Remember it in one second

Li Yexing looked down at the girl who looked like she was about to cry, and then looked at the circle across the hall who was foolishly coaxing the aristocratic young ladies. He probably understood what was going on.

Compared with Li Yexing's clear understanding, Tililith was obviously much more irritable. She didn't speak, she just raised her head and stared at the girl. The substantive killing intent instantly scared the girl to the bottom of her ass. sit on the floor.

Hey---! The girl let out a cry like a small beast being targeted by a top predator.

Okay, don't scare her. Li Yexing patted Ti Lilith's head, turned his head to the little yellow flower who was about to be frightened in the greenhouse, and said, I'm very willing to spend time with a beautiful girl like you. It's a dance, but as you can see, my wife doesn't mind.

Wife wife wife wife?! Xiao Huanghua looked incredulous: But...she looks so young!

Don't be so nervous, I won't eat you again. Li Yexing said, Neither will Tililith.

I will. Tililith said decisively.

So Xiao Huanghua looked even more frightened, Li Yexing could feel her legs trembling at a very high frequency at this moment through the dress.

Anyway, I'm sorry, I can't dance with you. Li Yexing said, bowing slightly to apologize.

Then...that's really a hit...hit...disturbed!!! Hearing Li Yexing's answer, Xiao Huanghua looked like she was about to cry, and then suddenly gave an exaggerated range of motion to the Li Yexing bowed, as if he was about to knock his head to the ground.

Xiao Huanghua left with a dejected back face and returned to her small circle. The noble girls around her patted her shoulders as if to cheer her up, but Li Yexing always felt that those girls' faces The expression on the yin and yang is strange.

Li Yexing couldn't help but pouted...

Yo, it's really not easy to find you... Just when Li Yexing secretly scolded that the group of noble girls were all bitches, a familiar voice came over: A rare banquet, but hiding in such a place. In a corner, isn't it a pity?

Li Yexing turned his head and saw that his scalp was numb.

Ada. Wang!

I saw Ada, who was wearing a red high-slit evening dress with a wine glass in his hand, walked over. He looked at Li Yexing and asked with a smile, What? Are you bothering to see other girls?

You boarded the boat with such a swagger? Li Yexing asked in surprise.

Otherwise? Ada asked, tilting her head.

I thought you would follow the cruise ship in a speedboat, and then find a chance to sneak into the ship with a rope hook gun or something. Li Yexing said.

You can lie in a luxurious bedroom and wait for the banquet to start, why should I sit on a small yacht and blow the sea breeze?

Then what kind of ship did you use? You're not also a noble, are you?

Of course not... Ada said with a smile, My identity on the ship is a senior advisor from an emerging biopharmaceutical company in China.

Shenya Pharmaceutical?

what is that?

No, it's nothing, forget it. Li Yexing shook his head, he suddenly remembered that it was only 2006, and Shenya Pharmaceutical didn't seem to have officially entered the stage of the Resident Evil series of stories.

Ada didn't care about Li Yexing's words, she just turned her head and carefully looked at Tililith next to Li Yexing, and then her face gradually showed unconcealed surprise.

Although I have read the information before, but only by close observation will I realize that this girl is a perfect BOW. Ada praised Tillyris unabashedly and said, In my opinion, she is me all these years. The most valuable of all the BOWs I've ever seen, no one.

This is my girlfriend. Li Yexing was a little dissatisfied with Ada's tone of praise for a weapon. He took Tililith into his arms and said to Ada, She is a girl, not a weapon.

Ada looked at Tililith's hostile eyes in Li Yexing's arms, and felt a little incredible. In her opinion, BOWs were all dehumanized and emotionless monsters, and they were genuine killing machines. The cold weapon is indeed more like a living person.

Okay, I apologize for my rudeness. Ada said helplessly: This child... is indeed beyond my knowledge of BOW. No wonder the person who lost her was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan.

So, why are you coming to me now? Li Yexing didn't care much about Ada's attitude. Li Yexing thought his purpose was more important than Ada's attitude.

Is it because of the commission thing?

Don't worry, it's not time yet, I'll move first when the time comes... After speaking, Ada stretched out her finger and tapped her ear: Just remember to wait for my news at any time, now, I I just want to enjoy this dinner.

Have you enjoyed the dinner... Li Yexing frowned and said to himself as he looked at the nobles coming and going in the hall.

By the way, have you seriously read the information I gave you? Ada suddenly asked.

Of course I did. Li Yexing replied.

Then let me tell you something that has little to do with commissioning. In fact, this ship... has been sailing in the Mediterranean for ten years. Every year, a banquet is held for high-ranking people from all over the world, and by the way, it provides some interesting Then go to the countertop service.

.. Then, Ada took a sip of the red wine in her hand and said: This Orianna originally belonged to an old noble from a prominent family in Europe. The name of the ship is said to be in memory of the old aristocrat's deceased wife, the The aristocrat had no children. Before his death, he made a detailed will. The shares of the company will be distributed to the shareholders, and the ship and his manor will be left to his loyal steward.

What happened later? Li Yexing asked.

Later... Last April, the old noble passed away, the shareholders divided up his business, the family divided up his estate, and the manor and the ship were left to the steward, which is now the ship The owner of the boat - Jason Palka.

To be honest... it sounds like a cat. Li Yexing commented on the ship and the story of the old nobleman.

Who knows, everyone has benefited from the death of the old noble anyway, so who would care how he died? Ada said with a smile, and there seemed to be some deep meaning in her words.

Okay, anyway, it's a topic that has nothing to do with our commission, so I'll talk about it. Seemingly tired of this topic, Ada looked at Li Yexing and said, You and your monster girl don't go dancing. ?

Tililith can't dance, said Tililith, who had been silent next to her.

What about Li Yexing?

Yes, but yes... This is not to say, although Li Yexing, a working soldier, can't dance, but Li Yexing, a violent mercenary, can really dance, and he learned from the boss who has already been buried in the ground, although the violent mercenary Bing Li Yexing scoffed at his boss's theory of aristocratic little girls, but he still learned to dance seriously, after all, no one can escape the true fragrance theory.

After all... what if one day I use it?

That's really great! Ada said with an exaggerated smirk on her face: Li Yexing, I wonder if you are interested in dancing with me? She looked at Tililith, Tilly Lilith read two words from the woman's eyes:


Tililith instantly felt her heartbeat speeding up, blood gushing up, and strength increasing, much like how she felt when she fought the Tracker a few months ago.

Just as Li Yexing wanted to reject King Ada, he felt that his wrist was tightly grasped. It felt like being caught in a vise, and his wrist was about to break! He endured the pain, gritted his teeth and gasped, and turned his head to look at Tililith, only to see that Tililith's eyes were as red as they were about to glow.

Jump, said the expressionless silver-haired girl.

What? Li Yexing was stunned.

Tililith can dance with Yexing, and there is no need for strange women. Although Tililith's tone was not emotional, Li Yexing felt inexplicably that Tililith was going to explode.

Just as Li Yexing was about to say something, the girl was violently dragged to the dance floor.

Broken! Let go! It's going to break! Li Yexing howled miserably, but the girl turned a deaf ear.

Seeing the two figures pulling and dragging towards the dance floor, Ada's face, which always had a mysterious smile, flashed a hint of disappointment.

It's nice to be young... she sighed.


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