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On March 2x, 2010, 24 hours after the Changye Commercial Building incident broke out. At night, in the waters around Japan, an unmarked black speedboat was traversing the dark waves and heading in an unknown direction. There was silence in the speedboat. Several people in black uniforms and black body armor sat quietly on the Zasaki on both sides. Among them, there were men and women with various gas masks on their faces. Most of them carry HK 416s with various accessories around their waists. Some people are smoking, some are closing their eyes, and one is even reading a magazine with Erlang's legs crossed. After a long while, someone finally broke the tranquility. In other words, does that guy really need our help? Annoyed, he buckled the magazine in his hand on the seat next to him, wearing a half-faced gas mask with faint red light on his face. , the young red-haired girl suddenly complained in a low voice: Did Mr. Supervisor take the wrong medicine? He always looked like he had taken the wrong medicine. He said casually, the voice of a mature woman came from under the heavy-duty red lens gas mask. That. I think. It's not good to talk too much about our supervisor behind our back. The boy in the black cloak sitting in the corner, holding the TAC- in his hand, whispered, that voice sounded a little soft and childish, and Under the fighting, the half-covered special gas mask lens was faintly glowing with red light. I can't figure out where the top guy lost how much stuff, but that guy, that mercenary, and the ladies he's raising are really powerful? If we can get it right People, that mad dog of Loples can definitely handle it, but if he can't handle it, then we'll just go up there.

It's just that he couldn't find what he wanted from that mad dog, so he was blown away! He wanted to disband us! Put away your speech about being persecuted and paranoid, after all, we are not all kicked out from various branches Yes? In the end, it was the whim of the supervisor here.

The man next to the woman, who was wrapped in black combat uniforms and wearing a gas mask with red lenses on his face, spread his hands and said in despair. , What's the matter? Hearing his words, the person sitting in the corner slowly raised his head.

Seeing him raise his head, everyone in the speedboat subconsciously looked at him. I saw that the man was wearing a plain black combat uniform, a black body armor, and there were rows of magazines hanging outside the body armor, and the outside was covered with - rows and rows of black and gray big bags and small bags, and his feet were walking on black. waterproof boots, black trouser legs were meticulously tucked into the boots, in addition to daggers and pistols, shock bombs and grenades hung around his waist, and on his head was a black bulletproof helmet with a Wearing a black cross-Shanghai-style gas mask. The moment he looked up, the red lens on the mask seemed to have a ray of light. I have no intention of evaluating Mr. Supervisor... After a while, his hoarse voice came from behind the gas mask. After waiting for a long time, I just waited After saying this, the red-haired girl turned her head in frustration and said, Master! I really went to your female cousin._Sorry, Mr. Stinky Tofu. Seeing the red-haired girl cursing, she sat The weak sniper in the corner quickly apologized: Sister Chili is like this.. She has no malicious intentions. Ah ah ah! I'm so annoying! The red-haired girl called Chili - grabbed it The collar of the vulnerable sniper in the corner was dragged directly into his arms, and his hands frantically rubbed his head through the cloak. You talk more! You talk too much! Just wait! After this trip is over, I will

You can't get out of bed!

I don't want it! A quack doctor! Chili raised his head and said to the woman, The little arctic wolf is mine!

Uh niuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. The sniper rifle fell to the ground, and the weak sniper called the Arctic Wolf was waving his hands and struggling in Chili's arms. He looked at the two women and one man who were making a fuss, and the depressed uncle beside him. He sighed, and then whispered to the man sitting at the end of the cabin, Seriously, I'm going to kill people soon, but these guys look like they're going out for a spring outing. I'm going crazy. The man sitting at the end of the room. did not speak. Depressed uncle thought for a while and then suddenly asked, By the way, brother, I'm really curious, why is your code name 'stinky tofu'? Then why do you call it canned fish? The man sitting at the end of the room asked back. Because I like sardines with Yaotou... The decadent uncle, codenamed 'Yaotou Yu', replied without thinking, It's your turn, why is it called stinky tofu?

Because it's been soaked in the sewer for too long. After a while, the man codenamed Stinky Tofu said in a hoarse voice. On the other side, the riot gradually escalated. Although the team member codenamed Quackery didn't seem to care much, the anger of the little pepper was inexplicably getting bigger and bigger. Between his chest and his mouth, he cursed: Damn! It's dead! Arctic wolf! Take off your gas mask for me! 090909. Arctic wolf struggled to stop Xiao Chili's salty pig's hand who was trying to tear off his gas mask. , At this moment, a young girl's voice sounded in the communicator beside my ear: Hello? Audition, audition. Can you hear it? Audition! I can hear, this is stinky tofu, please speak. Fingers gently pressed the communicator beside his ear. The man codenamed Stinky Tofu said solemnly.

°Oh, just hear it, next, the great and beautiful Lord Illian is going to lecture! A girl's excited pervert and sadist came from the opposite side of the communicator! This Lord is your commander, combining beauty and wisdom the end

Beauty B0W- - T-llinl! There was no sound in the cabin for a moment, the atmosphere was terrifyingly cold for a while, and on the other side, the girl in the communicator was still excited and said, My lord found your target, in the southeast of you, a distance from You're less than ten nautical miles away, and you'll soon be able to see the spider! Then my lord will send you the location of the target ship, and your mission is to kill all the people on board! Don't let those stupid pigs fight against me My elder sister is on vacation, do you understand?! Pig, waste wood, bipolar disorder, women's perverts and sadism? I'm not a women's pervert, the Arctic Wolf whispered richly and blessedly in the arms of Little Pepper.

On the other side, after hesitating for a moment, the man with the codename Stinky Tofu said in a deep voice: I understand. If you understand, hurry up and work! Scumbags! The girl opposite the communicator exclaimed excitedly, and then only listened to - A shrill sound, followed by a silence from the opposite side of the communicator

Ji Shun communicated, and the cabin fell into dead silence again, and it was not until seconds later that everyone's communication equipment sounded a beep when a message was received. Don't... don't touch it, the Arctic Wolf whispered to Chili: I still have to work. If I touch it... I can't say who the little dwarf thinks she is?! Suddenly, Chili fried Hairy, she dented the seat next to her with a fist, and at the same time said loudly, isn't it the pet the supervisor keeps?! What's so amazing?

Hearing the constant clamor in the cabin, Stinky Tofu shrunk into the corner without a trace, wondering if it was an illusion, this world had become a little different from the world he was familiar with.

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