In the icy air, the atmosphere gradually solidified, and the smile on Alexei's face slowly disappeared, replaced by a lingering shadow, and after a while, he said in a deep voice: That's why you said, you just You should stay in the command car honestly, and leave the battle ahead to me. I am very willing to trust you, Minister Alexei, but unfortunately, you seem to have betrayed my trust. With a glamorous smile on his face, Bai Muqing shook his head, then frowned slightly and said coldly, What has happened to the battle situation ahead? Everything is still under control, Your Excellency the Executive Officer does not Worry about it. Alexey| replied coldly. Bai Muqing watched Alexei quietly, and after a while, she sighed and said, It seems that the battle situation on the front line has been messed up--isn't it?' I said, everything is under control! Alexey couldn't help raising his voice, he frowned and said: It's all expected! I can handle those goddamn mud legs! Disobeying my order, he secretly invested two-thirds of his combat power, but still failed to relieve the pressure on the front line.. Without the increasingly grim face of Alexei, Bai Muqing stood quietly in the same place, and spoke with him. After pondering for a moment in her mind, she raised her head and said to Alexei, Let's retreat. What did you say? Alexei's eyes widened, as if he didn't hear Bai Muqing's words. I said, retreat. Let's go. Bai Muqing said with a single word: 'I have invested two-thirds of my strength but still can't relieve the pressure ahead. I am afraid that it is meaningless to put the remaining point in. Let us Let's get the people out of here. No, Miss Bai, we can still Alexey stared at him and seemed to want to explain something, but Bai Muqing interrupted him roughly, and the Asian woman in a black trench coat said solemnly: Give it up. Although we are very unwilling, we have to admit that our intelligence work has not been done well. Whether it is the mad dog or the Loples behind the mad dog, it is far from being as simple as recorded in the data. In all fairness, Just like that, Bai Muqing was also very unwilling to retreat, because this was not a simple retreat, it was the proof of his own failure and the proof of his own incompetence. In his short life of more than 20 years, Bai Muqing has never Pinyan has experienced the humiliation brought about by this kind of failure. It is foreseeable that if he goes back in such a woeful way, his end will not be very good, ranging from marginalization of the joint committee and the executive department to demotion or even being beaten. Back to the technical department. Having said that, Bai Muqing knows better that if she continues to entangle like this, the result is likely to be the loss of the assets of the Eastern Europe branch. As an executive from the headquarters, she has to The heads of those divisions thought about helping them to stop the loss in time when they were on top. At that time, she would bravely take responsibility for the failure of this operation. Bai Muqing is very confident, because she is still young, even if she suffers Despite the setbacks, she still has a chance to go up. Let the technical department operate the controllable B0W to cover our troops to withdraw from Loples, leaving a small team stationed near Loples, always keeping an eye on Casimir The director's movements, if he leaves Loples, notify the Joint Committee as soon as possible. After making up his mind, Bai Muqing dispelled the tears and weakness in his heart, and became that confident strong woman again. She calmly arranged Said:' 'I hope our team can all withdraw from Loples before three o'clock, see you, let's make arrangements, I'm going to draft a report on the failure of the operation. Alexei did not respond, like a bear The normal body stood upright, and the expression on his face was hidden in the darkness, as if something was brewing. Alexey xxk! Seeing that Alexei didn't respond, Bai Muqing raised her eyebrows, and she said solemnly : Let's give up this time, be ashamed and brave, we still have a chance. Speaking of this, Bai Muqing seemed to be thinking of something, she sighed slightly and said, No, it should be said that you still have a chance. After this action, I will be demoted, and this matter should be dealt with by others. Let the executive officer take over. There is no chance... Under the shadow, Alexei suddenly whispered. What? Without hearing Alexei's words clearly, Bai Muqing was slightly stunned. There is no chance! The tone of voice suddenly rose, Alexey raised his head suddenly, and walked out of the shadows indifferently. Staring at Bai Muqing, he said solemnly: The action cannot be stopped, we must continue it, at all costs! Minister Alexei, with all due respect, you are a little irrational. Bai Muqing wrinkled He frowned and said, You are from a military background. You should understand better than me that this war is completely out of control. Even if you can win, you will pay all the assets of the Eastern Europe branch. Then pay for it! Allie said. Keshay said decisively: 'The initiator and person in charge of this operation is the Councillor Sadleton of the Joint Committee! We have no way out! Do you know the price you will bear if the operation fails? Can you bear it?! Affordable! Bai Muqing replied decisively: The action has deviated from the right track and it is far more important to stop the loss in time than to look ahead! It seems that our two opinions are not the same. Alexei said coldly: 'It's a pity, Bai Miss, to be honest, I have a lot of respect..

Hearing Alexei's words, Bai Muqing frowned, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he put his hand down on the handle of the long alloy knife around his waist, and said: Alexei's department xx, are you sure? Do you want to disobey an order from an executive? Miss Bai, feel free to leave the matter to me, you just need to find a place to rest and wait until I settle everything. Under the bushy beard, the corners of Alexei's mouth With a cold smile, he turned his head and said loudly: Adjutant! To With a shout, Alexei's adjutant ran over from not far away, and he stood at Alexei's In front of him, he gave a military salute, and then quietly waited for Alexei's order. Take Miss Bai down to rest, she is too tired... Looking at Bai Muqing with a cold look, Alexei turned his head to himself The adjutant said yes! The adjutant responded with a sonorous voice, then turned his head to face Bai Muqing slightly

She bowed her body and said, Let's go, Miss Bai, please don't embarrass me. Bai Muqing frowned and glanced around, only to see the members of the security force in the distance looking at them, with their hands on the gun obscurely. It seemed that she was ready to shoot her into a sieve at any time. Although she did not think that ordinary security forces would dare to fire at the executive officer of the headquarters, Bai Muqing gave up the struggle. She removed her hand from the handle of the knife, her eyes straight. Gogo stared at Alexei, with a cold expression: Minister Alexei, you will regret it.

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