What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Extra.4.5-4. Feast of the macho (4)

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Walking on the street, Li Yexing turned her head with some concern, and saw that Kanan, who was following behind, didn't even look at the road. She lowered her head and looked at the Gurkha saber in her hand, and her expression was like a demon. Do you know that? Li Yexing couldn't help laughing and said. It's too evil, oS.. Kanan raised her head, and her expression seemed to have suffered some kind of culture shock. She stared at Li Yexing and whispered. That old man. It's too much. Okay, the evil door is evil, hurry up and put away the knife, do you think this is Loples? With his hands in his pockets, Li Yexing said with a smile. Oh After listening to Li Yexing's words, Kanan reluctantly wrapped the watch with a black cloth general's knife, and then inserted it into the waistband of her trousers, but looking at Kanan's expression, she knew that her heart was still not calm, and it seemed that she was frightened by the old man. Enough of it. No longer paying attention to Kanan, Li Yexing turned his head to Rita, who was beside him, and said softly, Rita, where do you think we're going next? I think it's better to go back to the hotel. Affected by the previous days, many shops have not opened, and the Long-leaf Cherry Blossom Festival is a few days later. The most important thing is that Miss Qiandao is still carrying that knife, although the wrapped It’s very strict, but anyone with a heart will probably be able to see the knife at a glance. No matter where we’re going, we’ll put Miss Kanjima’s knife back to the hotel now. Saying that, Rita suddenly leaned into Li Yexing’s ear and said: “ What's more, we have to accompany Miss Kanjima to attend Mr. Kanjima's funeral tomorrow. According to the fact, other than the relatives of Ms. F Island, all the gang members who came to attend are gang members from Nagba City. There are hostile forces from the Ganjima group who came out to make trouble. In order to cope with the unexpected situation, I think it is necessary for us to cultivate our talents. After listening to Rita's words, Li Yexing frowned slightly and said, Not all of them are local. Are you a little bastard? Are you so serious? You misunderstood, sir, Rita is not worried that she will eat if you conflict with them. Rita shook her head and said with worry: Miss Qiandao is emotionally unstable. , and just got a new knife. Here first, Rita frowned slightly and said, I should. No. Li Yexing turned his head uncertainly and looked at Hitomi Kanjima who was following behind him. , I saw that Hitomi Kanjima and him maintained a half-length position. She carried the knife on her back, her stride was steady, and under the shadow of the beige hood, those sharp eyes stared straight ahead. It was like she would draw a knife and slash it out in the next second. Noticing Li Yexing's gaze, she turned her head and looked at Li Yexing. Although she couldn't speak, Li Yexing still read it from her eyes. A trace of inquiry, like that, very much like those samurai standing beside the Lord waiting for orders in historical dramas, as long as the Lord speaks, they immediately cut their stomachs and commit suicide. Some helplessly shook their heads and told Kanji that it was okay, so Kanjima Sleeping looked straight ahead again, while on the other side, Li Yexing turned his head and whispered to Rita: This child is really a stubborn one, if someone disturbs tomorrow's funeral, please stop Hitomi Kanjima, don't let it go. She chopped up someone.. Isn't this a little too wronged Miss Kanjima? Rita asked with a slight frown. It's okay, no grievances. Li Yexing shook his head, and then showed a grim face: If someone dares to make trouble at Laogandao's funeral tomorrow, please help me remember that I will visit after the funeral. No problem, sir. Rita covered her mouth and chuckled, It really has the style of Mr.

Li Yexing smiled and wanted to say something to Rita, but at this moment, Tiililith, who was walking straight ahead, suddenly ran back, she bumped into Li Yexing's arms, and then looked up at Li Yexing. Yexing, pointing to the street opposite the crossroads, Li Yexing followed Tililith's direction and looked over, only to see a large-scale shopping mall across the street, and a huge TV wall outside the shopping mall, and the TV wall , is playing some advertising poster. In the advertisement, a man with long hair hugs a JK girl in a short skirt in a main hug, the girl smiles sweetly, showing two tiger teeth. Then What are you selling? Li Yexing, who couldn't read Japanese, frowned and muttered in a low voice, only to see Tililith shaking her head, she pulled on the corner of Li Yexing's clothes, and said expressionlessly, Tililith is tired.

