What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

6-DLC.1. The dream of a macho (1)

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On July 26, 2010, the war in the Caribbean Sea ended, two weeks before the second Loples incident. There was a pair of black-rimmed glasses with no degree on her chest, and her two black silk legs that stretched out of her hip-packed skirt moved rapidly. Accompanied by the da-da sound of high-heeled shoes, Jia Liya held the glasses and walked through the white corridor. Then she stopped in front of the door of another room, she exhaled lightly, put on the glasses hanging on her chest, straightened the messy hair in front of her forehead, and then knocked on the door of the room in front of the enemy. Please come in. On the other side of the door, a familiar voice rang out. With the permission of the room owner, Jia Liya gently opened the room door and walked in. After the room door was closed, she faced Expressionless, facing the serious-faced man sitting behind the desk, the serious-faced man bowed his head slightly: Director Casimir. Oh, it's Carrie. Seeing that it was his secretary who entered his pine room, supporting him The body's supervisor Casimir immediately went down, 10 was lying on the back of the chair, with his legs crossed on the desk, the seriousness on his face instantly changed to a lackluster look of salted fish, he He took a sip of coffee from the small porcelain cup on the table, and then waved his head: The coffee is cold, Carrie, make me a new cup. No problem, Director Casimir. Looking behind the desk For this man who was sitting or not, Jia Liya felt a fire for no reason. She lowered her head slightly, suppressed the displeasure between her brows, stepped forward, put the document in her hand on the desk, and turned around. , took Director Casimir's cup, and poured all the contents into the bathroom. After all this was done, she came to the other side of the office and picked up the thermos in the corner of the office. The coffee bag was torn open, coffee powder was sprinkled, and then the silver-white thermos was lifted, and the hot water inside was slowly poured. With the rise of white smoke, the aroma of coffee filled the room, Jia. Liya frowned slightly and couldn't help but whisper: Director Casimir, I think you should pay attention to your appearance.

In front of you, do I still have any image to speak of? Slumped on the office chair, Director Casimir stared at the ceiling and said weakly: I don't want to work at all today - I think I will lead the research and development of those things to fool the upper management and customers. I have no motivation to work.. Jia Liya put down the kettle, came to Casimir Director, put the coffee cup gently on the desk, and then said to Casimir Director: Then you can try Do something you like. Where's the money? I still owe that mercenary a few million dollars, and the headquarters haven't even approved the funds.. Habitually, he put his hand into Jialiya's hip-packed skirt While stroking gently, he said depressedly: And I heard from Powell that an executive officer from the Joint Committee will be sent over in a few days. Why do I think the wind direction is not right? The last time the executive officer came here, it was directly Take my boss away..Powell? Carrie was slightly - stunned, and then she was a little surprised: 'You mean the fourth executive, Mr. Powell, who gave his command knife to you casually? That's right, it's him. Director Casimir nodded and said: -I started to ask him to give him a reluctance, and finally sold the knife for five euros? Cassie Director Mir, if I'm curious, what do you want the command knife of the Executive Department to do? Hearing Director Casimir's words, Carrie couldn't help but ask. Of course it's a gift... Director Casimir said with a smile : The saber of the executive officer of the executive department under the Joint Committee, symbolizes the will of the Joint Committee. It is perfect to give it as a handicraft. Jia Liya frowned slightly, she vaguely felt that this seemed a bit inappropriate. On the other hand, Director Casimir seemed to be completely out of balance. He drank another 0 coffee. He raised his head excitedly to Jialiya and said, 'Do you think the executive above is here to take Alzeri away? That old thing? If Alzeric is taken away, I may be a minister! Director Casimir, please maintain the most basic respect for Minister Alzeric, and at the same time you must understand, Even if Minister Alzeric is taken away, there is a high probability that the new Minister will be airborne from the headquarters, after all, your qualifications are not old enough. Watching the light in Director Casimir's eyes gradually dim, Jialiya He poured the last bucket of cold water and said: And, the most important point is that I think the joint committee's dispatch of executive officers is likely to come to you. Impossible, I work hard, I have a clear sense of public and private, I am dedicated to my duties, and I have outstanding abilities. Why are they arresting me? Director Casimir smiled and shook his head. He patted and said to Jia Liya: Come here - - point. Jia Liya frowned and walked up. The next second, Director Casimir gently moved the office chair, and then directly buried her face in the two chairs. Between the black silk legs, - while rubbing against her, she inhaled forcefully, and at the same time - - said with intoxication on her face: Carya, your perfume today is so good.. Carrie's face became cold at a speed visible to the naked eye. , the strong contempt showed in her eyes, she lowered her head and looked at Casimir's main pipe, who was making waves between her legs: I didn't wear perfume. °Oh! While pretending to be surprised: So this is your body fragrance? Director Casimir, there is no need for you to praise me with such love words that are two times behind. After all, I'm just your secretary. Ya Leng said: Also, I think you'd better pay attention to the movements of the Joint Committee, after all, this is about your safety. Seemingly dissatisfied with Miss Secretary's preaching, Director Casimir looked up at Carya, frowned impatiently, and said: 'Carya, you came to me at this time, not to teach me a lesson. Of course not... Surprised that Director Casimir was still able to think of doing business, Jia Liya's eyes softened a little, she whispered: '7 What's the big deal, Dr. Angelica let me Tell you that the pizza sold at the ninth window of the public canteen should be almost ready, I hope you can go there

Look, by the way, bring her some-points

Do I have to ask my secretary to tell me this kind of thing? -Dao Jingmang passed from his eyes, and Director Casimir rubbed against Carrie's black silk thigh with a dissatisfied face, pretending to be angry Said: That guy really doesn't treat me as a boss. After all, she is the ex-girlfriend of Casimir's supervisor, isn't she? An inexplicable emotion flashed in her eyes, and Carrie took a half step back, avoiding Casimir The director's mischievous hand turned his face to the side and whispered across the road. Seeing Carrie's miraculous reaction, Director Casimir was stunned for a moment, then an evil smile appeared on his face, and he said with a strange smile: 'Carrie Ya, are you jealous? It's an interesting idea. Blushing slightly, Carrie turned around and picked up the document on the table, frowning and said: I'll give it to Dr. Angelita. Pizza. Wait, wait a second. Casimir stood up hurriedly, smiled and said to Jia Liya: I'm going too, after all, I'm a little hungry too. Under the leadership of the secretary, Director Casimir left the office, and the two went straight to the cafeteria. After buying a piece of pizza, Director Casimir smiled at Jialiya and said, Go back first, this pizza is mine. Deliver it to Angelica in person.

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