the hundreds of masked people behind Jiutou Shenshuyuan, under the stunned and even terrified eyes of the police, ripped off the masks on their faces with their foreheads, revealing the uninhabited ones. s face.

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