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To be honest, Li Yexing was already prepared. He had thought about what would emerge from the chrysalis, but he did not expect that the girl who slowly stood up from the chrysalis was still the girl with her back to her face. Li Yexing, naked, covered with mud-like gray mucus, his black hair wet with mucus was firmly attached to her snow-white back, and on her snow-white skin, there appeared- The regular thin red lines looked like cracks. Under Li Yexing's gaze, Kanjima Hitomi slowly turned around. With a little confusion and doubt on her face, she quietly watched Li like that. nocturnal. Seeing that Hitomi Kanjima had no intention of fighting, Li Yexing walked through the burning room with a gun and slowly leaned over. Dao Tong, said solemnly: Do you still recognize me? Gan Dao Tong looked at Li Yexing, his face was confused, and after a while, she whispered: Is Li Lili still still there? Surprised!

Seeing that Hitomi Ganjima still recognized him, Li Yexing let go of his vigilance.

Kanjima Hitomi looked at Li Yexing who was slowly leaning towards him, and the corners of his mouth suddenly twitched. In an instant, Li Yexing only felt the scalp hair salon, he subconsciously held the gun in front of him, and then, Kanjima Hitomi kicked him with a whip, and with a huge force, the gun in Li Yexing's hand unexpectedly hit him. The sound shattered, and Li Yexing, who was holding the gun, flew upside down and slammed into the cabinet behind him. Staring at Hitomi Kanjima who suddenly made a move, he said loudly, What are you doing, Hitomi Kanjima?! Hehehe hehe... Hitomi Kanjima covered her face, lowered her head and chuckled, murmuring: Mr. Li. Stronger than Hitomi

Listening to Hitomi Kanjima's broken Japanese, Li Yexing frowned, and Hitomi Kanjima was still muttering to herself, her laughter grew louder and more frantic, and then, suddenly, Kanjima Hitomi was still muttering to herself. Hitomi stopped laughing, and there was only the sound of crackling burning in the room.

Under Li Yexing's gaze, Hitomi Kanjima raised her head suddenly, with a twisted and crazy smile on her face, and said loudly: Knock Mr. Li down! After that, Hitomi Kanjima's eyebrows were suddenly torn apart. ,- A turbid gray eyeball squeezed out of the crack and turned frantically. At the same time, the red cracks on Hitomi Kanjima's body suddenly opened, revealing scarlet muscles, and white steam spurted rapidly between the cracks. Coming out, Kanjima Hitomi grinned and shoved her hand into the crack in her chest, accompanied by the sound of flesh being torn apart. Kanjima seemed to have caught something, and the gushing blood turned into flames. , She smiled and slowly pulled out the hand that was tucked into her chest. Under Li Yexing's shocked eyes, Hitomi Kanjima pulled out a knife from her chest!

The bone bayonet still made Li Yexing feel cold all over. After the blood stained on the bone spurs touched the air, it quickly burned, making Li Yexing unable to help but think of the one used by Shana in Brightening Shana that can burn The big sword Zhidian Zhanna was in a blaze, and the mutated Hitomi Kanjima spewed white steam. She slowly lowered her body, and put the burning bone blade around her waist with her right hand. Pressing lightly on the burning blade, she assumed a posture of drawing the knife. The gray eyeball that was frantically rolling between her brows stopped suddenly, and instantly Qiandao Hitomi's three eyes locked Li Yexing firmly. Li Yexing's nerves instantly tense. It's coming!

Avoiding the pale monster's fist again, Kanan turned around abruptly. She spun her body and slashed her right arm, which had been transformed into a blade, towards the monster's chest like a machete. Seeing Kanan counterattack, the monster immediately Taking a step back, even so, Kanan's arm blade still left a shallow wound on its chest

Bo shook his fist carelessly, letting the small wound on his chest slowly heal in the steaming white smoke, the pale monster took a boxing stance again, and then calmly moved towards Kanan. leaned up. Looking at the monster that was slowly approaching, Kanan frowned. From the beginning, she had a very strange feeling, why, this monster stopped her. But she let Li Yexing go upstairs and didn't stop it at all, Why does this monster have powerful strength, but the attack rhythm is not slow and slow, and it does not look like it is going to kill itself.

Thinking about it carefully, since they entered this building, they seem to be reducing staff constantly. In order to reach the top floor of the building on time, they have to keep people to deal with their tails. A tyrant dragged the eldest lady, and now, this bastard wants to drag himself! Maybe from the beginning, the woman wanted the B0SS to go upstairs alone! Maybe those trash fish were originally used to drag everyone except the BOSS. Human, but that woman didn't expect that the maid Shibuya would cook them all by herself, so there will be four tyrants and white-skinned monsters who only let the boss go upstairs alone!

But in this case, doesn't it mean that the woman has a way to observe the actions of a group of people when all the monitoring in the building fails? Why does she do this? What is the meaning of these series of actions? She thought she was waiting on the top floor. There are only that woman and the eldest lady of the Kanjima family, and the boss is enough to take care of that woman even with his bare hands, but what if that person has other cards in his hand? Showing her face! What is waiting for the boss on the top floor of Changye Building? Confused thoughts impacted Kanan's sanity. She knew very well that no matter what was waiting for Li Yexing, it was not something that guy could handle. yes, now

she must hurry

Quick decision! Dodge the pale monster's attack again, and then swing the knife back to force it back. Kanan looked at the monster in front of him, frowned and said, It's really timid.

Hurry up, sorry, I don't have time to play with you! My boss is still waiting for me! Saying that, Kanan tore off the jacket from 2's upper body and threw it on the ground next to him, revealing the black sports bra underneath. Under the monster's gaze, the tattoos on Kanan's arms trembled violently. They twisted like a carnival and climbed up Kanan's cheeks together. When the tattoos on both sides were about to meet, Kanan's left arm slammed. Violently wriggling, huge bone spurs tore the flesh and blood, along with red blood and yellow mucus, Kanan's left arm was alienated into a sharp long knife, and behind Kanan, there were bone spurs with metallic luster. Suddenly growing out of the spine, it pierced Kanan's back instantly with a mixture of red and yellow liquid, and then-roots bent and clinged to Kanan's two ribs, tore Kanan's sports bra to pieces, Kanan's chest was completely wrapped, in addition to that, there were leg bones and the emperor of the hand. The bone spurs bent out of the bones all over the body wrapped Kanan's body into a circle, turning it into Kanan's armor, with metal armor. Glossy, with the coldness of the rich

Looking at her body, Kanan suddenly felt a little strange. She vaguely remembered that the form that she named Beast Eater was actually very ugly. It was covered with fuzzy flesh and irregular bone spurs, and even tentacles. , but now, it looks as if it has become more handsome? Not only that, but even the heart-piercing pain of the transformation has been greatly reduced. what's going on?

That's it.. Without thinking about Hanan's lightly shaking her neck and making a clicking sound, she raised her head and looked at the pale monster in front of her with a wild smile on her face: Come on, big man, We play the second round.

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