At eleven o'clock in the evening, in the woods on the outskirts of Loples, a group of heavily armed soldiers was lurking in it. They were wearing black body armor and white combat uniforms under them. , with the black Umbrella logo, but the logo is printed with a ferocious silver wolf head. In the silence, they did not speak, as if they were waiting for something. After a while, a middle-aged man glanced at the watch on his wrist, then threw the cigarette butt in his mouth on the ground. He turned his head and whispered: Captain, it's almost time. We should get moving. Accompany him The man sitting beside him slowly raised his head, revealing the hideous scar on his face, he gently pressed the communicator on his ear, and said solemnly, Move.

As soon as the words fell, all the figures stood up, they took out the AK-12 behind them, their expressions were indifferent, their eyes were like wolves, there were nearly thirty such figures.

Black Umbrella Eastern European Division, a special operations unit under the Ministry of Security, codename: Fenrir. At the beginning of the 21st century, Black Umbrella experienced a huge change in power. After this change, Black Umbrella's strength began to expand rapidly, with major divisions around the world and its subordinate small divisions and The base of operations began to be continuously established, and the supply of talents began to fail to keep up with the development speed of Black Umbrella. In order to support the security departments required by each branch, Black Umbrella used various methods to remove from prisons in various countries around the world. A large number of death row prisoners or felons were summoned, and after simple training, they were made to work for the Ministry of Security, and retired soldiers and mercenaries became the main management of the Ministry of Security. Although the new recruiting policy has effectively filled the vacancies in the security department, it has also brought negative effects. Black Umbrella's security department has relatively low combat capabilities and hardly has the ability to fight head-on with the armed forces in the same industry. , in order to alleviate this situation, Alexei Mando Toroyevsky, the former Soviet senior army officer from the former army 5 and now the director of the Eastern European Division, put forward the Elite Soldier Concept, that is, allowing each division to recruit real soldiers The veterans of the front-line troops and the outstanding mercenaries who have experienced many battles, together with rigorous training, form a combat team with super combat effectiveness. This idea was highly praised by the joint committee, and the various divisions began to pilot and the Eastern European division took the lead, and quickly formed its own combat unit B. The name of this unit was Fenrir in order to form a A unit that can do well in fighting humans or in the face of Resident Evil, Minister Alexey referred to a lot of information, and the information about Umbrella's USS unit attracted his attention, as Umbrella's real sharp knife Army, USS has a strong combat power, even if it is a frontal battle with special forces, it can not be defeated. In addition, they are also very good at fighting various BOWs, and among them, monsters such as Hank the Death God were born. However, these are not the most important. Compared with their training | training and combat ability, Alexei values ​​their concept, that is, CQBZ (Coe Quarter Qurantined Batte Zone). In order to restore this concept, he even gave Finn The Lille troops were all equipped with special military handaxes, and the Fenrir troops did not disappoint Alexei. In the various battles for Umbrella's heritage, the Fenrir troops played an important role, although Eastern Europe The division's research and development capabilities are insufficient, but it has obtained a large amount of Umbrella heritage by relying on its strong combat capabilities, which is why the Eastern European Division is valued by the Joint Committee. Compared with a research institution, the Eastern European Division is more like a huge The barracks, and the Fenrir troops, are the sharpest daggers in this barracks. However, today the dagger stabbed to the steel plate. As early as - days ago, the Fenrir troops had reached the outskirts of Loples , according to the news from the European Central Division, the mission target, the former European Division Research Director Durand Casimir is likely to pass by Loples, so they set up an ambush early, just waiting for them He was caught off guard, and sure enough, just as the intelligence said, Director Casimir's car passed the road leading to Loples on time, and the Fenrir troops immediately began to intercept them. A group of monsters suddenly appeared in the direction of Price. The group of people wore some standard combat uniforms similar to black Umbrella, but everyone's equipment had a big gap. Compared with the uniform elite troops, they were better Like a group of mercenaries. In this previous battle, the Fenrir troops played very unsatisfactory, the enemy was haunted, and they destroyed the vehicles of the Fenrir troops with large-caliber sniper bullets, and the most unacceptable thing was that, It took only two minutes to exchange fire with this group of people, and they appeared one dead and two wounded. Eventually, the Logical Team of the Etonian government army appeared, the two sides had to stop the exchange of fire, and the Fenrir troops could only watch The two battered sedans drove into Loples and drove away. It was an unacceptable humiliation! Fortunately, the humiliation did not hang over Fenrir's forces for long because of the new order. It has been ordered, the target Casimir was injured in the daytime firefight and is now in the hospital in Loples. The executive officer from the headquarters asked them to have Casimir in charge by 6:00 am Moscow time. brought back for trial

Anyway, it's too early before six o'clock. Walking through the woods and heading towards Loples, the man walking beside the captain whispered, What on earth did that executive think? The captain with the scarred face did not reply, but just walked forward with the gun on his own. Seeing that the captain didn't answer, the man continued: By the way, captain, have you read the information sent above? It's that mercenary with an Asian face? The captain still didn't speak, but his eyebrows were slightly raised, and he seemed to be a little interested in this topic. The mad dog of Loples paused and the man walking beside the captain continued: Captain, you know that I was a mercenary in the early years, so I still have a lot of clothes over there. Friends, I seem to have heard them mention some time ago

I said, don't confront this guy, but... Before he finished speaking, the captain suddenly raised his hand and stopped the entire team. Then, he suddenly fell to the ground, and the next In seconds, the entire Fenrir army was lying in the woods. A few seconds later, with the light of the headlights dispelling the darkness, a green truck drove on the M2 road. The truck was full of soldiers in green military uniforms and tattered helmets. They held AK.47 in their hands. It seems Gossiping about something. A few seconds later, the truck drove past, and the sound of the engine drifted away. After confirming safety, the captain stood up, waved his hand, and instantly, the team members behind him stood up one after another.

Is that the Indonia government army? The man on the side raised his eyebrows and asked: ''It's so shabby. Captain Yiri didn't reply, he raised his head, and across the sparse trees, he could already see Loples in front of him. It was late at night, and Loples was dark, only a few scattered lights were still flashing. , It was like a monster who chose to devour people, stared at it, opened its mouth, and waited for the arrival of food. For some reason, the captain suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

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