Slowly putting down the arm that was protecting his chin, Li Yexing breathed a sigh of relief. Tsk, the arm is a little numb, but it doesn't affect it. To be honest, Jack dashed up just now and really scared Li Yexing-jump, he didn't expect Jack to jump. Buried like this, fortunately, this speed and strength are still within the acceptable level of the body. Dangerously defending against this blow, Li Yexing put away his contempt and slowly assumed a posture. That's right, after all, it's the son of that bastard. How can he be compared to those stinky fish and shrimps? It's just that the expression of that man's son seems to be a little subtle now, as if he's had his teeth pulled without taking medicine. How ugly is it? How ugly. Think about it carefully, if you want to talk about seniority, if you are brothers with Chris and Li 2, and you have broken arms with Wesker, then Jack Muller in front of you should be considered a junior

So, with love for the younger generation, Li Yexing asked with a smile: Young man, are you alright? He shook his hand fiercely, and Jack gritted his teeth: Oh, that's fine. Li Yexing nodded. Shen Sheng Come on, let's continue. This time, Jack didn't dare to go up rashly. After just one confrontation, he suffered a dark loss. First of all, this guy is very fast, and he seems to be no less than him. It seemed to be surprisingly hard. The fist hit his arm just now, but it felt as if it hit a steel plate. This guy is an out-and-out monster! On the other hand, Li Yexing saw Jack He was reluctant to attack, so he slowly leaned up, and when he was within the attacking distance, Li Yexing waved his left hand in an unpleasant gesture.

The speed was not slow, and Jack stepped back slightly at the same speed, out of the striking range of Li Yexing's arm. Seeing Jack retreating, Li Yexing was slightly stunned, thinking that this was a coward? Taking a deep breath, Li Yexing's eyes became serious, the pace under his feet quickened instantly, Li Yexing quickly leaned towards Jack, After entering the attack range, Li Yexing suddenly lowered his waist, and then quickly threw a fist at Jack's rib. Jack subconsciously lowered his elbow to protect his side rib, and then a huge force hit his elbow. Going up, before I could feel the numbness and pain, Jack immediately counterattacked. He punched back, aimed at Li Yexing's left face and smashed it hard. Li Yexing immediately turned his head, took a half step back, and distanced himself from Jack. After a simple test, the two sides had a bottom line on each other. For a moment, Jack even considered whether to admit defeat, but soon, he gave up his own law, after all, he bet a lot of money, bet on himself. He was able to complete ten consecutive battles, and now, Li Yexing is the last one of + consecutive battles. If he retreats here, his money will be lost. Forget it, I said that Loples is strong like a cloud. It is normal to have such a guy, isn't it? With a firm determination, Jack began to give up the defense. Turning his face over, Li Yexing immediately raised his hand to defend against I. Unexpectedly, Jack suddenly changed his moves in the middle. He quickly rotated his body, changed his fists to his feet, and slammed his legs in the direction of Li Yexing's weak defense. , his foot hit Li Yexing's face, Li Yexing suddenly backed away, Jack immediately jumped up, punched Li Yexing's face with a straight punch, Li Yexing covered his face with both hands, but Jack changed his move again, He turned around again, and changed his fists. The uppercut slammed into Li Yexing's ribs. It wasn't over yet. He stretched out his hands and grabbed Li Yexing's shoulders. It pressed against Li Yexing's abdomen. Finally, he landed on both feet, and then rotated his body again. Another whip leg slammed into Li Yexing's ribs. In an instant, Li Yexing flew upside down, heavily. fell to the ground. After finishing this set in three seconds, Jack gasped lightly, endured the numbness and pain from his fists, neck and feet, and stared at Li Yexing lying on the ground, he knew very well, and Ordinary opponents fight, I am afraid that they will lie down before this set is finished, but the man in front of him is hard to say! Sure enough, Li Yexing took a long time to lie down on the ground just like Jack was worried about for less than two seconds. Standing up, he shook his arms and then smiled at Jack: Young man, good skills. Young man? Looking at Li Yexing's face, Jack said solemnly: We both look like our age. Almost, what kind of old things are you pretending to be? Really? It's said that Asians are aging slowly.. After moving casually - lowering his wrist, Li Yexing jumped on the spot twice, and then smiled: I can still Fight? Of course. Jack replied in a deep voice, with a bit of stubbornness in his eyes. Very. Li Yexing nodded and said, Next, it's my turn. As soon as the words fell, Li Yexing suddenly lowered his body, rushed up with a single arrow, and then jumped up suddenly. He turned around quickly in the air, and smashed his leg against Jack's head like a whip. Jack hurriedly put his arms on top of his head, and the next moment, accompanied by the pain from his arms, a huge force directly pressed down, making Jack almost kneel on one arm. Jack gritted his teeth and turned around sharply, He punched Li Yexing's face with a backhand, only to see Li Yexing's center of gravity pressing down, and as soon as he took note, the whip leg hit Jack's short leg fiercely. Jack's center of gravity was unstable, and he was about to fall. Li Yexing put his hands on the ground and stood up abruptly. F. With both feet out, he stomped towards Jack's chest. Jack gritted his teeth and quickly covered his chest with his arms. In the next second, he flew upside down. , and then - his buttocks sat on the ground. Enduring the pain from his arms, Jack was about to get up, but Li Yexing didn't plan to get up at all. He quickly rolled twice on the ground, and got close again before standing. Stable Jack, then grabbed Jack's ankle and slammed it. The next second, Jack fell directly to the ground. Seeing that Li Yexing turned over and wanted to pursue the victory, Jack suddenly stretched out his other leg and hooked Li Yexing. He wanted to lock Li Yexing's neck, but Li Yexing was completely unbalanced, letting his neck be pinched by Jack's legs, Li Yexing hugged Jack's waist, and stood straight up in Jack's exclamation He got up, and then he leaned back abruptly, only to hear a dong sound, and Jack's head slammed hard on the floor of the broadcasting station. Lock Li Yexing's legs gradually

Gradually letting go, Li Yexing stood up, moved his neck, then turned his head to look behind him, and saw Jack lying on the ground in a large shape, his eyes staring straight at the spotlight above his head, his expression as if he was Doubt life. Can you still fight? Li Yexing asked with a smile.

Jack didn't answer. After a long while, he struggled to stand up and put his hands on his neck. Jack twisted his neck fiercely and made a quack sound. Then he looked at Li Yexing, stiff. Squeezing his neck and panting heavily, Jack said bitterly: I won't fight anymore, you won, Asian guy. In an instant, the cheers resounded again, and the audience chanted Lopless Mad Dog Their faces were full of excitement. After all, since the underground boxing soup established new rules, they haven't seen Li Yexing make a move for many years. Picking up the black jacket on the ground and draping it on his body casually, Li Yexing turned his head. He glanced at Jack, whose face was full of dissatisfaction behind him, with a smile on his lips. He was about to leave, but he heard Jack shouting from behind: Wait! Li Yexing turned his head and looked at Jack with one by one in his eyes. Silk inquiry. I remember you! Asian guy! Covering his neck, Jack said harshly: ''My name is Jack Mueller! One day, I will call back!

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