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Under the clear sky, there are no clouds, and pedestrians are bustling. It is located in the center of the bustling commercial street. On the sidewalk beside the crossroads, the beautiful girl with silver hair and purple eyes wearing a knitted hat holds up her hands, like an innocent person who wants to praise the sun. The ashes of the fire shouted expressionlessly: A- -Ki- -Ba-Da-! ! ! !

Seeing the excited appearance of the girl in front of him, Li Yexing smiled knowingly. He raised his head and looked at this commercial street occupied by a large number of game merchants and anime seas, and muttered to himself: Is this Akihabara? It was a bit bumpy to get up. Li Yexing, who got up early to go to the bathroom the next day after the long-leaf Cherry Blossom Festival, met Leon and Ada who were about to leave Japan. Leon gave Li Yexing a serious look before approaching: ' No more. Besides, you are afraid of dying. Do you know how miserable you were yesterday?' This time, Li Yexing didn't refute Leon's words. Last night, for a moment, he really thought he was going to die. After saying goodbye to Leon, Li Yexing went back to his room. He lay on the tatami and rested for a whole day. During the three meals, all three meals were fed to his mouth by Rita, and Tililith spent most of the time on the pillow. Li Yexing's arm was playing games, but Kanan was different. She sat next to Li Yexing with a proud face, and occasionally poked her little brother with her finger twice, and then gloated: No response, it's over. , you've been spoiled! As for Hitomi Kanjima, she also looked exhausted. For the whole day, she only ate one meal and spent the rest of the time sleeping. She hugged Li Yexing and rubbed her hands every now and then. Next, he stumbled and muttered something, and then the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, as if he had dreamed of something good. Then, a strange thing happened. When he woke up the next morning, Hitomi Kanjima found that he could speak normally! Kanan didn't respond, but was a little startled, Tililith has always been that faceless The expression on his face seemed to be completely unconcerned about whether Hitomi Kanjima could speak or not, while Rita showed a rare thoughtful expression, her expression a little solemn. As for Li Yexing, he was completely stupid. Groove! Medical miracle!

After a rest-day, Li Yexing's physical strength finally recovered, and Qiandao Hitomi's language ability also returned to normal. Everything was on the right track. According to the travel plan, everyone got up early, and after simply packing, they took the Shinkansen to Tokyo. So, after going through the gangster crisis, Resident Evil and Resident Evil Chicken, Li Yexing finally brought his girls to the legendary otaku holy land, Akihabara. So, there was the first scene. Tililith's performance-like behavior naturally attracted the attention of many passers-by, and even a few passersby even took out their mobile phones and wanted to take pictures of Tilily. After all, such a beautiful girl is even in autumn leaves The original is also rare. Fortunately, Li Yexing had foresight and prepared a knitted hat for Tililith. As long as the long hair was hidden under the hat and in the coat, it could be hidden to a large extent.

As for Tililith's hair color, Li Yexing chose to use purple color contact lenses to solve the problem of Tililith's red eyes. This kind of thing can be bought by Chang Ye. Although the director of Black Umbrella named Camille said he was willing Help Li Yexing to keep the secret, but Li Yexing still decided to be a little bit afraid did you notice

There are so many people here... Kanan's words interrupted Li Yexing's thoughts, and she frowned and looked around, looking at the huge posters on the wall, and then she wondered: This is Isn't it all paper people? Why does Miss like these things? What's wrong with paper people? Don't look down on paper people! Li Yexing said casually, and then he looked at the surrounding people who were covered with huge game animation posters. The store and the scene couldn't help but be lost. Speaking of which, although we arrived in Akihabara, where should we start? Hearing Li Yexing's words, Tililith suddenly turned around and bumped into Li Yexing. In his arms, he said expressionlessly: Maid Cafe, Maid Cafe, Maid Cafe... Maid Cafe? The expression became a little weird, Li Yexing subconsciously turned his head and looked around and smiled. Rita, who was wearing it, then whispered: The most perfect

Isn't the maid standing here? Why do you want to go to the maid cafe? Hearing Li Yexing's words, Tililith raised her head, as if thinking. After a while, she whispered, Yes. At the same time, there was an imperceptible disappointment between the eyebrows. It's okay, miss, it's okay to go and have a look. Keenly aware of the change in Tililith's mood, Rita bowed slightly and smiled and said, Actually, Rita is also very interested in this kind of maid shop that is popular in the subculture circle. Interested, what's more, it's almost time for lunch, right? God, Rita still turned her head to Li Yexing and said, Sir, what do you think? I? Of course I can. Li Yexing nodded and said, 'Then let's go to a small cafe for girls. With Li Yexing's permission, Rita smiled and turned to look at Hitomi Kanjima, who had been silent, and spoke in Japanese. Asked: Ms. Kanjima, do you know any famous maid cafes in Akihabara? °Hey? Maid cafes? Hearing Rita's question, Hitomi Kanjima was stunned at first, and then looked embarrassed. She shook her head and said softly in Japanese: I'm sorry... I've never been to Akihara Yes. To hide the regret of passing by Ichiaoka, Rita turned her head and said to Li Yexing: Miss Kanjima doesn't know either. What about Akiha Tohara, it seems that the girl

The small cafe asked us to find it ourselves. It's okay... Looking at Hitomi Kanjima, who looked a little embarrassed, Li Yexing said with a smile: Anyway, we have time. Next, everyone started their journey to find a maid cafe. I have to say, the real Akihabara and Li Ye

What he imagined was not the same. He thought that posters, comic stores, game stores, and anime peripheral stores would crowd every corner of Akihabara, and the streets of Akihabara would be full of various c

But in fact, this seems to be just a very prosperous electrical street. Although the posters of games and animations can be seen everywhere, they are not as far as Li Yexing imagined. As for coser, he has not seen a coser so far. On the contrary, tourists from Europe and the United States are everywhere.

Just when Li Yexing regretted the gap between reality and fantasy, Tililith suddenly ran towards the front. Li Youxing looked up and saw the door of a shop in front of him. A girl with radish legs in a maid outfit was working hard. handed out flyers. On the other side, seeing Tililith running over, the little girl in the maid outfit immediately smiled and gave her a leaflet. Who knew that when Tililith opened her mouth, it was American English with a tongue-tied tongue. Poor little girl. The girl just stood there dumbfounded. While she gestured hard, she kept speaking English that only Japanese people could understand, trying to communicate with Tililith. Li Yexing sighed, he led the girls to catch up with Tililith, and then, Rita stepped forward, smiled and said something to the little girl, while Tililith gently tugged The corner of Li Yexing's clothes, and then he pointed to the shop behind the little girl, and said, The Maid Cafe. Li Yexing looked up in the direction that Tililith was pointing - at first glance, it seemed that it was really a small cafe for girls. .

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