Remember it in one second

Li Yexing and Tililith were running around in the cabin. The number of infected people was increasing. They came out of the corners and drawn out from the ventilation ducts. After running out of bullets from the submachine gun, at Li Yexing's suggestion, Tililith imitated Li Yexing and took a pistol from the infected person wearing the security uniform. The problem of ammunition was greatly alleviated.

Finally, after a not-so-arduous battle, Li Yexing and Tililith successfully arrived at the captain's room. The captain's room needed the corresponding magnetic card to be opened. Li Yexing was already familiar with this situation.

Kick it away, Tililith.

Hearing Li Yexing's words, Tililith took a deep breath, then kicked the captain's room door with a kick. With the familiar sound of the door shaft breaking, the captain's room door fell down.

The two entered the captain's room. This was a well-kept room with wooden desks, bookshelves and beds. However, what attracted Li Yexing's attention the most was the shotgun hanging under the deer head in the captain's room.

He took off the shotgun hanging on the wall and carried it on his back. Li Yexing opened the drawer of the desk again. There were only two boxes of shotgun ammunition in it. He stuffed all the ammunition into his trouser pocket. Li Yexing turned his head to ask Ti. Lilith: Have you found something?

No. Tiillis replied, who was looking through the bookshelf.

Next, the two turned over the entire captain's room, but found nothing except a large-caliber revolver and a few revolver bullets. Li Yexing didn't give up. In this case, there must be something else in the captain's room. , such as playing the piano sokoban switch lights and so on.

Night walking is so weird. Seeing Li Yexing jumping up and down in search of the mechanism, Tililith couldn't help but say.

Strange, why not? Li Yexing muttered to himself with a sad face: Is it really on the captain who ran away from the ventilation duct?

Li Yexing frowned and thought, if the captain infected with the virus really climbed the ventilation duct and ran away, where would he go to find the Orianna so big?

If it really ran down the ventilation duct, the captain is most likely in the back kitchen of the banquet hall!

Li Yexing thought that at the beginning of the riot, besides the control room, the first affected person seemed to be the back kitchen of the banquet hall. The captain's infected body probably ran to the back kitchen along the ventilation duct.

Although this reasoning is not perfect, Li Yexing, who has no choice, can only try it, but if he wants to reach the back kitchen, he has to face a huge problem, that is, the banquet hall.

God knows how many infected people are in the banquet hall at the moment.

We may have to go back to the banquet hall. Li Yexing turned his head to Tililith and said, At that time, we will act according to the actual situation. If there are too many enemies, we will find another way.

Tililith nodded, and the two began to turn back.

The road they had just walked had already become bloodied at this time. Li Yexing and Tililith bumped into a fugitive nobleman in a suit. The nobleman had terrifying scars on his neck, and blood was oozing out constantly. Water was pouring out continuously, as if getting wet. Seeing Li Yexing and Tililith holding guns, the nobleman covered the wound on his neck, and his pale face showed a look as if he had seen a savior. expression.

Help me, there are a lot of monsters in the banquet hall, they

Before the aristocrat could finish speaking, Li Yexing raised his hand and fired a shot. The bullet penetrated the nobleman's forehead. The nobleman's forehead exploded with a blood flower along with the gunshot. With a puzzled expression, he fell on the ground. on the ground.

On the next way, Li Yexing saw many fugitives. They screamed and escaped from the direction of the banquet hall and wanted to return to the room to take refuge. However, the ship was powered off, and the magnetic cards in their hands could not open them at all. In the bedroom, these poor bastards just ran around, they ran to the upper cabin without a purpose, as if they could survive as long as they stayed away from the banquet hall.

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Li Yexing knew that tonight, they had no chance to escape. Li Yexing noticed that there was no mobile phone signal on the ship, and the power-off ship itself could not send out a distress message. By convention, the Orianna will be there at Two to three days of sailing in the Mediterranean, enough time for the infected on board to suck the survivors out of the banquet hall.

Finally, after running around for a while, Li Yexing and Tililith returned to the banquet hall.

Without the flickering lights, the banquet hall, which was full of people just now, became gloomy and terrifying. There were stains and bloodstains everywhere on the beautiful carpet. There are at least twenty infected people in the hall at the moment. They either gathered in a small circle to suck the corpses on the ground, or they wandered aimlessly in the hall and saw Li Yexing who pushed in the door. And Tililith, a few infected people made strange noises and rushed towards the two of them. Li Yexing and Tililith pulled out their pistols and quickly dealt with the oncoming infected people, while most of the infected people still gathered in the area. He was happily smoking beside the corpse, unmoved by the visit of the two.

Our ammunition is limited, so try to avoid confrontation with these monsters. Li Yexing told Tililith, the two walked carefully, bypassing the piles of infected people who were eating, and by the way confirmed the clothes of those infected people. , after confirming that there is no boat

After a long time, the two quickly walked through the entire banquet hall to the back kitchen passage of the banquet hall.

This is a long corridor with no obstructions on both sides. The walls of the corridor are stained with bloody handprints, and the ground is full of bloodstains and white pulp left by the infected.

To be honest, this kind of terrain is not ideal. If you are not careful, you will be attacked from front and back. Li Yexing took advantage of the infected people in those halls to close the door, so that the infected people behind him should not be blocked.

Holding guns, the two walked slowly through the deep corridor, their feet stepped on the mucus, making a disgusting sound, and finally, the two reached the back kitchen.

Pushing the door and entering, I saw that the entire back kitchen was a mess, the ingredients were thrown on the ground wantonly, the stove was still on fire, blood and mucus were everywhere, and a shriveled corpse was lying on the dirty floor.

There are no infected people in the kitchen.

Li Yexing looked up at the ventilation duct and saw blood and white pulp dripping from the duct.

Damn it, where the hell is this bastard?

Li Yexing was thinking, only to hear a rumbling noise from the ventilation duct, Li Yexing and Tililith subconsciously tensed their nerves, and the two raised their guns at the ventilation duct together.

The ventilation duct shook violently, and blood and white pulp continued to spurt out of it. Li Yehang couldn't help frowning. At this moment, the shaking of the ventilation duct stopped.

Then, a man covered in white pulp fell out of the ventilation duct. Li Yexing keenly observed that the man's uniform was the captain's uniform!

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