What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

6-20. Mutual attraction between maid servants and stand-in messengers

Near the center of Loples, stands the tallest building in Loples, a warm hotel run by Italian gangsters. It is the highest, in fact, there are only six floors, but in Loples. It is already the building with the widest view. The Dingxin lobby of the Enthusiasm Hotel was lit with lights, and the clean pale yellow floor tiles reflected people like mirrors. On the sofa, the godfather of the Italian gangster, Giovanni Giovanni silently poured two glasses of red wine, and then picked up- The cup kept swaying gently, and he stared silently at the street in the distance, the brightest street in Loples tonight, the flames rising with the explosion, and the gunshots continued. Today, Chopper rarely wears his pink clothes, but put on a black coat. Although the style is similar to the previous clothes, the black color gives him an extra heaviness and solemnity.

Picking up the phone and answering the phone, Chopper whispered, Bucciarati, how are things going? It's going well. Lati's voice, he whispered: Our people bit them hard, according to Li's plan, they should soon be forced to divide their troops in advance due to pressure. It's also possible that the next card will be played directly.. Shaking the wine glass in his hand, Chopper said in a low voice: Let our people be careful, I don't want what happened five years ago to repeat. I understand.. Opposite Bugatti Road.

Looking at the girl sitting across from him, he smiled and said, It went well as Li expected.

Of course it's the best. Raising the gray hair on her forehead, Rita, the perfect maid sitting opposite Chopper, smiled and said: I don't know if it's my illusion, but your subordinates seem to be very happy.

I made you laugh.. Chopper shook his head with a smile and said: After all, the current Loples rarely have the opportunity to let them write fire on the streets with such a big fanfare, even I occasionally Do you feel that this kind of life is somewhat boring, not to mention that they have fire in their hearts? Plain white fingers wrapped in black silk gloves gently covered their lips, Rita smiled and did not answer.

Speaking of which, won't you have a drink with me? Seeing that Rita didn't move the red wine on the table, Chopper asked with a smile: In order to entertain Miss Griffith, I even brought out the red wine that I treasured. Then Hejing might as well obey, Mr. Chopper. With an elegant smile on her face, Rita stretched out her hand, picked up the red wine glass on the table and shook it. He sniffed lightly, took a sip, and then praised: It really is a good wine. Miss Griffith may not believe it, but this is actually the wine that Bucciarati asked for from your office a few years ago, Chopper said with a smile. Really? A frown crossed- Surprised, Rita said softly, This is beyond my expectations. It's a bit ridiculous. After getting this bottle of wine, I never wanted to drink it, but thinking that today is a memorable day, I decided to drink it. Take it out. Sipping the red wine in the glass, Chopper said with a smile. For a while, there was no sound in the back hall of the hotel, only the constant exchange of fire outside the window. Speaking of which, I remember that there should be a lot of good wine in Li's warehouse... As if remembering something, Chopper suddenly smiled and said to himself: Bugarahu told me that he had the honor to visit After passing through Li's warehouse, the guns were rubbed like new and hung neatly on the wall, but instead the good wines looked like rubbish.

They were piled up in the corners at will, and some of them had fallen into a thick layer. That should have happened many years ago. Rita smiled and said: I will not let Mr.'s treasures be dusted. Sip again- 0 Red wine, Chobana's face showed a happy expression, he groped his chin and whispered: It's really convenient to have a maid, do you want me to hire one too? After all, there are too many men around me. Don't say this in front of Mr. Bugatti, he will be sad. Rita smiled and teased. You can really joke, Miss Griffith playfully ran her fingers through the blond hair, Chopper said with a smile: I have to say that I am very grateful to you. Since you came to Loples, my relationship with Li has improved a lot, and you have also changed Li a lot. You know, that The guy never laughed before, put on a dead face every day, and never gave me face, like a crazy dog, trying to bite the people around him all the time.

Yes... Out of courtesy, Rita smiled symbolically. Come on, was Mr. that kind of person before meeting me? Yes...

Rita remembers very clearly, from the first time she and her husband met, that man was what he is now. He had no big ambitions, and he was not smart. He was easy to be soft-hearted and impulsive. He will suddenly be arrogant. Only in front of the enemy will the gentleman show his crazy and cold side. To be honest, this kind of contrasting character can sometimes cause strong lethality to girls. It is no wonder that The eldest lady of the Orianna family will break the fascination of Mr.

Thinking of Li Yexing's face, Rita's black silk-wrapped legs were pinched together without a trace, rubbing it lightly, a flush of flush appeared on her face, and even her breathing became a little short.

Yes, can tonight's events be over soon? That woman named Bai Muqing is really unpleasant. . Miss Griffith? Miss Griffith? - calling Rita out of his mind Pulled out in the storm, Rita looked up and saw Jobana

Looking at himself, with a trace of inquiry in his eyes, he whispered: Is there something wrong with Miss Griffith? Your face is very red. Ah, sorry, gaffe. Covered with an elegant smile Embarrassed, Rita gently stretched out her hand to support her head and said: I'm just a little drunk.

Really? Chopper nodded, thinking that it didn't look like he was drunk, Rita was just like that.

Reminds him of Huajie than those for

A woman who took x drugs to provide special services, but at this time, Chopper chose to pretend to be confused, although there is always a feeling of spring breeze when communicating with Miss Griffith, but for some reason, Chopper is that I think this woman is scary. Now, Chobana probably knows the reason, and I have to say that Li Zhen was born - a good waist. Taking a sip of the red winery, Chopper was shocked and quickly figured out how to skip this topic without embarrassment. At this moment, the phone on the table rang, and Chopper hurriedly picked up the phone and answered it. Asked directly on the phone, How's the situation?

It seemed that he was stunned by the sudden question, and after a few seconds, Bugarati said: Giorno, they have divided their troops, and also, from the government army, they saw multiple helicopters from different The direction of the flight to the center of Loples, the government army has just shot down a Got it, let our people spread out, the first phase of the operation is over, and we may not have an advantage in the next street battle, P so Unless you are sure, don't fire at will, and put the information on the enemy's movements as the first priority. Understood, I will do it immediately. Bugarati's voice came from the phone, and then the phone hung up. Broken. They turned over the next card, didn't they? asked Rita, who was sitting opposite, smiling. That's right. Chopper nodded. He said solemnly: The government army saw the enemy's reinforcements flying over. It doesn't matter, this is still a test, they still haven't opened their cards. Rita smiled and said: The frontal charge operation failed, and the next When they come down, they have to hide themselves in the dark, but it doesn't matter, the arrangement of Mr. is already in place, and they can start to act at any time. Miss Griffith... With a little curiosity on his face, Chopper asked in a low voice: Excuse me to ask, when is your husband going to leave?

No hurry. Rita smiled and said, The chessboard has not been paved yet. If Mr. Chen ends up in person, it means that the war will be over.

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