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The rapid gunshots echoed in the open field. The moment the pistol bullet was empty, the muscular man in the vest quickly picked up the M4A1 hanging on his back, and continued to fire. After a few shots, a man's voice sounded from behind him. He only hesitated - in an instant, he pulled the reporter again, and with the gunshot, the bullet pierced out of the chamber, and this shot directly pierced the head of the distant target. Pulling off the earmuffs that covered his ears, Chris turned his head and saw a handsome young boy with a fortitude and bravery standing behind him.

Pierce... Chris called out his name softly, with a trace of search in his eyes. Miss Marlene is looking for you, Mr. Redfield. The young man named Pierce frowned slightly and said: She said that the results of the medical examination were out. The results of the medical examination. Chris was slightly stunned, then nodded and said: 'I see. Putting on the coat hanging at the door, Chris and Pierce left the shooting range together, and walked through the corridor, The staff members encountered along the way kept saying hello to Chris, and Chris responded. Pierce, who was walking beside Chris, looked at the scene in front of him thoughtfully. After a while, he said solemnly. : Mr Redfield seems to be well respected at the BSAA.

I'm just a little older. Chris shook his head and said:' There are a lot of old people here, and they're no worse than me. It's a self-effacing statement, hero Mr. Redfield.. Pierce smiled, He's only joking about Chris's just seniors

0 listen. The bitter smile on Hero's face was fleeting, Chris shook his head, and then suddenly said to Pierce: Speaking of which, are you still used to staying in BSAA? Fortunately, it feels no different from before. Pierce shook He shook his head and said: 'I just don't know when I will be able to participate in the actual combat mission, you know, I'm eager... for a bigger stage. There will be a chance, young man. Chris whispered. It didn't take long for Chris and Pierce Then they came to the technical department of BSAA. Pierce said that he still had something to do, so the two of them said goodbye. They came to the door of an office, knocked on the door lightly, and a woman's voice came from the other side of the door. She said solemnly, Please come in. So Chris pushed open the door of the office and walked in. In front of the office desk, the former researcher of Black Umbrella -- Kelly Marlein sat there quietly with her legs crossed. Reese entered the office, she didn't say much, just pulled out a medical report from the drawer and said: See for yourself. Chris pressed the report on the table and said to Kelly: ''I won't read it, just tell me how the situation is. Is the situation? It's very good. Kelly said blankly. Really? It's fine. Hearing Kelly's answer, Chris finally let go of his dangling heart, and he whispered, This is the only good news I've heard this year. What I said was' It's great', it doesn't mean he's fine. Kelly knocked on the desk lightly, she looked up and looked outside the office, after confirming that there were no strange people, she said solemnly: The virus content in that guy's blood is seriously exceeding the standard. According to the samples currently in hand, his blood contains a large number of cells combined with a harmless variant of the T virus and a small amount of semi-inactivated Las Plags runners. , according to the calculation of the sample, the former will slightly strengthen the host's bone strength and self-healing ability, while the latter is likely to greatly strengthen the host's muscles and cardiopulmonary function. Chris's face became more and more ugly. After a while, he whispered: So that guy 7. No, I have the opposite opinion about your guess. It seems to know what Chris is thinking, Kelly shook her head and said: This kind of change to the body is very slow, and because the sample is too small, I can't infer the upper limit of this change, so I personally tend to think that the mercenary doesn't know at all. What happened to himself, otherwise, he would not have easily handed over the blood sample to us. You are right. After a while, Chris said solemnly: But...if your judgment is correct, Doesn't that mean that this guy might become a Wesker? I don't know about that Wesker, but from your description, I don't think the mercenary's physical strength can reach Wesker's. The level pushed the glasses on her face, and Kelly calmly said: 'The individual named Wesker you mentioned has the ability to suppress all the negative effects of the B0W virus and obtain powerful power from it, 1 but relative, his physical state It is extremely unstable and has to rely on regular and quantitative injections of serum to maintain his state. The mercenary is different. He is likely to be an absolute immune person in the true sense. Although he cannot obtain Wesker's level of strength, relatively The virus will combine with a certain substance in his body fluid, then become infectious, and at the same time change its own genes to achieve high synchronization with the host's cells. Picking up the water glass on the table and taking a sip, Kelly said solemnly: This guy The body fluids can be a panacea to cure all BOW virus infections. Chris looked at Kelly in a daze, and after a while, he whispered, The Son of Heaven...

In the dimly lit office, Director Casimir put down the thick research report in his hand, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth. Director Casimir, Dr. Angelica has applied again, hoping that you can recruit that mercenary to work in the technical department at any cost... Standing at the table, the indifferent secretary Hesi bowed slightly. Oh. Is it just recruiting? Director Casimir was slightly startled, and then smiled: I thought that woman with a bad character would say something like 'take the mercenary back and dissect it and raise it in a cultivation tank' What about... Dr. Angelica said, that mercenary was created by God, and any disrespectful act

Because it's all blasphemous reading of science, he should be nailed to a cross... Secretary Heisi said solemnly. Oh, this is like what she said, it's not worth it for me to transfer her to the first agency'. Casimir The director shrugged. Director Casimir. The secretary frowned slightly, as if she had something to say. After a moment of hesitation, she whispered, Is that mercenary really that important to us? You haven't read the report yet? Director Casimir said with a smile. No, Director Casimir.. The secretary bowed slightly and said, I delivered the report to you as soon as it came out. Really? That's a pity, you should see it. Skillfully reaching into the secretary's hip skirt, Director Casimir said softly: In that guy's blood, there is something that can be automatically changed according to the host's body. The magical substance of the virus's genetic sequence, Tit.. oh, no, it should be called Tillyris now, that child should have stabilized after absorbing enough body fluids from Li, and completely turned into a new species, and the night The goddess is probably also because she has obtained enough body fluids, so there is no uncontrollable malignant mutation. As for the Las PI ags host, it can be judged from the small number of spores contained in the blood sample of the mercenary. The gene sequence of the parasite has been changed, Now, compared to a parasite, it is more like a second brain that can help the host to quickly mobilize energy.. Pick up the small porcelain cup on the table and drink coffee to moisten the throat, Casimir continued: P's i It can be said that as long as this substance can be mass-produced, the technical barriers to BOW development will disappear instantly, and developing a new BOW will become as simple as holding a crayon and scribbling on paper. This time, Angelica failed to This substance was isolated from the blood sample of that guy, so I judged that this substance will quickly inactivate once it leaves the host's body. Therefore, this mercenary is very important to us. Then are we going to continue trying to recruit him? the secretary asked. Yes, but it's not necessary. This thing has to be done gradually... Casimir smiled, tapping his fingers lightly on the table, as if He was thinking about something, and after a while, he suddenly clapped his hands and said, Relationship starts with communication and maintenance of interests. Since he doesn't want to join us, why don't we give him a commission? The secretary frowned slightly. He frowned and said, Didn't the intelligence department say a few days ago that a sneaky mining company dug up something interesting on an isolated island? Director Casimir smiled and said, It's not that complicated anyway. If I don't have a job, just let him go for a trip, and the price will be higher, so that people don't think I'm shabby. Is the commission reimbursed by the financial department? the secretary asked. No, I paid for it myself. Anyway, I just asked him to take the garbage from the security department to go through the scene, and I can't ask for a few money. Casimir smiled and said: Now, let's do it. By the way, there is another one. The matter, Director. The secretary did not leave in a hurry, she asked Casimir: Do you need me to tell him the results of the blood test?

Tell him! Why not? Casimir cheered: tell him, - it's all right! He'll live to be ninety!

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