It was not until noon that Li Yexing returned to his office, opened the door, and took off his shoes. Li Yexing didn't even take off his clothes and went straight--sitting on the sofa with his buttocks, the soft sofa cushions--shocked, even with Sitting next to Li Yexing and holding the handle, Tililith also shook it. Sir, you're back. Seeing Li Yexing sitting on the sofa, Rita immediately stood up and put down One Hundred Years of Solitude in her hand. , then smiled at Li Yexing and said, Please wait a moment, Rita will make tea for you immediately. After that, the perfect maid in black silk high heels turned around gracefully and walked towards the kitchen.

Flying around, Kanan was sitting on Li Yexing's desk, playing with his mobile phone, and didn't know what he was looking at. As for Hitomi Kanjima, she was sitting on Li Yexing's boss chair in normal clothes, staring at the computer. The screen whispered in some jerky English: The crisis in the Middle East is escalating. Rebels in various regions and terrorists are beginning to use Bow in local conflicts. In order to combat the serious proliferation of biochemical terrorism, President of Country A Adam Benford. It was decided to send more A Army troops into this Asia.

Although it's still a bit jerky, it's basically enough for daily communication. Hitomi is really working hard... Muttering in a low voice, Li Yexing suddenly felt that the atmosphere was a little weird, but he couldn't tell what was wrong, just as he was thinking. While waiting, Rita came out of the kitchen with black tea. She put the tray on the table in front of Li Yexing, and then bowed her head slightly: Please take it slow. Oh, thank you. She nodded to Rita. , Li Yexing picked up the black tea, took a sip, and then suddenly realized that something was wrong. Is the atmosphere in the office a little too relaxed?

I said, aren't you worried at all? With his eyebrows raised slightly, Li Yexing couldn't help but say: Tonight we are likely to fight the Eastern European branch of Black Umbrella - it's going to be a tough battle, Why didn't I feel the tense atmosphere from you at all? Hearing Li Yexing's voice, Kanjima Tong raised his head and thought for a moment, then smiled at Li Yexing and said, Don't be nervous. They're all weak chickens, no nervous. ' Tiillis replied briefly.

O Ha? Why, are you nervous? Kanan also raised his head and looked puzzled: 'Aren't we fighting all the time? What's the difference between tonight and before 09? Miss Kanan is right, actually we were early I'm used to fighting, and I believe that Mr. will arrange everything properly Rita smiled and said to Li Yexing: 'Does it mean that Mr. is nervous?' I'm sure I'm not nervous.. Li Yexing shook. He shook his head and said, I've been living like this for many years, I'm used to it.

Because I'm uncomfortable. Leaning on the soft sofa, Li Yexing raised his head and looked at the ceiling of the office Zeng: I've been the roe of money-losing money all morning, the goddamn bastards of female horses, and I usually spend time with Lao Tzu. Brothers and brothers can't wait to sleep in Lao Tzu's bed, and when they need their help, they will ask for one after another.

After all, everyone is fighting for money. Rita smiled and said, Sir - how much did you spend today?

\\300,000. Li Yexing said listlessly: Let's not talk about all the money I made in the Caribbean Sea, and I still have more than 5 million in it, I'm going to split.

Early this morning, Li Yexing went out. He went straight to the army building next to the Loples city government building. The half-truth reflected the situation, the middle-aged man like an eagle immediately expressed his willingness to help, and swore on the spot that the criminals would pay their debts in blood.

How could Loples be able to run wild with any kind of cat or dog?! said the commander. After getting the government forces in Idonia, Li Yexing's war has just begun. He first went to Agor's bar to find Agor, reported the situation to him and told him about the situation.

There is a list of roles, door to door knocking on the door, the ones at home cost Li Yexing two million dollars, as for those who are not at home, Li Yexing went directly to the street of Miss and Sister, and wiped them all out. Spent two million dollars.

Money is only useful when it is spent, so why should you care about money, sir? Looking at Li Yexing with a sad face, Rita smiled and rolled: I feel that these eight

There's nothing wrong with spending a million dollars.

Seeing that Li Yexing was in a low mood, Tilly Jingsi thought for a while, pressed the pause button, put the handle on the Rongji, and then climbed to Li Yexing's side, holding Li Yexing's head with her slender and white arm. In his arms, while stroking Li Yexing's head, he said in an expressionless voice: Yixing, I don't care. Tililith, you're so nice. She rubbed it twice, then snuggled against Tililith's. In his arms, Li Yexing whispered, It's okay, I'm fine, yes. Seeing that Li Yexing's condition still hasn't improved, Tililith - stroking Li Yexing rhythmically - whispered: 'It's okay, let the magical girl Tilily

Li Yexing's mouth twitched into an ugly smile when she heard Tililith cast the love magic she learned from Xiao Luo's one-legged maid in Akihabara. Seeing Li Yexing's reluctant smile, Tililith was silent, and after a while, she suddenly said, It's okay, eight million dollars, when Papa Casimir is in a hurry, Yexing will ask him to reimburse him.

Li Yexing: ?

Feeling the delicate emotional changes of the man in her arms, the corners of Tililith's mouth evoked a rare arc, and she said while stroking Li Yexing: It's all because of Casimir's father that it became like this, Yexing worked so hard to protect Casimir's father, so, Casimir's father should pay for the expenses of Yexing. His eyes lit up instantly, and there was a smile on his face, Li Yexing seemed to be full of blood and resurrected. She got out of Tililith's arms and said excitedly to Tililith! Is this the magic of love that can make people happy? As expected of a magical girl

Tililith! Hehe.. Tililith smiled wistfully.

Although the details are not very clear, but I can vaguely understand what Tililith is saying, Kanjima Hitomi turned her head and said to Kanan with a puzzled look:

Wow, I don't understand. This English is so hard, what's wrong with your tongue? Kanan frowned. Hey? I don't understand? That is to say Seeing Kanan's appearance that he didn't quite understand, Hitomi Kanjima immediately gestured with both hands-- and explained, with the speed of speech getting faster and faster, Gradually, he began to mix and match a few words of Japanese, making Kanan's head buzzing. Stop, stop! He waved his hand vigorously, and Kanan said as if he had been defeated: Who knows what you're talking about?! You'd better speak Japanese with Rita.

Leaning on Tililith, watching the girls in the office clamoring, a smile appeared on Li Yexing's face. The room in front of him was the daily life he was willing to protect with his life, which belonged only to a certain person. The daily life of a mercenary and monster girls, if someone in this world wants to destroy their beauty

If it's a good day, the fangs of the mad dog will tear these idiots to pieces in an instant!

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