The order was issued quickly, carrying a variety of heavy weapons, the security forces from the Eastern European branch moved towards Loples through the woods, until they were not far from the entrance of Loples, wearing black combat soldiers They stopped, and following the tangled gap in the forest, they could see that the street was blocked by an iron gate that didn't look very strong. In front of the iron gate, there were about a dozen Itoni standing vaguely. Asian members of the government army, they were carrying guns, standing upright, staring at the direction of the street, on the rock next to them, lying quietly - a heavy machine gun. Seeing the Etonian government troops at the entrance, the detachment leader of the security force remembered the command of Minister Alexei, he bent down and stretched his hand to the deputy who was following behind him. The deputy grasped it, and he immediately turned around He turned his head and said something to the team behind him. After a while, a bazooka was handed over. The captain silently took the bazooka and lifted it up. The sight in the scope was facing the blocked door. , and then he pulled the trigger.

Accompanied by a soft sound, the rocket pierced out of the bore, dragged the tail flame through the woods under the strong thrust, and slammed into the middle of the iron fan, instantly billowing thick smoke and flames exploded. It rose up in the middle and tore open the door of Loples directly, and the government soldiers who were guarding in front of the big i] seemed to have not figured out what was going on, and flew out burning under the shock wave, and then It fell heavily to the ground, and there was no sound. As soon as the strike succeeded, the captain directly dropped the rocket in his hand. He made a tactical gesture and whispered to the team members behind him: Go on, in an instant, hundreds of security forces moved forward and quickly opened up the distance. Boarded the road to Loples, ignoring the debris on the street and the burning corpses of the Idonian government troops, and walked directly to the torn metal gate, just as the captain was about to cross the flames , his foot suddenly stepped on something. That thing, very hard..

The captain lowered his head subconsciously, and saw that his foot was stepping on the arm of the Etonian government army. At this time, the arm was charred black, but the captain slowly lifted his boots. , and then, - a strong sticky feeling permeates the soles of the feet, that feeling, as if stepping on glue

The captain's brows wrinkled, he sniffed lightly, there seemed to be a strange smell in the air, as if some chemicals had burned halfway, and the source of this strange smell was these people lying on the ground. The corpse! Finally realized that something was wrong, the captain stepped forward quickly, kicked it over - the corpse lying on the ground with one arm missing and still on fire, when the corpse showed its face, the captain only I felt a chill in my heart because the facial features on the corpse's face were clearly drawn! These government troops guarding the gate are all dummies! There is a situation! Almost instantly, the captain shouted subconsciously. He came out and rushed to the flaming bunker in front of the gate at the same time. In the next second, with the intensive gunshots from several AK.47s, bullets shot from the other side of the flame. The two security team members who walked in the front screamed and fell down, while the remaining team members were either hiding behind the bunkers or lying on the road. The enemy at the location counterattacks quickly. The team leader, who was hiding behind the cover and moving with the plane, stared at the flames on the opposite side that were blocking the way. He seemed to see something moving on the opposite side. , and threw it to the opposite side, only to hear a bang, the firepower on the opposite side was instantly reduced, and in addition to the gunshots, there were faint Slavic swear words on the opposite side of the flame. Throw the grenade! shouted the captain, Throw the grenade!

Under the shout of the captain, the security force members who were closer to the gate pulled out the grenades around their waists, and then ripped off the pull ring and threw them at it. Come, after a while, the smoke from the explosion was not so strong, the gun was gone from the other side of the flame, and for a while, only the crackling sound of the flames burning was left in front of the main entrance of Loples. . In the dead silence, the captain slowly stood up from behind the bunker. He walked step by step towards the flames and thick smoke in front of him, and then without hesitation, he drilled over, leaving only a shadow for the players behind him. After a while, the captain's voice suddenly came from the communicator, and he said solemnly: Safe, there are no enemies, you can pass through. After receiving the message, hundreds of security departments behind the team immediately rushed from the 2nd road and behind the bunker to the team members. Climbing up, they dispersed in line and passed through the fire in an orderly manner. When they reached out to clear the thick smoke, they saw the empty and silent street and the dark buildings on both sides of the street. The street was full of grenade blasts. The traces and bullet casings left behind, but only no one is seen. Damn, what happened. The captain murmured in a low voice, he frowned and pressed the communicator beside his ear: The Alexei Department xxt\u003c, the situation is not, the government forces in Idonia and our target are probably wearing - pants.

Released the communicator in his ear, wearing a military uniform with medals on his chest, the eagle-like middle-aged man turned his head to Li Yexing and said: 'The team guarding the door has been withdrawn according to your idea. Are there casualties? Li Yexing asked. There was an egg that was blown to the leg, but it shouldn't be used to get it down... The eagle-like man shook his head and said, Next, what are you going to do? How to fight? Li Yexing said with a smile: Looking at the posture, it was just ordinary security forces who just came in. Obviously, these guys still have cards hidden in their hands, so we also hide them. Speaking of this, Li Yexing paused. After a while, he smiled and said to the commander of the Etonian government army: Next, you can leave the field for a short time. I need the government army to accumulate strength and give us fire support at a critical moment. In order to deal with B0W... The general man muttered in a low voice, he especially remembered the tragic situation five years ago, his army was vulnerable in front of that steel monster,

And now with more heavy firepower, more armored vehicles, and more rockets, there is no doubt that tonight's battle will become a shameful battle of the 2nd, in the face of the steel storm, even in the strong After all, the monsters are only flesh and blood. Don't worry, Li. Patting Li Yexing on the shoulder, the commander said with a sneer: 'I'll let those bastards pay for what they did.

Of course you... Li Yexing nodded with a smile, then fixed his gaze on the map of Loples spread out on the table, his fingers lightly pressed against the entrance of Loples, and then slowly Pushing toward the center, it eventually stopped at a position halfway from Loples Hospital. In order to prevent that guy from Casimir from escaping, they will definitely divide their troops here. He tapped the map lightly with his fingers, a malicious smile appeared on Li Yexing's face, and he whispered: Then, when they arrive Before here, let the Italians play with them. Come on, Bai Muqing, let me see when you turn over the next card..

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