C4 swung over his head, and Fisher, who was hiding behind the metal box, shouted: C4! Then he directly pressed the switch in his hand, only to hear a bang sound, and the blown up flesh and blood of the hunter was directly washed away. Throwing it into the sky, Jiang Xueyang was also hiding behind the box. He found a corner and lifted the TAC-50 with his back against the wall. At the moment when they roared and rushed out, he suddenly pulled the telegraph, and the large-caliber sniper bullets were sprayed out in the gunfire, and one shot smashed the head hunter. Pugliese followed closely behind, unable to shoot Jiang Xueyang, she directly detained the reporter, and knocked down the hunter who rushed up from behind. Pulling the gun bolt and withdrawing the bullet casing, Jiang Xueyang just wanted to put the gun up, but saw the two hunters suddenly jumped to the opposite metal box, while Fisher, who was hiding below, was still preparing and assembling C4. All in a daze. Fisher! In a panic, Jiang Xueyang even called out Fisher's name. He hurriedly turned the gun to the hunter above Fisher's head, and at the same time pulled the alarm machine, this shot directly shot one of them. The hit flew out, and the other hunter slammed his arms open, it let out a harsh roar, and Pugris couldn't care about the flank when she saw this, she hurriedly turned the muzzle towards the hunter. The hunter opened fire, but the hunter jumped up suddenly. Dodging Puglis' bullet, it howled and pointed its claws at Fisher, who had just raised his head, and then fell ruthlessly. In desperation, Fisher slammed his foot on the metal box. With the force of a second, the sharp claws rubbed his head, slashed his shoulder, and smashed to the ground with blood, splashing. A spark. Fuck you girl before he could get up in time, Fisher, who was lying on the ground, took out his pistol, - - while firing at the hunter's head, he kept retreating, and after emptying half of the magazine, The hunter fell to the ground whimpering. Although there was no danger on Fisher's side, 1 but because Jiang Xueyang turned the muzzle, four or five hunters directly passed through the defense line of the side, and then flew straight towards this side with all four limbs. Seeing this, She threw the C4 explosive that had just been assembled and pressed the switch in his hand at the same time. After the sound of explosion, the flesh and blood of the few hunters running in the front were directly blown away. Then, In the thick smoke, several hunters rushed out. Before he had time to assemble the parts on the ground, Fisher hurriedly took the HK 416 in his hand and shot at the monsters. The bullets swept away, and blood flowers exploded on the hunters. The killer turned his head sharply and aimed his gaze at Fisher who was hiding behind the metal box. Just as they were about to rush up, Jiang Xueyang's TAC-50 rang again, overturning several hunters to the ground. Change ammo! After emptying the magazine in her hand, Puglis shouted to signal Jiang Xueyang and Fisher to cover herself. too much

After changing the magazine, Paglis just raised the gun, when she saw Anna on the other side of the defense line fly out from behind the box, and then fell heavily on the hard ground, before Anna had time to lift it. The gun, a ferocious hunter suddenly jumped out from the front, it pressed on Anna's body, opened a bloody mouth full of jagged teeth, and bit Anna's neck fiercely, in a hurry, Anna stretched out her legs and clamped the hunter's waist tightly, making it immobile, and at the same time turned her head sharply, avoiding the hunter's bite dangerously and dangerously. In the confusion, Anna suddenly stretched out her hand, and her thumb slammed into the hunter's eye. Suddenly, the hunter let out a shrill scream. Anna took the opportunity to pull out the pistol from her waist and put it at the top. She fired several shots in the chin of the hunter, until the hunter was silent, and she pushed the hunter who was on her body hard.

Standing up in embarrassment, Anna just picked up the HK-416 in her hand. But she saw another group of hunters rushing towards her. Anna put up her gun, grabbed the reporter, and shot at the constant stream in front of her. Monsters, until the gun in her hand made the sound of bullets being emptied, and looking at the hunters who were getting closer, she whispered miserable and hurriedly took out a small magazine and emptied half of it. The pistol fired in vain. The head of the hunter was full of bullet holes on its chest and head. It staggered up against Anna's fire, just as it raised its sharp claws to tear Anna's body apart. When he was in the neck, the string of bullets fell from top to bottom, accurately hitting the back of the hunter's head, and the hunter finally wiped Anna's body and fell to the ground in an unwilling cry. Change bombs! A hoarse and low voice came from above. Anna raised her head and saw the leader of the frantic team, the unremarkable bar owner standing on the metal cargo box, facing the man running from the front passage. The hunters kept firing, and there were only two shock bombs left in his waist, and not a single grenade.

What's the situation over there? Anna asked loudly after quickly changing the bullet.

There are a total of eight cryogenic storage boxes, one after another opened, and hunters poured out of them, a rough estimate may be more than five. The bar owner said solemnly: I can't stop them. There are too many of them, they are smaller than Hunter A, and they are more flexible! The bar owner just finished speaking, only to hear a sudden burst of metal collisions in the distance, he turned his head suddenly, only to see the front The hunters were jumping onto the metal box one by one. When they saw the bar owner, they immediately made a piercing roar, and then jumped one by one, approaching the bar owner from the top of the metal box at an alarming speed. . See .. the bar owner scolded in a low voice, then turned the gun directly at the murderers who were running on the metal box. D. The gunshot was covered up by the silencer, and the bullets were fired one by one, Several hunters fell from the box. Immediately afterwards, the hunters seemed to realize something. They suddenly began to divide their troops, and then quickly jumped towards the bar owner from three directions. These beasts have learned to be smart! Facing the attack from different directions

The hunters, the bar owner directly tore off a shock bomb and threw it in the past. With the explosion of sound and light enough to destroy the senses, several dashing hunters suddenly stopped, scratching their faces and sending out With a harsh howl, a few jumped in the air and even lost their balance, hit their heads on the metal box, and then fell down. Stopping the offensive in one direction, the bar owner raised his head, watching the hunters in other directions getting closer and closer to him while changing the magazine, and at the same time turned his head and shouted to Fisher below: Quick! Give me a C4 explosive! Understood! Without any hesitation, Fisher directly threw the C4 explosive that had just been assembled and was about to be thrown on the defense line on the top of his head. The bar owner - caught C4, and then directly approached him. The hunter threw it away, and at the same time bent down and shouted: Detonate! After receiving the news from the bar owner, Fisher detonated the C4 without hesitation. A flying hunter was blown to pieces, and the powerful shock wave blew all the nearby hunters, and also affected the bar owner, who was lying on the metal box and swaying. His head, with a rumbling sound in his ears, raised his head, only to see a few more hunters rushing up. The bar owner just raised the gun, only to hear Paglis's shout from under the metal box behind her, she nodded loudly: I'm out of bullets! The bar owner's heart sinks. The most worrying situation happened.

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