Tililith gets tired? Just because she walked two steps? Li Yexing certainly didn’t believe it, but looking at Tililith’s big eyes that seemed to be waiting for the light of anticipation, Li Yexing immediately understood that he was determined to be weak She stretched out her hand and fucked Ti Lilith's little head, then squatted down, and a princess hugged Ti Lilith.

This kind of street show of affection naturally attracted the attention of Zhou Feng passers-by. Most of them just glanced and left in a hurry, but there were also some people who would point at Li Yexing in a subtle way, and there was even a little girl wearing a scarf. He took out his mobile phone and wanted to take a photo of Li Yexing and Ti Lilith, ignoring the gazes of the people around him. After Li Yexing held Ti Lilith and led the girls behind him through the bustling intersection, Ti Lili Si lightly patted Li Yexing's shoulder, indicating that Li Yexing could put her down, so Li Yexing bent down and put down Tililith, when Li Yexing turned around, he suddenly found that there was something inexplicable in Rita's eyes. color. Really or not, are you tired too? Looking at Rita, Li Yexing asked uncertainly. Sir, it's really rude. Rita frowned slightly and pretended to be angry: No matter how I'm a girl, it's not surprising that I want to be hugged by my other half princess, isn't it? Li Yexing smiled. He opened his arms and said, Then why don't you come here too? Rita is fine. Putting away the somewhat mocking emotion on her face, Rita smiled and shook her head: I'm going out, I It is just a husband and a maid, being hugged by the husband and the princess on the street, it is disrespectful. Keenly aware of the regret in Rita's eyes, Li Yexing smiled, and suddenly took a stride.

Jumping up, in Rita's soft exclamation, he hugged Rita by the waist, his left arm passed through Rita's armpit, and his right arm supported Rita's black silk legs, Li Yexing smiled at Rita in his arms. She said, Do you like it? Rita's face showed a rare shyness, she gently stretched out her hand to cover her blushing face, her eyes were a little dodgy, and she said softly, Mr.

Under the strange eyes of passersby, Li Yexing carried Rita and walked forward, until the next intersection, he gently put Rita down at Rita's insistence.

When Rita was put down, Li Yexing suddenly turned his head and stared at him - without saying anything about the live Kanan. Aware of Li Yexing's sight, Kanan's face turned red, and then he waved his hand and said, I'll forget it, it's too strange for the princess to hold something. Hey hey hey. With a strange smile on his face, Li Yexing Yinxie's Licking his lips, he said, This is up to you, my good brother. After that, Li Yexing followed suit and charged towards Kanan with a stride. Wei wow, what are you doing!!!! Seeing Li Yexing rushing up, Kanan backed away in panic. The moment Li Yexing stretched out his hand to herself, she subconsciously parried, but Li Yexing obviously didn't. Expecting that Kanan would play this game with him, his center of gravity was unstable and he almost fell. Kanan hurriedly stretched out his hand to support him, and then lifted it up. The picture is formed. The passers-by on the street reluctantly fell silent, and they unconsciously cast their gazes over. Rao is that Li Yexing was also quite embarrassed in this situation. He wanted to jump off Kanan's body, but found that Kanan's hands were holding his body tightly.

Li Yexing raised his head and looked at Kanan suspiciously, and he was greeted by Hanan's smug smile. What are you doing? Looking at Kanan's unsmiling face, Li Yexing felt inexplicably panicked. Everyone has come up, why are you in a hurry to go down? Kanan said with a sneer.

The next second, in the eyes of passers-by that looked like he had seen a ghost, Kanan laughed wildly and hugged Li Yexing, accompanied by Li Yexing's swearing, and crossed the confused faces of Rita and Tilly Jingsi. The stray dogs generally rushed straight ahead.

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