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The scorching breath dispels the cold of Idonia. In the middle of the street, the huge white metal ball exudes heat that distorts the surrounding air. The tyrant's corpse pressed under the metal ball does not make a burst of sound when it is roasted at this temperature, - A strange burnt smell mixed with the tyrant's blood and slowly evaporated. What the hell is this? Yeger, who was hiding behind the tank, stared at the giant object that fell from the sky, frowning and whispering, and the troops on both sides were also stunned. The soldiers and officers of the runner-up government army looked at the huge metal ball with surprise in their eyes. They seemed to be hesitating whether to fire directly. In the alley on the other side of the street, the remaining security forces were also stunned. Dare to believe your eyes. After a while, a security team leader hiding in the alley whispered in surprise: My God, it turned out to be 'Ymir'.

Ymir? The giant in Norse mythology? Hearing the captain's words, a bandaged team member next to him said with some doubts: This thing. It doesn't look like a person anyway.

On the roof deep in the alley, Suoya stopped the telegram in his hand and kicked away the half-corpse of Hunter 8 with one foot. Between the black eyeliner, those cold eyes were silently watching the street once rising. Thick smoke billowed, and at this moment, there was a sound behind her, Suoya turned her head, subconsciously wanted to pull up the chainsaw, and went to see Tyrese who came up from behind, she looked a little tired, Ben There were several holes in her exposed clothes, her heavy machine gun was behind her back, and in her hands was a HK-416. Raising her eyebrows, it seems that Tyrese's machine gun has run out of bullets. Ah~ I'm exhausted sister. Throwing the HK-416 hanging on her shoulders behind her, Tyrese spread her arms wide, ignoring Suoya's filth all over her body and hugged her, while rubbing against the cable Ya's face said: Ah! Little Suoya, save me, save me~ Don't rub. Suoya said with the sounder on his neck: The powder all rubbed on his face. Little Suoya is really ruthless. Frowning slightly, the older technical worker who rubbed his face with blood stains imitated a girl's charming appearance, pouted softly, and continued to rub Suoya's face. :' But, I also like such a cold little Sawyer, hehe. To be honest, when Tyrese hugged him just now, Sawyer wanted to directly point to the telegraph and greet him, but looked at Tyrese's face Looking weak, Suoya's heart softened. Now, Suoya, who was frantically squeezing her face, regretted it. Maybe she should have just sawed it directly. Sure enough, being kind to this female cousin means being patient with herself!

Reaching out a blood-stained hand, his fingers resolutely passed through Tyrese's somewhat dry blond hair stained by gunpowder, and then grabbed it tightly and dragged it to the side. The man's face was finally separated, it seemed that the scalp was hurt, and the charming face on Tyrese's face disappeared in an instant. Biaozi! Suoya didn't speak, but refocused his eyes on the street in the distance. What is that that fell from the sky just now? Fucking the aching scalp that was being pulled, then followed Suoya to turn his eyes, watching the thick smoke rising from the street in the distance: When the thing fell from the sky, the movement was not ordinary, as if the whole Luo Price trembled along with it, so strange, is it a meteorite?

Speaking of this, Teresa suddenly laughed, she turned her head to look at Suoya, and said with sarcasm: By the way, what does little Suoya know, is it a meteorite? Maybe she doesn't know 0? After all, little Suoya even has books. Haven't read it yet~ With no intention of arguing with an old woman who had graduated from elementary school, Suoya frowned slightly and said in a low voice, That's a weapon. At this moment, not only the scavenger and the poisonous scorpion are watching the streets, but also the There were an old mad dog and a flower girl hiding in the dark. Petronev stepped over the corpse of the security force lying on the second floor of the small building, and timidly poked out a small half of his face from the window. But there are gods' eyes that send their eyes to the one below

The low-rise houses pointed directly to the streets that were almost smashed to pieces. Talian, come and see what's falling over there? I'm presbyopic and can't see clearly! After a while, Petronev whispered to his back.

Tsk, you're really troublesome old thing. The person in charge is Yeger. It's fine to leave this kind of thing to them. Although she complained, the girl with the little freckles stood up. Come on, she grabbed the flamethrower fuel Yao, which she had placed on the table at will, put it back behind her, and at the same time walked unhurriedly to Petronev's side, squinting her eyes. Looking at the street in the distance, he said: 'Come, let me see what it is

Go back a little-.. Seeing Talyan looking out carelessly, Petronev stretched out his hand, - pushed Talyan back, and whispered: If there is someone down there, you are just the righteous one. A live target! Old shiver! Tallian waved her hand, and then continued to focus on the street on the other side. After a while, she was a little uncertain: That thing looks a bit like space. Capsule. Space capsule? Petronev was stunned. Yes, it's a round ball, white, it looks very sci-fi, and it's very cool. Tallian described what she saw to Petronev, and added at the end: Maybe this thing is a former It was launched in the Soviet era! Let's watch little Bolshjoya's movies! Petronev was a little upset when he was mentioned about the Soviet Union, so he frowned and said. Oh, I hit your sore spot. Old thing? A wicked smile crossed her face, and she joked just right to the limit of Petronev's patience and then changed the subject naturally, Talien looked out the window thoughtfully

But, what is that thing?

What is it?! Hansel, a silver-haired boy with a heavy machine gun on his back, stood on the banner, waving his arms excitedly to the frenzied team in the alley - Sister said that thing looks so big! Okay! Hard! It's amazing! Confused by this strange description, Fisher subconsciously looked between his legs, and when he looked up again, he found that Anna was watching him with contempt on his face. Also at a loss was Hank, who frowned and said to Hansel: Is there any more features? How big is that thing? What shape? Is it a weapon? Standing on the roof Hansel was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to face Gretel, who was lying at his feet, holding the NTW-20, and said: 'Did you hear that, sister?' Uncle asked a lot of questions. My sister couldn't answer either. Looking at the street in the distance through the scope, Grete said in a sweet voice, After all, my sister is just a child like Hansel, how could such a big and hard thing possibly know each other? Woolen cloth?

Sister said she didn't know big, hard things. Hansel turned his head and smiled at Hank. Hank's facial muscles twitched fiercely with the wrinkles on his face, and just as he was about to take a look at the bar in person, Grete, who was lying on the roof, suddenly said loudly, Wait! The young girl subconsciously put away the smile on her face, and after seeing the scope, she clearly saw that the huge white sphere on the street was moving!

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