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On the top floor of the Changye Commercial Building, in the blazing office, Li Yexing was staring at Hitomi Kanjima, who was in a posture of drawing a knife. Under the light of the fire, Hitomi Kanjima's pale figure became more and more strange. She stared at Li Yexing with three eyes, and white steam continued to emerge from the cracks in her body. After a while, She suddenly laughed. Hehe. Along with the laughter, Hitomi Kanshima rushed up directly. Her figure was unsteady, and her running trajectory had an arc, flying along Li Yexing's left side to Li Yexing. Then, when he reached Li Yexing's right side, he violently pushed the hilt in his hand against Li Yexing's chin. Li Yexing frowned, and reached out and pushed Kanjima Hitomi's right hand holding the hilt away. , at the same time - kicked Qiandao Hitomi's abdomen, wanting to retreat from the area, but did not expect that Kanjima Hitomi also had the same idea, I saw Kanjima Hitomi and Li Yexing raised their legs at the same time, The legs of the two slammed together under the body, and then Li Yexing and Hitomi Kanjima staggered back at the same time. At the moment when they were repelled, Hitomi Kanjima slammed on the ground even more, and the bone in his right hand was smashed. The hilt of the blade slammed down again towards Li Yexing's face. Li Yexing tilted his head and punched the blow. At the same time, he jumped up and slammed into Hitomi Kanjima's arms. The uppercut slammed into Hitomi Kanjima's abdomen hard. After taking a blow that was enough to make ordinary people completely incapacitated, Hitomi Kanjima just stumbled back two steps. There was a hint of fear in Li Yexing's eyes. On the other side, Li Yexing slowly spit out a foul breath, and then regained his posture. He already had a bottom line in his heart. Although the current Hitomi Kanjima has been strengthened by the C virus, she is still the eldest lady who lacks fighting experience. , as long as this fighting rhythm is maintained, Li Yexing has every chance to defeat her with his bare hands. On the other side, Hitomi Kanjima quietly looked at Li Yexing who was confronting her. After a while, she seemed to sigh, and then the cracks in her body that were spewing steaming dirt suddenly closed together. In a second, her figure disappeared instantly. Seeing Hitomi Kanjima disappear in place under his eyelids, Li Yexing only felt the scalp hair salon, he glanced around vigilantly, and there seemed to be something moving quickly, it was as silent as a ghost. Passing through the firelight without any breath, the man was obviously fast, but the surrounding flames did not shake due to the airflow at all, and the sound was completely hidden in the scorching sound of the flames, but before Li Yexing's sight followed. On it, it disappeared into the fire again. Li Youxing was highly concentrated. He slowly backed away, not daring to make a sound. In the light of the fire, he could occasionally catch a fleeting figure. Li Yexing had absolutely no idea where this guy would attack.

Li Yexing, who was highly concentrated, suddenly turned around and looked to the right. At the same time, the flame in front of her was torn apart instantly, and the burning Hitomi Kanjima rushed out of the flame. She stared at red eyes, With a ferocious grin on his face, the bone blade that was pressed against his waist with his left hand was instantly pulled out along with the movement of his right hand. It dragged the flames and scorched hot air, and slashed towards Li Yexing's neck. Damn it! This is not a wooden knife. If you pick it up with your hands, it will kill you! Li Yexing made a judgment in an instant, feeling the heat from the front of his neck. Li Yexing quickly leaned back and avoided this deadly attack. At the same time, he turned around and swept his whip leg towards Hitomi Kanjima's waist. With the slight pain in the calf, Li Yexing's whip leg kicked firmly on Hitomi Kanjima's waist. Li Yexing looked up and saw that Hitomi Kanjima was completely unmoved, and she quickly lifted it up. The burning bone blade in his hand slashed at Li Yexing again with a mad laugh. He supported his body with one leg, and Li Yexing, who lost his balance, avoided the knife and lay down directly on the ground. 2 Sweeping Tang's legs directly on the calf where Gan Island sleeps. This time, Hitomi Kanjima was unable to make a hard connection, and Hitomi Kanjima, who had just waved the knife and had not had time to regain his posture, snorted and was swept to the ground. Li Yexing took advantage of the situation and aimed at Hitomi Kanjima who was lying on the ground. - The foot jumped over, and Hitomi Kanjima, who fell on the ground, did not avoid it, and directly put the burning bone blade in his hand in front of him. The next second, Li Yexing kicked on the bone blade of Hitomi Kanjima. Shima Hitomi slid to the flames behind her instantly, with a sneer on her face, she propped herself up abruptly, jumped into the flames with a backflip of inertia, and hid her figure again. The whole room fell into a strange silence again . Sweat dripped down his forehead, and Li Yexing's nerves were tense to the extreme. He even began to consider whether he could try to persuade Gan Dao to surrender, or simply surrender himself. Anyway, the girl said she liked him. Right? But the problem is that the girl's English is so bad, Li Yexing doesn't believe that Hitomi Kanjima can understand her English. What's more, the girl just doesn't seem to listen to anyone's words. Just as Li Yexing was thinking, a burning foreign object slammed through the flame on Li Yexing's left side and flew towards Li Yexing quickly. Yexing, although he didn't see what it was, Li Yexing still dodged them one by one, and then, just as Li Yexing thought, at the moment when he dodged and dodged, Kanjima Hitomi slammed into him. The flame on Sora-one side killed it with the burning bone blade. At the moment when Hitomi Kanjima's blade was about to fall, Li Yexing adjusted his posture, let his body move towards the other side, and at the same time suddenly raised his leg, He wanted to hit Kanjima Hitomi's abdomen with his knees, but at this moment, Li Yexing only felt as if his feet were caught by something, which made his movements a beat. In the blink of an eye, Li Yexing suddenly realized what had just happened. When he kicked the bone blade in Hitomi Kanjima's hand, the heat of the bone blade directly burned the sole of his shoe! The sole of his shoe attached his shoelace. Feet stuck to the ground! Realizing what happened, Lee

Yexing had no way to deal with it. When his knees were raised, Hitomi Kanshima had already completed the change, and the burning bone blade slashed towards Li Yexing's neck from the bottom up.

Before he could fight back, Li Yexing knocked over the cabinet behind him, and fell to the ground in an embarrassed manner. He wanted to repeat the old trick, and when he swung the knife over Hitomi Kanjima, his center of gravity was unstable and attacked Hitomi Kanjima's bottom plate, but this time Hitomi Kanjima moved faster, she laughed wildly and waved the bone blade in her hand, giving Li Yexing no chance to fight back. After cutting over, Li Yexing had to keep retreating and dodging. Seeing that he could no longer dodge Li Yexing with the next knife, he gritted his teeth and grabbed something from his side and blocked it in front of him. Ding!

With a sound like hammering iron, a huge force hit Li Yexing's hand with scattered sparks, setting off Qiandao Hitomi's attack, Li Yexing seized the opportunity - one turned over and stood up, at the same time. Looking at the thing that saved his life in his hand, he was holding the Japanese sword that was placed on the counter before! Looking at the Japanese sword in his hand, and at the one in front of him, who was rearranging his posture and holding a burning bone blade. Kanjima Hitomi, Li Yexing whispered to himself with a bitter face: No way.

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